• '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I understand what you’re sayin, I’ve already wrapped my head around a lot of the suggestions you’re talking about. In the end, the ability to have players look down at each card trumps referring to a separate manual every time.

    Do you guys understand “trumps” or is that a Canadian thing?

    No it translates. Ever play Euchre, maybe Pinochle? Lots of trumps there.

    As for a manual… it really would not be difficult to create one. Just type up a list of the rules, their explanation and any relevant FAQ you can think up. It could just be a simple Word document or PDF… not necessarily as fancy as the cards. I suppose you could simply copy and paste everything you have in your first post and save yourself the typing.

    I do agree that just being able to look at the cards is way better than having to refer to a manual, but with the size of these cards, I don’t think you will be able to include all the information that will be ultimately necessary for full understanding… as you have stated yourself. A large and extensive rulebook is not the goal, but just to expand on and clarify the rules more than is on the cards. The idea, obviously, is to get to a point where people don’t need to refer to it, but all players will need to for some time at least.

    You could just put the document up as an attachment on page one and leave it at that… let people download and print it themselves, that way it is there, but you don’t have to worry about it.

    Heck, I might volunteer to do this for you.

  • Sponsor

    That would be awesome if you want to do that, perhaps you could include some example diagrams to help explain some of the more complicated advantages.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    That would be awesome if you want to do that, perhaps you could include some example diagrams to help explain some of the more complicated advantages.

    I might try to… it just depends how much time I can devote to it, but I would like to. Unfortunately, I don’t have any cool photo editing software to make it look really slick, like the cards do… but I can at least get a framework down. I will undoubtedly need your help in choosing the correct examples or interpretation, since they are your rules and you know what is intended. And also you have already played with them.

  • Customizer

    Young Grasshopper,
    I must have not been checking your updates to the Delta rules. There are a few things that I am now unclear about:
    1 > The Progressive Advantage for Japan: Kamikaze Honor. You said that the Russian Winter was the only “one time” advantage so Russia may now roll for another 25 points to do it again later in the game. However, you didn’t clarify this for Japan. Can they also roll for another 25 points to reload the Kamikaze again?

    2 > Around the Clock Bombing == When the British bombers do an SBR during the USA’s turn, if the US also wants to do an SBR on the same facility (let’s say the German IC in W Germany), do they all attack at the same time? If so, how do you choose casualties from interceptors or AA guns? OR, would it be better to do the British bombers first then do the US bombers?

    3 > V-Rockets == It states that they must “Pass all SBR Defense Systems”. I thought that rocket attacks were not intercept able by fighters or AA guns. Have you changed this?

    4 > Airborne Assaults == I have to agree with Zombie69 on this one. The way you have it now, if even a single enemy fighter is in the territory, you can not use paratroopers. I think this is way too restrictive. I like the earlier version where you can use paratroopers as long as you have equal or more fighters attacking than defending fighters. Leave Tacs and Bombers out of it.

  • Sponsor


    Thank you so much for your inquiries and input, your contributions are very important to the project. I will include Kamikaze Honor as a repeatable progressive advantage, as long as its clear that the tokens only reload, and do not get another increase to their combat value.

    During a multi national SBR during America’s turn, like all battles involving multi national units, it will be the collective decision of the allies as to who’s bombers will be used as casualties (difficult decision if US has Super Fortresses).

    Yes, V-Rockets now need to pass SBR defences, however, they also receive a +1 if successful. I feel the new Dora advantage and V-Rockets are now balanced, but we will revisit next year during 2nd edition discussions.

    As far as fighters restricting a paratrooper drop, I’m fine with going back to air superiority rule. I can make the modification to the card because I won’t be able to design in artscow til next week. Found out that I need to copy and paste each card into their own file (not easy in illustrator) and convert each file to PDF.

  • Customizer

    Thanks YG. Whenever I have a question regarding the new rules, I don’t stop to think that even that helps you in designing this project. I also agree with LHoffman that you should get what you can on the cards (I know there will be a limit on space) and also have a sort of manual available that further explains each rule. So if you are fairly well versed, the cards will be enough but if a situation comes up where you are not sure if a certain advantage would work here, then you can make a quick check of the manual.
    Having people simply print out the first post themselves should be good enough. That’s what I’m going to do once you get the cards finalized.

    I totally agree with Kamikaze Honor. On the next 25 points, they just reload to 6 but stay at the same attack level (3). God! Could you imagine Kamikazes hitting @ 4? Japan could wipe a small fleet out.

