That’ll do it - and after you have used your playing pieces for a while, you’ll see if you need to spray a new layer of matt varnish.
2-3 layers - each layer thinly sprayed - and dry 24 hours between each layer.
You units will last a lifetime:+1:
Alright… you talked me into it… SOLD… I’ll give you $5 for all of them…Â :-D
LOL, I wish they were that much, but it is well worth, the wait. :-D
I love those US ground forces! Just imagine all those in use in game, crazy!
I love those US ground forces! Just imagine all those in use in game, crazy!
Yes, that would be insane, lol. To bad, most will never see the light of day. Unless you come up with your own game or play with house rules. :-)
Thanks for the photos John! They look great all lined up in formation.
Your welcome buddy! Anytime. :-D
Just wanted to congratulate Spitfire38. He graduated from college and is now working.
He will no longer be painting my global set.
Unfortunately, he is very busy.
From this point on, I will finish the global set, myself.
I’m currently on Germany, and will be painting the Italians, Russians and French to complete my set, then I will continue with Facilities and Global 36 and it’s, expansion sets.
These will be on my thread, "John Brown’s Painted Axis and Allies Pieces."
Just wanted to thank you, Spitfire38, for working for me these past few years.
It has been a pleasure.
This doesn’t mean Spitfire38 will not paint future things for me, because I never say never, but it will be awhile before he paints again, except maybe, for himself.
Congrats brother, once again, and thanks for helping me get started, into painting, as well as others, here on the forums, and on youtube, as well.
Cheers, to you Brother, and all fellow painters who have helped me! :-D
Hi John, and all others looking in on John’s set.
Thank you for the kind words - it’s been a pleasure to work with you and make your creative visions into realities! After so many pieces, it is hard to not finish the project myself. But I’m most happy that you were inspired to paint your own and have found enjoyment in it. It’s a wonderful hobby to share, so I’m glad I could provide some guidance in any way possible. I look forward to some partnerships (or playtime!) in the future, perhaps!
For anyone who corresponds with or works for John, I can tell you that he is exceedingly patient, encouraging, and reliable. I’m sure you’ve seen this from his presence on this site. My activity over the last few years has died down, but it is great to see the community still strong!
Best wishes with your set, JB!
Thanks Spitfire38, for your kind words and encouragement, as well. Yes, looking forward to meeting you someday as well, whether painting or playing.
Thanks buddy! :-D