• @Imperious:

    Today is the day when General Tony McAuliffe announced to the German commander: Nuts! during the battle of the bulge as his reply to surrender terms for Bastogne.

    I wonder what the german commander said when he got that reply?!

    If I recall correctly, it didn’t quite translate.  The meaning was lost.

  • “A man that eloquent has to be saved.”

    Gen Patton on hearing McAuliff’s reply.

  • Here is the sequence of events:

    The German statement:

    "The fortune of war is changing. This time the U.S.A. forces in and near Bastogne have been encircled by strong German armored units. More German armored units have crossed the river Our near Ortheuville, have taken Marche and reached St. Hubert by passing through Hompre-Sibret-Tillet. Libramont is in German hands.

    There is only one possibility to save the encircled U.S.A. troops from total annihilation: that is the honorable surrender of the encircled town. In order to think it over a term of two hours will be granted beginning with the presentation of this note.

    If this proposal should be rejected one German Artillery Corps and six heavy A. A. Battalions are ready to annihilate the U.S.A. troops in and near Bastogne. The order for firing will be given immediately after this two hours’ term.

    All the serious civilian losses caused by this artillery fire would not correspond with the well known American humanity.

    The German Commander."


    But then McAuliffe realized that some sort of reply was in order. He pondered for a few minutes and then told the staff, “Well I don’t know what to tell them.” He then asked the staff what they thought, and I spoke up, saying, “That first remark of yours would be hard to beat.” McAuliffe said, “What do you mean?” I answered, “Sir, you said ‘Nuts’.” All members of the staff enthusiastically agreed, and McAuliffe decided to send that one word, “Nuts!” back to the Germans. McAuliffe then wrote down: “To the German Commander, “Nuts!” The American Commander.”

    McAuliffe then asked Col. Harper to deliver the message to the Germans. Harper took the typed message back to the company command post where the two German officers were detained. Harper then told the Germans that he had the American commanders reply. The German captain then asked, “Is it written or verbal?” Harper responded that it was written and added, “I will place it in your hand.”

    General Anthony McAuliffe
    taken on December 27th, 1944

    The German major then asked, “Is the reply negative or affirmative? If it is the latter I will negotiate further.”

    At this time the Germans were acting in an arrogant and patronizing manner and Harper, who was starting to lose his temper, responded, “The reply is decidedly not affirmative.” He then added that, “If you continue your foolish attack your losses will be tremendous.”

    Harper then put the German officers in a jeep and took them back to where the German enlisted men were detained. He then said to the German captain, “If you don’t know what ‘Nuts’ means, in plain English it is the same as ‘Go to Hell’. And I’ll tell you something else, if you continue to attack we will kill every goddam German that tries to break into this city.”

    The German major and captain saluted very stiffly. The captain said, “We will kill many Americans. This is war.” Harper then responded, “On your way Bud,” he then said, “and good luck to you.” Harper later told me he always regretted wishing them good luck.

  • @Imperious:

    Actually their both my heros but the quote came from his son. …

    Wilhelm I. was the granddad of Wilhelm II. In 1888 there was the “3 Kaiser year”, when Wilhelm I. and his son Friedrich III. died the same year.

  • Wilhelm I. was the granddad of Wilhelm II. In 1888 there was the “3 Kaiser year”, when Wilhelm I. and his son Friedrich III. died the same year.

    When the German states united as a single German Empire in 1871, Friedrich became heir to the new German monarchy with his father as Kaiser. Never liked by the powerful German Chancellor Bismarck, who distrusted his wife’s liberalism, Friedrich was always kept out of any real position of power throughout his father’s life. By the time his father died in 1888, Friedrich had incurable cancer of the larynx, which had been misdiagnosed by the English doctor Morell Mackenzie (later knighted by Queen Victoria). As a result of the misdiagnosis, surgery that might have cured the cancer was canceled in 1887. When the error was caught, it was too late to operate. Later swelling by the tumor caused the prince to begin to suffocate, and so on February 9, 1888, a tracheotomy was performed and a silver tube was put into the prince’s wind pipe. As a result of this operation, Friedrich was unable to speak for the remainder of his life, and communicated through writing. Friedrich ruled for only 99 days before his death, being succeeded by his son Wilhelm II. Is this three year Kaiser your refering too Fredrich III who rulled for 99 days followed by his son wilhelm II?

