• Customizer

    An enemy with a fighting chance…

    More Russian tts makes it harder to defeat;

    US troops able to move to Siberia to fight the Reds.

    Native troops in Africa should generally favour the Allies.

    On another note, what about allowing new units to be placed in any “homeland” tt, the maximum number in each being its IPC value?

    NB still needed for naval builds
    Capitals still unlimited, can place here if contested
    Non capital tts must be controlled (uncontested) by original owner to be utilized

    India would count as Homeland for these purposes, maybe South Africa & Canada (though why would the UK want to place new units in Canada?)

    Aligned neutrals might be included, but not true neutrals (I’m not having the USA build 4 tanks a turn in Spain!)

    Maybe even extend this to Africa, though this could go hard on Germany.

    Better if African units raised are restricted to Askaris:

    Native (African, possibly UK Arabian units) Infantry
    Cost 2
    Fights only at 1-2, cannot be promoted
    Must be accompanied by a “regular” infantry; i.e. cannot be left as last unit.

    The UK for example would not be able to “spawn” units in empty African tts, but could place one Askari per turn in such a tt if there is a regular UK infantry there. Restoring the German infantry deleted in the PTR (Togo, Kamerun) would restore some balance.

    Indian & Canadian builds would be regular units, as Indian, ANZAC & Canadian troops can be considered equivalent to European divisions.

    The extra unit in Egypt 1/1? might be considered to be ANZACS dropped off by boat.

    Couple more map considerations not mentioned above:

    Africa, Arabia & Persia should be one space movement only (no trains)

    Karelia should not have a naval base in the White Sea

  • First of all this game needs a bigger map!! (historical borders and sizes of tts would be a dream)

    Western front is otherwise not playable.

    Second is to give the CPS more power for a real chance to win the game in 4-6 Rounds…

    I like my home-map with a new Setup: (sorry its all in German i´ll translate it as soon as possible)

    Österreich-Ungarn: 21 IPCs

    Wien: 13 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Böhmen: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Tirol: 2 Infanterie,
    Triest: 2 Infanterie,
    Budapest: 13 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Galizien: 7 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Seezone 18: 1 Schlachtschiff, 1 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter

    Russisches Reich: 25 IPCs

    Finnland: 1 Infanterie  
    Karelien: 1 Infanterie
    Livland: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Polen: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Weißrussland: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Moskau: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Ukraine: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Tatarstan: 3 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Sewastopol: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Kasachstan: 1 Infanterie
    Seezone 12: 1 Schlachtschiff
    Seezone 21: 2 Kreuzer

    Deutsches Reich: 40 IPCs

    Berlin: 13 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie, 1 Flieger
    Kiel: 7 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Ruhr: 7 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Elsaß: 7 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    München: 11 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Hannover: 7 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Schlesien: 6 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Preußen: 6 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Togo: 1 Infanterie
    Kamerun: 1 Infanterie
    Deutsch-Ost Afrika: 1 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Deutsch-Südwest Afrika: 1 Infanterie,  
    Seezone 5: 2 U-Boote
    Seezone 7: 2 U-Boote
    Seezone 10: 1 Schlachtschiff, 2 Kreuzer
    Seezone 26: 1 Kreuzer

    Frankreich: 24 IPCs

    Bordeaux: 1 Infanterie
    Brest: 1 Infanterie
    Lothringen: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Paris: 11 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie, 1 Flieger
    Picardie: 7 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Tunesien: 1 Infanterie
    Algerien: 1 Infanterie
    Franz.-Marokko: Infanterie
    Franz.-Westafrika: 1 Infanterie
    Seezone 15: 1 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter
    Seezone 16: 1 Schlachtschiff, 2 Transporter

    Großbritannien: 30 IPCs

    Schottland: 1 Infanterie
    Kanada: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Indien: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Ägypten: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Sudan: 1 Infanterie
    Britisch-Ostafrika: 1 Infanterie
    Rhodesien: 1 Infanterie
    Südafrika: 1 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Seezone 2: 1 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter
    Seezone 9: 1 Schlachtschiff, 3 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter
    Seezone 19: 1 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter
    Seezone 24: 1 Kreuzer
    Seezone 29: 1 Schlachtschiff, 1 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter

