Axis & Allies Europe (1999 Edition) Battle Board image

  • I just purchased a copy of this game and everything seems to be present except the Battle Board.  Otherwise it is in very good shape for a 15 year old game. Can anyone on the forum make a copy of this board and post it here? The image in the rules is far too small to try to copy. If that isn’t possible does anyone have a link to the image? Thank you very much.

  • There’s a picture of the battle board on page 5 of the rulebook download.  Perhaps the resolution is better than in the printed rulebook in terms of blowing it up and printing it out.  If you increase the PDF magnification in your Adobe Acrobat reader, you can get a decently-sized picture which you could then capture by taking a screen shot.

  • Yes, I was able to get a pretty decent looking copy. Thank you for the advice, and for the machine-readable manual. My Kindle thanks you too ;-)

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