But you are ignoring the fact that you don’t have anything to follow up on Germany 2 when you do that. You’ve pretty much blown your wind and are now 100% on the defense.
You’ve lost Africa. Russia’s probably taking at least Balkans on top of Ukraine, Belorussia and liberating Karelia, however, they may be taking Norway too if they can.
England’s sinking your fleet in SZ 6 and Russia’s going to send the submarine to finish it off if they have too. That should stop a second Sea Lion if it is a threat. (If it is not a threat, then no need to attack the fleet.)
England can easily liberate Egypt and England without losing the ability to sink the SZ 59 transport and impact the SZ 45 battle (which never results in anything as far as I’m concerned.)
America is unimpacted. They normally unload in England anyway, so you’re not really slowing them at all. All you’re doing is allowing Russia to get stronger in comparison to Germany and do so faster. You’ve SIGNIFICANTLY shifted the balance of power. Instead of 105 IPC advantage you are down to 40ish maybe, depends on how well Russia does in R1 and R2.
Yes, you can build tanks and push back. However, as I mentioned, Russia’s going to be able to bleed those tanks off until you replace your fighters (of which you have NONE) without risking their own armor. That means they’ll not only shrink your stack but also build up their own. If you buy fighters to replace loses, you have negated the lion’s share of the benefit of taking out England. (Because it will cost you 50 IPC to replace the 5 fighters, you’ve taken 38 IPC that’s a 12 IPC net loss.) You still keep England out for an extra round, but again, England’s not exactly a mover and shacker on the board in the first 3 rounds anyway. Waiting one more round to recover from a capitol sack is not that bad considering Russia’s earning 35 IPC on Russia 2 and Germany’s earning maybe 38 on Round 2. (Not to mention, the Germans have lost the med fleet if they did not even attempt to kill the British in Egypt. You’d only get to hit it with 4 ground units anyway, and there are 3 defenders, one very powerful to over come, so it’s no forgone conclusion you’d even get it.)
Sorry, I just don’t see this working out for Germany in any scenario EXCEPT where you get the technology with the roll of 1 or 2 dice. Sure, you have a 1 in 3 shot if you roll two dice, plus or minus (think it’s actuall 30%) which would give you a significant advantage. (Since now you can still build 10 infantry on G1, and just short yourself the tanks instead of a LARGE portion of your builds to all your builds.)
But to be realistic, you’d need 6 dice to succeed. And that leaves 10 IPC for units. (1 in 6 chance, so if you take 6 shots then you have 1 in 6 + 1 in 6 …. which is LL for 6 in 6 or a success almost all the time.)