More painted pieces for consideration

  • b17’s


  • didn’t like turning the carrier or battleship on its side to show its damaged, so I made fire damage markers too go on the deck were the aircraft sit.  I used magnets too keep them there same as the planes…its always a pain when the planes fall off while you are moving sea zones, or going too the battle strip right??


  • empire of the rising sun…


  • rita’s and carriers


  • navy


  • Japanese armor


  • the Brits…


  • for you history buffs, the u boat 47 that crept in too the british harbor and torpedoed the british battleship royal oak and then snuck back out again!


  • new14.JPG

  • new45.JPG

  • ju488’s,


  • here’s what me and my A&A buddy look at when the game is all set up Europe side… thanks for taking the time too check these pieces out.


  • Again… WOW! Those planes are so sweet! Can you tell me how you did the mounting? I think I might do it as well… it just adds so much the look. Your colors are also really rich looking - what paints do you use?

    The magnetic fire markers for the aircraft carriers are a great solution to an annoying problem. How do you fasten the magnets to the ships and the aircraft carriers?

    Props man. Thanks for sharing.

  • JWO, these pictures are sweet. I like the plane going down in flames look. That is just awesome. It looks like an AAA gun took you out. A lot of lost IPC’s, LOL. Even your ships with the damage on them is cool. Those pesky zeros need to be taken out! Good job, my friend! :-D

  • jwo1984 and others,


    Just wanted too tip my hat too all the patient artists on here pain staking-ly painting all of their pieces too add to the experience of playing A&A.  Have some to share myself hope some enjoy.  *shout out too “tall paul”  your infantry units are spectacular too look at!

    ––First off,…nice work! I firmly believe ALL of us A&A gamers appreciate seeing the painted units of others, and it really adds to the “atmosphere” of a game!
    ----If you have happened to notice some of my units,…well then,…I’d say that it has been worth it for me on TWO counts. ONE, that I was able to share some enjoyment with others, and TWO, they seem to have “inspired” you to paint your own units. That gives me a great amount of satisfaction as I enjoy sharing with people, am VERY passionate about railroad & military history, and simply LOVE this game of Axis & Allies,….the best game on earth!

    Tall Paul

  • @Spitfire38:

    Again… WOW! Those planes are so sweet! Can you tell me how you did the mounting? I think I might do it as well… it just adds so much the look. Your colors are also really rich looking - what paints do you use?

    The magnetic fire markers for the aircraft carriers are a great solution to an annoying problem. How do you fasten the magnets to the ships and the aircraft carriers?

    Props man. Thanks for sharing.

    thanks a lot spitfire38, the mounting is a bit of a pain, but I just use a water base woodfiller (timbermate) from work roll it into a ball, then cut up clear plastic strips (from like a juice container) and set it in while the filler is still wet.  the filler dries I hot glue the plastic stand in and sand the bottom of the filler so it sits flat on the table.  They do work great cause they remove the clutter of units in some of the territories.  And you can adjust heights so you can fit a few aircraft in a territory without them bumping!
    The magnets are simple, I just paint the Ac (I use just acrylic craft paints, mix my own colors, and try to paint the pieces as historically accurate as I can) then just use superglue to glue the magnets onto the deck after I use a flat lacquer sheen to seal and protect the painting.  They are playing pieces however so they still get chipped up and damaged, especially the infantry, and the planes lose propellers and atennas lots to my dismay…but they are meant for battling in the end!

  • ––First off,…nice work! I firmly believe ALL of us A&A gamers appreciate seeing the painted units of others, and it really adds to the “atmosphere” of a game!
    ----If you have happened to notice some of my units,…well then,…I’d say that it has been worth it for me on TWO counts. ONE, that I was able to share some enjoyment with others, and TWO, they seem to have “inspired” you to paint your own units. That gives me a great amount of satisfaction as I enjoy sharing with people, am VERY passionate about railroad & military history, and simply LOVE this game of Axis & Allies,….the best game on earth!

    Tall Paul  Â

    much agreed Tall Paul.  I check out your thread now and again looking for new photos of your units.  btw any chance we will see those b29’s you ordered painted up in the near future??  do you have any naval units painted too show and tell?? And are you excited about some of the pieces HBG is coming out with?? the brit expansion set, US set and French! I know I cant wait too paint those p47 jugs and liberty bombers!

  • Customizer


    much agreed Tall Paul.  I check out your thread now and again looking for new photos of your units.
    ––Next time you look at my “ENTIRE SET” thread you’ll notice that I’m listing all of the COMPLETED units on MESSAGE #1 and listing all of the IN PROCESS units on MESSAGE #2.
    btw any chance we will see those b29’s you ordered painted up in the near future??  
    ––Yes, of course,…but they aren’t first in line.
    do you have any naval units painted too show and tell??
    ––Only a few. I have several levels of detail and features, etc. that I will include on my Naval units. Some that have been discussed previously, and others that will be surprises.
    And are you excited about some of the pieces HBG is coming out with??
    ––I’m always excited with ANYTHING/EVERYTHING that HBG produces! ALL of the sets you just listed are great ones, and much needed! I suppose the set that I’m most excited about is the “ISLAND WARFARE” expansion set for GW-39. WOW! I can’t wait!
    the brit expansion setYeah!, US setYeah! and French!Yeah! And the French set will have C-47 “SkyTrain” Air Transports! we can paint these up for almost every nation! I know I cant wait too paint those p47 jugs and liberty bombers!
    ––The Republic P-47 “Jug” is my WW2-veteran Dad’s favorite aircraft of all time. He has literally dozens of stories about the “Jabos”.

    ––In reference to the B-29 question above,…off the top of my head the order of the next units painted will be:
    All of the Italian Desert Air Force
    3-D Airbases
    3-D Naval bases
    All of the Japanese Army & Navy Air Forces
    Japanese & German Paratroopers, Heavy & Rifle Infantry
    Anzac “Commonwealth” Shermans, P-40’s, and BeauFighters
    Then several American Army & Navy aircraft (too many to list, see the IN PROCESS list in message #2

    Tall Paul

  • ––In reference to the B-29 question above,…off the top of my head the order of the next units painted will be:
    All of the Italian Desert Air Force
    3-D Airbases
    3-D Naval bases
    All of the Japanese Army & Navy Air Forces
    Anzac “Commonwealth” Shermans, P-40’s, and BeauFighters

    Great Paul thanks for the reply! When you say a entire airforce…how many planes are you painting roughly?? I saw the team warmachine Sherman tank core and my what a number of units!
      What are these 3 D air and naval bases if you don’t mind? are they a shapeways product?  I have some beaufighters, and boomerangs painted aswell, although I’m a little stumped on how to paint the Anzac pv-2 bomber…i cant find many examples in commonwealth colors.  I look forward too seeing yours.  I cant wait to paint these victory city markers ossel is creating…will be a absolute treat too see them on the A&A board!

  • Some of these are quite impressive. Though I am having a hard time discerning whether some units are GHQ or A&A/HBG plastic. I think the graininess in your earlier photos actually enhanced the effect of realism.

    Nice application of the fuzz for smoke on the ICs. Surprised no one had thought of that yet. Seems like it would be problematic at tearing off during gameplay or storage though.

    Have you found that nameplates for ships take up too much space on the board?

    All that said… how do you store these pieces. Seems like there are a lot of delicate, added details which could very easily break if stored in a traditional box.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







