• by R5 GER can have 25 ARM plus 6 FIG and 20 or so INF, enough to take RUS. A massive stack of tanks will win for GER. That stack of RUS INF will be cut to shreds with 25+ dice rolling at 3 or less. In the revised version it is easier to take RUS than not, the onus is on the GER player. A good stack of tankswill prevent RUS from any type of major offensive action of the eastern front. RUS only starts with 4 ARM in total, totally incapable of anything decisive. GER should not build defensive pieces like INF after R1. INF are for a player hoping for lucky rolling in a defensive death throe.

  • You forget, your opponent will be trying to win as well.

    I believe it is more difficult in Revised for Germany to take Russia.

    Oh, and I am the luckiest man alive.


  • I hope my opponent is trying to win. I don’t play against cardboard pinups.

    How would you suggest the allies counter this strat?

  • If Germany has 25 arm, 20 inf and 6 figs at the gates of Moscow at R5 you’re doing something wrong. Try fighting back? Trading territories will wear Germany down too, putting US/UK troops into norway/karelia/w.europe, maybe s.europe should help too. Liberate Africa and you will see less G arm heading for Moscow. Launch some bombing raids and you’ll further reduce the number of arm. Don’t buy russian navy. Buy 1 fig tops. Buy some art/arm as well to at least give the impression of being able to retaliate on forward exposed arm. Land allied figs in key territories like Moscow, Caucasus, W.russia. Withdraw your troops from the east to bolster Moscow’s defenses. Apply a “KGF” strategy to punish the aggressive Germany. Fall back if needed. Don’t stop trading Caucasus unless you have no other choice. And when the time comes try to force the weakest axis power to invade it. Then sit back and pray for good dice.

  • Flush… I ended up with a By for Round 3 of the Tournament… I have 3 weeks without a game.  Want to put your money where you fingers are?

    We’ll play a game of Revised.  We’ll use the Tournament rule settings (LHTR, no Tech, no NA’s, DAAK Dicey) and I’ll give you the same Axis bid that has been common for the Tournament:  6 IPC, with up to half of that being spent on pre-placed units, the remainder as IPC’s added to Germany and/or Japan’s bank.

    You up for it?  We’ll test your Germany ARM theory in a real game against a respectable player…

    Let me know if interested, and we’ll get this going…

  • Flush,

    I recommend you play Switch to get an idea of what we are talking about.

    Germany will be put under enough pressure that it won’t have the freedom you speak of.  I consider the dark times of Germany begin by turn 3.

    Good luck!

  • ah gamers bravado! Good to see, game without talk is boring and meaningless I will have to figure out the online part, never done it before. be patient and i will play you for sure. i have looked at some of the games posted and wondered……I do play all my games with seasoned A&A players.

    PS Sankt Hallvard the RUS navy JOKE is the most ridiculous  purchase I could think of. Don’t take it seriously.

  • Not bravado, a serious game offer to illustrate a few points.

    The easiest way to play online (with the fewest programs to learn, etc.) is to set up your game board, and post moves as I do in my games, and use the DAAK dicey to calculate the battle results and send e-mails of the battle results.

    If you are not a member at DAAK, it is free to sign up.  Let me know your ID, and how you want to use those 6 IPC’s (remember only half of it can be spent on pre-placed units) and I’ll set up the game tommorow evening and post Russia 1.

  • @Flush:

    I do play all my games with seasoned A&A players.

    the level of marination is often relative.  let’s see how you deal with Switch, then we can fire up the BBQ.

  • Flush-

    I have to agree with the other posters here. Too many fronts for Germany to cover against a good player with a grasp of logistics. 13 Inf G1 is a beautiful thing, but you may want to be a bit more balanced from there on out. No Baltic fleet after UK1 means a free hand in the north for the allies, and that means all those forces that you talked about are facing tall odds. Plus how would you defend W Europe/ S Europe?

    To have all that you spoke of ready to capture Russia you’d have to be making sacrifices on many, many fronts- especially economically.

  • Switch-I will not be ready that quick, be patient and I will get to you. I look forward to playing.

    88 Mil-the north atlantic is a secondary theater, sacrifices are fact in almost any strategy.

  • Ah…

    Big claims, then unwilling to have them tested :-P

    At least Octo was willing to put his Dice whre his fingers were when he came on with his Japan concepts (and I THINK I know how to beat them this time… we’ll find out when we meet (very probable) in the next round or 2 of the Tournament…

    Sorry to hear that you are not ready to game Flush…
    If I am not occupied with folks more willing to put their ideas to the test at a future date, perhaps we will play.  But with the backlog of challenges I have…

  • @ncscswitch:

    At least Octo was willing to put his Dice whre his fingers were when he came on with his Japan concepts (and I THINK I know how to beat them this time… we’ll find out when we meet (very probable) in the next round or 2 of the Tournament…

    Oooowww!  I will have to use my new sneaky strategy that I have been working on, or perhaps I will play the Allies……

  • I will be ready soon. I am busy studying your game versus Avin.

  • That is Classic.

    The challenge was issued for Revised…

  • 2007 AAR League

    lets try not to be too harsh to eachother. In the past I have been guilty of the “the only possible opening is x, otherwise y happens and you die” mentality.
    This lasted until I played someone outside of my normal gaming group, and they infused new ideas and possibilities which shattered our “inside the box” thinking.  Im sure this has happened to other people before.

    Similarly, I see how everyone plays AA classic with 20+ bids, while I have never played AA classic with bids, and was able to win both sides, seeing it as an even game.  Of course, I have always played with the “Russia can’t attack first turn” and often the “Jap gets super subs, Germany gets Air power” special rules, and so it never occurred to my gaming group to ever use a bid system.

    Its important to remember that rules and strategy you might take for granted, other people are not even aware of.

    for example prior to playing here, my gaming group did not play with reinforcing newly conquered territories on the same turn, in classic we always player that units killed by BB bombards did not get a retaliation (just seemed to make more sense), in classic we allowed airforce to retreat separately from amphib assaults (also makes more sense), in classic we let newly placed planes be placed on AC… etc. We also used the sub submerge rule when they had nowhere to retreat to.

    we made changes to the game that made sense , even though they werent in the rule book (we also completely ignored any reference to “economic victory”.
    Were we wrong to? well, we made the game more fun for us,  and a lot of those changes were eventually made rules in the revised game.


  • 2007 AAR League


    If you wouldn’t mind thrashing a relative newcomer, I’d enjoy an on-line game. I’ll drop you an e-mail with my return address in the next day or two and we can set things up. Sound okay?


  • I just took on a strategy test game with Sankt.  Not sure how long that will last, and because I use a real board and not a mapping program, I play 1 game at a time.

    If the test goes quickly, I’ll accept that offer and I’ll drop you a note via this site as soon as the Sankt test match is over.

  • Switch,

    classic or revised, general strategy/misconception of the fundamentals  is displayed. Most of the games are played well beyond the chance of either  side winning. Conceding  defeat is easily recognizable  by an experienced player.

    I’ll see you soon.

  • 2007 AAR League

    hey flush, im available to play now, look in the games section and look on 1 on 1 help  for pbem……my last opponent in the tourney forfeited, so im ready to go, if you are interested look at my thread in games section

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