    Otherwise… so i take it you agree that Wilhelm I and II were good leaders?

  • How can you possibly interprete the correction of “genealogy” as a statement on the quality of leadership?

  • How can you possibly interpret the correction of “genealogy” as a statement on the quality of leadership

    1. Can you answer my question first?
    2. what correction are you referring to? ( yes wilhelm II is the gradson of wilhelm I and your point is?)
    3. why wouldn’t it not be possible you have two great leaders from the same bloodline?
    4. why are you trying to debate my opinion of their leadership qualities? WE can do this… do you want a debate?.. then lets start another thread.
    5. What is your opinion of wilhelm I and II as leaders?
    6. lets not turn this into another one of your stink bombs with the result of another closed topic as the fitting result. play nice!

  • where did he even use the word geneology???!!!

  • I THINK HE is refering to the fact that Wilhelm II was the son of Frederick III and grandson of wilhelm I, but they are all in fact the ruling family during the entire period of the “Kaiserreich” from 1871-1918. Not quite unlike the Hohenzollern dynasty or the Hapsburgs of Austria. Other than that i think hes fallen out of bed again…woe to the rest of us!

  • @Imperious:

    How can you possibly interpret the correction of “genealogy” as a statement on the quality of leadership

    1. Can you answer my question first?
    2. what correction are you referring to? ( yes wilhelm II is the gradson of wilhelm I and your point is?)
    3. why wouldn’t it not be possible you have two great leaders from the same bloodline?
    4. why are you trying to debate my opinion of their leadership qualities? WE can do this… do you want a debate?.. then lets start another thread.
    5. What is your opinion of wilhelm I and II as leaders?
    6. lets not turn this into another one of your stink bombs with the result of another closed topic as the fitting result. play nice!

    No, the obvious one that even you noted and corrected silently, who cares, i am not, why would you care, why do place a stink bomb when oyu don’t want one ?


    I THINK HE is refering to the fact that Wilhelm II was the son of Frederick III and grandson of wilhelm I, but they are all in fact the ruling family during the entire period of the “Kaiserreich” from 1871-1918. Not quite unlike the Hohenzollern dynasty or the Hapsburgs of Austria. Other than that i think hes fallen out of bed again…woe to the rest of us!

    Yes, that was what i refered to. You made another mistake. I corrected you. You pretend you never made that mistake and pull an unbelievable stunt of trying to put words into my mouth again. This time you are way too obvious.

    Another correction:
    Wilhelm I., Friedrich III. and Wilhelm II. are Hohenzollern. So, the “Not quite unlike” is a pretty stupid comment and should be replaced by "They indeed are "

    Now, i wait for IL to silently correct it and somehow claim from the above lines that i love to eat swans on toast.

  • hmmmmmm
    swans . . .
    well F_alk - he’s got you there.  Mind you, everyone likes swans on toast - depending on the bread. 
    This is one of those times when rye just needs to be used.  A wee bit of mustard can really help that swan go down nicely too.  Some Gouda, and you’re laughing. . . .

  • I find swans on rye especially delicious when used with some french or russian salad dressing…

  • my parents raise swans for there meat.

  • Now, i wait for IL to silently correct it and somehow claim from the above lines that i love to eat swans on toast.

    I only need to correct your “3 year kaiser statement” with a 99 day tenure from Friedrich III.

    LOL! you silly little boy… get your history straight!

    BTW  and what does this have to do with gravity?  Are you gonna hijack another thread today? can we just keep this thread for quotes or will your need to feel less threatened by others who know more than you prompt you to retaliate and get this thread closed as well?
    …The world awaits while eating gouda on crackers!

    as an aside…

    This is one of those times when rye just needs to be used

    Rye bread is the spawn of the devil! whoever invented it should have been beheaded before the king of France. The caraway seed is the seed of the devil as well… The only use for Rye bread is to feed the horses and dogs!

    speaking of food… does anybody watch Iron Chef Japan???