    Osmanisches Reich: 16 IPCs

    Konstantinopel: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Smyrna: 6 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Ankara: 6 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Mesopotamien: 2 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Syrische Wüste: 1 Infanterie
    Trans-Jordanien: 2 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Seezone 20: 2 Kreuzer

    Italien: 14 IPCs

    Piemont: 3 Infanterie,
    Venedig: 7 Infanterie, 3 Artillerie
    Neapel: 1 Infanterie
    Toskana: 3 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Rom: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Libyen: 1 Infanterie, 1 Artillerie
    Somaliland: 1 Infanterie
    Seezone 17: 1 Schlachtschiff, 1 Kreuzer, 1 Transporter

    USA: 20IPCs

    Washington: 6 Infanterie, 2 Artillerie
    Seezone 1: 1 Schlachtschiff, 1 Kreuzer


  • TripleA '12

    If they ever made a 2nd Edition of this game with some of the above changes I would definitely buy it as I still need this one. But the game just seems a bit of a mess to me at the moment. But if no further edition is forthcoming then I will just buy at (one day) and go with all the new rules on here.

  • Customizer

    I appreciate the original post. It was very concise and wrapped up much of what others have been suggesting all over this board.

    I have to say, however, that the responses to this post were disappointing. Allow me throw in my two cents on all posts regarding “fixing” or “balancing” AA1914. I’m not trying to be negative in this post, but I want to give an honest critique of some of the posts I see on here that call for drastic changes to this or that aspect of the game.

    First of all, when I open up a thread and it starts with a yards-long wall of text regarding adding cavalry/gas attacks/railroads/zeppelins/telegrams/supply lines/Mexico/etc./etc./etc., I can’t close the thread fast enough. I, like others, think that the game in its OOB state is not complete. I like tweaks to add realism here and there, but doing a massive overhaul of the rules so that it simulates EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the war is inane. This is a high level strategy game. It is not a perfect war simulation. I’m in favor of the added tournament rules, because they add things like rail movement without having to draw little ladder lines all over the board.

    In the introduction of the rules, Larry says explicitly that he’s not trying to represent machine guns and gas attacks in the game, those things are low level aspects. Other things like cavalry and zeppelins had no measurable impact on the war, so it makes sense that these things are not represented.

    Just take a step back, people. The reality is that no one is going to want to play with house rules that require a law degree to master.

    Again, I agree with OP in that we need changes that are realistic to a reasonable degree (correct map, etc.), but we can’t hope for a perfect simulation.

  • Customizer

    Unique Pieces- They’ve had unique pieces for every country in every A&A game since 1999.  What the hell what this all about?  They really mailed this one in.

    Let me also comment on this point, and note that my anger here is directed at WOTC and Larry, whomever is responsible for this debacle.

    I am absolutely confounded as to how this game made it out of the gate in its current state. Every time I open up my Global 1940 games, I’m dumbfounded as to how these games are only $75, and they include many more pieces (quantity) and many different types of pieces (many of them new to G40) and much higher QUALITY pieces (look at the arty pieces in 1914 and 1940 and you’ll see what I mean).

    I mean, 1914 retails for 100 freaking dollars and not only does it not have unique sculpts, but it barely comes with enough pieces to play the freaking game!!

    And if they weren’t planning a second edition as some have suggested (which I tend to believe since it is the centenary and no announcements have been made) then they should have freaking put some freaking unique sculpts in the box for 100 freaking dollars.  :x

  • I first saw this game in Gettysburg last June and they wanted $99 for it… I bought it online on Ebay a couple of months later for $60… Personally I like the game but also agree it needs some tweeking

  • Customizer

    Cavalry had a measuarable impact in that all armies had lots of them, and they were expensive to maintain. Contrary to popular belief cavalry were not all disbanded or converted into infantry regiments, but remained an important element of most armies till the end, and indeed until and including WWII.

