• So, I was refreshing my memory on the more specific rules and started looking at the picture of the in-play game board (rulebook page 4-5); I hadn’t really noticed it before and was just looking at where pieces had been moved.  I noticed that the Soviet Union - still only in control of the Russian and Caucasus Industrial Complexes - has both a submarine and a transport in sea zone 3.  The soviets start with only a sub (in sea zone 4) and ships produced in Caucasus are limited to the Black Sea (sea zone 18), so, allegedly, the transport was produced by the Russian Industrial Complex (probably mobilized into sea zone 4); Since Russia has no adjacent sea zones, is this a legal move?  I’m aware the rule book has had several amendments, but this picture suggests an actual game in progress; it could be a fluke, but I figured it was worth asking.

  • '17 '16

    Russia cannot built any ships in open sea until he conquered Germany, then you can built any unit you whish in the Baltic Sea to fight against Japan.
    Otherwise, the Caucasian IC can only built ship in the Black Sea, which is not connected to Mediterranean Sea.
    In fact, the 1941 map is made so there is no effective possibility of building ships for Russia.
    Anyone ever ask why there is Russian Battleship and Carrier sculpts?

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, ShermanCap!

    The pictures of games in rulebooks are general composed by marketing people who may have little to no idea how the game is actually played, so you can’t really put much stock in the pictures as regards rules.

    Baron, the Soviet battleship and carrier sculpts are there in the interest of completeness.  Just think of them as a gift for all of you “piece junkies” out there!

  • @Krieghund:

    Baron, the Soviet battleship and carrier sculpts are there in the interest of completeness.  Just think of them as a gift for all of you “piece junkies” out there!

    And we piece junkies very much appreciate them.  :-D  Besides, it’s only fair that all players (with the arguable exception of China, which has an odd status in the games in which it’s a player power) should have access to the same range of unit types, even if the country they’re playing didn’t necessarily deploy units of that type during WWII.  For example, there were in fact only three countries which completed and operated fleet aircraft carriers in WWII (the US, Britain, and Japan), which would leave Russia, Germany, Italy, France and ANZAC completely bereft of carrier units in Global 1940 if the game stuck strictly to historical reality.  That would be a shame from a piece junkie (or “sculpt enthusiast”) point of view, and it would also limit the options open to players who, for whatever reason, might want to use carrier units as part of their forces.

  • '17 '16


    Welcome, ShermanCap!

    The pictures of games in rulebooks are general composed by marketing people who may have little to no idea how the game is actually played, so you can’t really put much stock in the pictures as regards rules.

    Baron, the Soviet battleship and carrier sculpts are there in the interest of completeness.  Just think of them as a gift for all of you “piece junkies” out there!

    That’s what I believed. Thanks for the information.
    Your post also confirmed that it is also impossible for Russia to built any warships on the 1941 map from their original IC.

  • Right about the carriers, but the Soviets did make extensive use of the Red Banner Northern Fleet cruisers and battleships in the defense of Leningrad; although these ships were essentially  trapped in harbor at Kronstadt due to German mine laying operations, the guns provided a massive edge to the defending artillery - 12 inch Naval shells make an awful mess of panzer III’s  8-)



    In 1944  the British battleship HMS Royal Sovereign and light cruiser USS Milwaukee were temporarily loaned to the USSR and served with the Northern Fleet

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