Although i have played 4 player games, 2 is the norm, because finding the time to get more people together (and finding more than 1 or 2 decent players) is hard to do. Yes, two players can become predictable, but so can 3,4,or 5.
Latest posts made by AngelofDeath
RE: How many players?
RE: To Privatize…
I believe that everthing, inluding my tooth brush should be nationalized (or more correctly, LIBERATED, from the yoke of its capitalist taskmaster).
RE: Who believes in God?
I just don’t understand those who believe that the bible is actually true or that it actually depicts the word of God. How can a book riven by conflicting versions of the same events or unbelievable inconsistencies (e.g. Cain, Adams son, shacking up with people who appear from no-where) actually be the literal word of God. If it actually is the word of god, it suggests that god is either stupid, forgetful, or at least not all that skilled a writter… which leads to the inevitable conclusion that God isn’t perfect. If he isn’t perfect why should I even bother to listen to him. I’m not perfect but at least I can make a cogent point, which is more than I can say for the old geezer in the clouds.
RE: "Greatest Generation"
No. The just had the good fortune to be born to interesting times.
RE: United Kingdom -underrated in all ways
I agree that with a little luck an adroit player can turn Britain into a real monster, but I do see at least one problem with your proposal. By splitting the soviet airforce between AES and India you’re again spreading your forces too thin. Concentrate on one or the other. By splitting your airforce between the two locations, instead of consolidating them in one teritory, you reduce the effectiveness of your potential defensive capability in both territories. If you like an IC in India fine, but make sure you can hold it. With both Soviet fighters, plus the American Infantryman and the American fighter in SingKiang, plus what ever British fighters you can move through Karelia down to India you can hold it for a very long time. Alternatively, both Soviet fighters plus British reinforcements from India will make it well nigh impossible for the Germans to take AES before the Americans can land reinforcements in Africa.