    It is still a matter of debate as to Germany’s decision to use all its cavalry on the Eastern front after 1915 cost them the war, as they failed to exploit the breakthroughs of Spring 1918 due to (according to some) a lack of cavalry.

    All of us who’ve contacted Wizards have received a generous supply of extra pieces; as I’ve said I’m not bothered about the lack of unique artillery or cruiser pieces.

    However the game is unbalanced with OOB rules, hence the debate about fixes and tweaks.

  • '14


    I appreciate the original post. It was very concise and wrapped up much of what others have been suggesting all over this board.

    I have to say, however, that the responses to this post were disappointing. Allow me throw in my two cents on all posts regarding “fixing” or “balancing” AA1914. I’m not trying to be negative in this post, but I want to give an honest critique of some of the posts I see on here that call for drastic changes to this or that aspect of the game.

    First of all, when I open up a thread and it starts with a yards-long wall of text regarding adding cavalry/gas attacks/railroads/zeppelins/telegrams/supply lines/Mexico/etc./etc./etc., I can’t close the thread fast enough. I, like others, think that the game in its OOB state is not complete. I like tweaks to add realism here and there, but doing a massive overhaul of the rules so that it simulates EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the war is inane. This is a high level strategy game. It is not a perfect war simulation. I’m in favor of the added tournament rules, because they add things like rail movement without having to draw little ladder lines all over the board.

    In the introduction of the rules, Larry says explicitly that he’s not trying to represent machine guns and gas attacks in the game, those things are low level aspects. Other things like cavalry and zeppelins had no measurable impact on the war, so it makes sense that these things are not represented.

    Just take a step back, people. The reality is that no one is going to want to play with house rules that require a law degree to master.

    Again, I agree with OP in that we need changes that are realistic to a reasonable degree (correct map, etc.), but we can’t hope for a perfect simulation.

    The brilliance of this post cannot be overstated! In a word, it’s all about “abstraction.” I love the mechanics of A&A1914, especially the combat. I thought it balanced, at a high level, the feel of this period. I love zepps (even lead ones), but you are correct, their impact was limited (using them as one example among many).

  • '14


    Cavalry had a measuarable impact in that all armies had lots of them, and they were expensive to maintain. Contrary to popular belief cavalry were not all disbanded or converted into infantry regiments, but remained an important element of most armies till the end, and indeed until and including WWII.

    It is still a matter of debate as to Germany’s decision to use all its cavalry on the Eastern front after 1915 cost them the war, as they failed to exploit the breakthroughs of Spring 1918 due to (according to some) a lack of cavalry.

    All of us who’ve contacted Wizards have received a generous supply of extra pieces; as I’ve said I’m not bothered about the lack of unique artillery or cruiser pieces.

    However the game is unbalanced with OOB rules, hence the debate about fixes and tweaks.

    I see where you are coming from cavalry, but it also has to do with the level of their deployment. Pretty much every country had attached cavalry to their infantry corps, but when you represent that with a piece in the game, you are talking representation at a divisional or, probably closer, corps level. Most cavalry divisions, were rougly about 6,000 men in number (depending on nation, give or take) with limited artillery support? So the amount of arses in the saddle is about a half to 2/3s less than boots on the ground at your average division size.  My point isn’t to parse numbers of this and that, but the level of deployment does matter. Arty in the game don’t bother me because they represent a large concentration of artillery as opposed to a set number. But this is something that was pivotal in the war.

  • @ossel:

    I appreciate the original post. It was very concise and wrapped up much of what others have been suggesting all over this board.

    I have to say, however, that the responses to this post were disappointing. Allow me throw in my two cents on all posts regarding “fixing” or “balancing” AA1914. I’m not trying to be negative in this post, but I want to give an honest critique of some of the posts I see on here that call for drastic changes to this or that aspect of the game.

    First of all, when I open up a thread and it starts with a yards-long wall of text regarding adding cavalry/gas attacks/railroads/zeppelins/telegrams/supply lines/Mexico/etc./etc./etc., I can’t close the thread fast enough. I, like others, think that the game in its OOB state is not complete. I like tweaks to add realism here and there, but doing a massive overhaul of the rules so that it simulates EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of the war is inane. This is a high level strategy game. It is not a perfect war simulation. I’m in favor of the added tournament rules, because they add things like rail movement without having to draw little ladder lines all over the board.