    So the British and US bombers go at the same time on the USA player’s move. I find that cool because if one side or the other has fighter escorts available, they can both get the benefit from them. If I’m defending a factory and the attacker brings escorts, I will usually NOT send up interceptors unless I really have a lot of them. Otherwise it ends up being a waste of fighters for me. Also, if the US has Superfortresses, that would be an easy choice for AA casualties since the US bombers are immune.

    On the V-Rocket attacks, so the facility basically gets one roll @ 1 (@ 2 if UK has Radar) for each Rocket. It’s basically the same as if a single bomber were leading an SBR against that facility. That actually sounds great. First, AA fire is fairly weak so in most times you probably will get through. Also, since I think this weapon is basically referring to the V-1 rockets and some of them were shot down by British AA Artillery so it’s actually realistic. Secondly, since you are now adding +1 to the damage and these are basically free attacks for Germany (not having to risk a bomber or tac), I think this would be a really good advantage for Germany.

    Thanks for changing the Airborne Assault. I just think it would be much better if the attacker has fighters, they can escort the paratroops. If the defender has more fighters available, then it makes sense that the transports wouldn’t risk the mission.

    I really want to play test these new rules, but I’m still going to wait for the cards because I think that will make it much easier to incorporate them into the game.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Started work on the ‘official’ DELTA - G40 manual.

    Unfortunately, I cannot give it the professional look of the A&A Rulebook, since I don’t have the software to do so, but once I am finished you can spruce it up however you would like. All of the text will be there and maybe some pictures too. I will see what I can do with it.

  • Customizer

    Thanks LHoffman. We appreciate your efforts too. We don’t need anything fancy.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Thanks LHoffman. We appreciate your efforts too. We don’t need anything fancy.

    But I like fancy, or at least a quality production. So I will do what I can.

  • Sponsor

    I have an opportunity this Saturday to conduct 1 last play test with different players who are new to this Delta set. I don’t anticipate changes, but a different perspective from different players will benifet the project and help make it just right. I will create the deck in artscow immediately following this last play test, and I will be able to supply LHoffman with JPEG images of the cards soon after that.


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Sweet, looking forward to it.

  • Sponsor

    There have been a few changes based on findings and suggestions from our final play test game on Saturday. The order of strategic objectives have been rearranged, Long lance torpedos, Manahattan Project, Jet fighters, self propelled guns, and Banzai Attacks have all been modified. Radar is now a strategic advantage and around the clock bombing is now a progressive advantage, and Flying Tigers is now a new progressive advantage for China. Some optional rules have been removed and a single UK economy has been added, some of the strategic objectives have been modified as well. Hoping to put these rules in stone now by creating the card deck in artscow, I’ll notify everyone when it’s ready.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    There have been a few changes based on findings and suggestions from our final play test game on Saturday. The order of strategic objectives have been rearranged, Long lance torpedos, Manahattan Project, Jet fighters, self propelled guns, and Banzai Attacks have all been modified. Radar is now a strategic advantage and around the clock bombing is now a progressive advantage, and Flying Tigers is now a new progressive advantage for China. Some optional rules have been removed and a single UK economy has been added, some of the strategic objectives have been modified as well. Hoping to put these rules in stone now by creating the card deck in artscow, I’ll notify everyone when it’s ready.

    Yes, please do. I have transferred all the rules from Page 1 to a Word doc and modified them for better reading. However, there were some questions I had for you to clarify. Those should probably wait until I see the revised rules and edit the Word doc.

  • Sponsor

    Will do LHoffman, and apologies for more changes, I do believe however that the project is better from our last play test… time now to make these cards a reality.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Will do LHoffman, and apologies for more changes, I do believe however that the project is better from our last play test… time now to make these cards a reality.

    No apologies necessary.

  • Customizer

    About the Chinese Flying Tigers Progressive Advantage. Does China still get 1 fighter at setup?

  • Sponsor

    Yes, the setup remains the same, so if China can hold onto their initial fighter, they will have 2 fighters once they reach their progressive advantage.

  • where is the link to buy the artscow card deck?

  • Sponsor


    where is the link to buy the artscow card deck?

    Not available yet, coming soon.

  • Sponsor

    A PDF file containing a complete card deck accessory for playing G40 Delta can be downloaded from the link below. However, if you don’t wish to print, cut, and laminate the cards provided in the PDF file, you can wait until I complete my design at artscow.com where you can just order a card deck once available and then wait for delivery.


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