  • @ncscswitch:

    “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.  The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is far worse.  The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
    John Stewart Mill

    And hence this is why liberals are able to speak their mind, because better men them came before them and fought for it.

    Or as Falk’s cute little statement so eloquently said “soldiers are murders”.

  • Hey thats a great quote!

  • Some of mine

    “I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it further” GW… er I mean Darth Vader  :wink:
    “what do you have a team of monkey’s working on this around the clock?” The usual suspects.
    “Yes maddam, I am drunk… however you are ugly, but in the morning I shall be sober”.  Winston Churchill
    (from a mad woman) “Sir if you were my husband I would put poison in your tea!”, “Maddam, if I were your husband I would drink it” Winston Churchill
    “Deep in your soul a quiet ember, knows it’s you against you, the paradox that drives us all” Bad 80s song
    “I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French Division behind me”.  Patton
    “Victory?  We’re French, we don’t even have a word for that!” Homer Simpson
    “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die valliantly for some cause.  The mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.”  Catcher in the Rye (Salinger got the quote from some shrink I think)
    “If you look for the evil in men you shall surely find it”  Lincoln

  • I love the original Iron Chef.  I find it much better than the new version.  Probably my favorite episode is when Morimoto uses a can of coke to make a natto (sp?) desert.

    In response to the previous quote:

    “‘Pariotism is the virtue of the vicious,’ according to Oscar Wilde.” gets hit in the head  “Thank you for proving my point.”
    ~ Sean Connery in The Rock

    And Oscar Wilde did say that.  I could get into more things about false dichotomies, how Mill was writing in a particular era where liberalism and patriotism were complementary forces against different principles of government, and the general innanity of the previous geneology debate, but I’ll leave that out for now. :wink:

  • I love the original Iron Chef.  I find it much better than the new version.  Probably my favorite episode is when Morimoto uses a can of coke to make a natto (sp?) desert.

    LOL that episode was on about a week ago!

    My favorite is Rokusaburo Michiba… i love how totally unapproachable he is! …Hes like Hideki Tojo or something basically totally insulated by his japanese culture. Awesome!

    you gotta love the Ota Faction regularly challenging Iron Chef Morimoto. They had all that fanfare like they were waving the strike force from the carrier Akagi during the battle of midway.

    The main draw of that show is this “wagnerian opera” thing they have with how the battle of chefs is played out. Very dramatic… i even bought the soundtrack!

    Last night they had an Octopus battle and damm they were big! they cut the head off the poor animals and chopped them in a million pieces and it still moved around before cooking . LOL!!

    You people gotta watch this show just once and you will be hooked. promise. Allez Cuisine!

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Chef  for further info…

  • @Zooey72:


    “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.  The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is far worse.  The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
    John Stewart Mill

    And hence this is why liberals are able to speak their mind, because better men them came before them and fought for it.

    Or as Falk’s cute little statement so eloquently said “soldiers are murders”.

    So, there are no liberals in the military?  Or, should I say, all of the people offering military service must be Republican, n’est pas?     
    I doubt that.
    For all purposes, soldiers are murderers, at least superficially.  They are trained to be, and are sent for that exact purpose. They may not maliciously plan the death of someone and receive an excuse from the state, but the thought of killing someone must run through one’s mind once you join up…
    And nothing is worth war - even WW2 vets, seemingly the only participants in a marginally “moral” war, will say that.  You pay a price that is never fully compensated.  My fear of war is not for my own death, but of the multitude of others.  It’s my belief that war is best avoided, but accede that we will never completely rid ourselves of it.  The best way to support our troops is to strive to not use them.

    On a lighter note, I’m glad you remember the Churchill quotes: classic.  I love them.  I can just imagine a contemporary Winnie yelling the woman: “I’m Winston Churchill, biatch!”

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