    In the introduction of the rules, Larry says explicitly that he’s not trying to represent machine guns and gas attacks in the game, those things are low level aspects. Other things like cavalry and zeppelins had no measurable impact on the war, so it makes sense that these things are not represented.

    Just take a step back, people. The reality is that no one is going to want to play with house rules that require a law degree to master.

    Again, I agree with OP in that we need changes that are realistic to a reasonable degree (correct map, etc.), but we can’t hope for a perfect simulation.

    Good to see someone else understands the way this game works. As such, I suggest you take a look at the OP of the “Balancing 1914” thread (the thread itself went off topic pretty quickly like you said happens, but the OP is well-written and lists some options that don’t aim to create “1914 Historical Edition” or whatever.

    And in general, instead of posting a wish list and hoping it will be implemented, take some initiative and start testing some of your suggested changes out to see if it helps make the game an actual contest.

  • Customizer

    Well said.

  • Customizer


    The topic title is “wish list”.

    That includes pretty much anything anyone would like to see, so what’s the beef?

  • Customizer



    The topic title is “wish list”.

    That includes pretty much anything anyone would like to see, so what’s the beef?

    Honestly Flash (can I call you Flash?), I don’t have much of a problem with your posts. For the most part, you just want to make the game slightly more realistic, although you can get carried away at times.

    I didn’t want to point anybody out, but mainly what I’m talking about is posts like this one: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=33029.0

    I would need a Sherlock-style board with pins connected by string to decipher this. Nothing against the author, I too have gotten crazy with house rules that I later realized weren’t practical.

    On the other side of the spectrum, I don’t like posters who are opposed to house rules just for the sake of being opposed to house rules. Even if the game is balanced (which it is not), house rules can add flavor and interest. I’ve seen some on this particular forum discourage all forms of house rule talk (cough, IL, cough), and I think this is extreme.

    I’m simply promoting moderation when it comes to game tweaks. Keep in mind that if you want people to play them, house rules have to be fun and somewhat simple. And of course this is a wish list. But the thing that I liked about OP’s post was that I could see his changes actually becoming part of the game.

  • Remove Africa except eqypt Adds nothing to the game and the removal may make it easier to enlarge certain parts of Europe where the board is frankly to small.

    Make Italy completly neutral round1 with its seazone passable Have tried this as a house rule and it works wonders to balance the game.

    Germany may build in Munich Used this as a house rule together with the Italy rule and its nice.

  • Customizer

    What about Turkey neutral until its own turn?

    Could do with the protection from Russia and Britain before it gets started, particularly with the PTR giving Russia extra units in Sevastopol. This would be historical, as Turkey invaded Egypt and the Russian Caucasus after declaring war. Otherwise, it is likely to face the Russians in Mesopotamia and the Brits in T-J and have nothing to do but fall back to defend the capital.

  • Customizer

    Guess what? Map.


  • Customizer

    Not particularly relevant, but I wanted to post it anyway.


  • '14

    No beef, really. I just draw a distinction between what might foreseeably happen in a new, 2.0 version vs. what would occur with house rules/tweaking.

    Given the WotC delivery on generic sculpts, no cold, hard, IPCs, and the like, I doubt anything like cavalry would make an appearence. Changes in the rules, however, are a more likely thing. Africa, especially, needs some simple but specific rules (ie. restrictive movement, reduced unit attacks/defense, etc.)

    However, they would be something I would consider adding in a house-rule/variant derived from A&A 1914. But they would need to add something significant or unique to the game play. I know that’s been discussed in other threads, and personally, I’m split on the issue. I am more likely to add trains and fortresses to the mix (e.g. the latter did significantly affect the course of the war, such as in Liege or Przemsyl). It gives another focus for artillery/infantry, and siphons off troops from the otherwise attritional wars o’ stacks.

    Point being, I’m just drawing distinctions between “what might” and “would if”. And nothing personal was intended.

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