• If this was wartime, the whole topic would have been deleted. Honestly, Nut is right, CC is simply trying to point out how Canada is helping, and you start some of your petty arguments!

    BTW, thanks CC.

  • Hey, I agree with Jen. Frannkly, I am suprised that the rest of the world is helping at all seeing how it is oh so fashionable to hate America. I have not done the search yet, but I am willing to bet that if you searched for “Muslim response katrina” you could find a butt load of pictures of “peace loving good natured muslims” dancing in the street.

    Canada is not the same as the middle east. But you can be sure that thier envy/resentment of America is still a large part of thier society. My cousin was there a couple of years ago and he didn’t want to talk to anyone because if most found out he was American they would give him crap, or just be rude. Hey, thanks for the help, and I mean that with all sincerity. But I am of the opinion that we would be better served taking care of ourselves rather than sending billions in aid to countries who hate us, and once that aid is recieved having the “thank you” be “what, is this it?”

    In short, I don’t want canadian help, german help, or help from our fairy god mother. I want the 300 million back that went to the tsunami. I want the $ back that went to Africa for aids (as if no americans have aids). How can I be so heartless? Are these tragedies caused by americans? Do we have any interest (other than “humanitarian”) with these countries? No on both accounts, so screw em. Not our problem. These people are unappreciative at best, our enemies at worst and they are owed nothing from us.

    If these countries and thier people were REAL allies of the US than that would be different. For example, I have no problem sending aid to Kuwait, both the government and the people are friendly to the US. Same is mostly true of S. Korea.

  • @marine36:

    If this was wartime, .

    it is….

  • Well Zooey72,

    It appears that your “betters” disagree with you.
    Just curious - do you live in the damaged areas?
    Anyway - i very nearly shed a tear after reading the response by Wilkins today. It made me feel good about what we are doing and i hope that if there is an opportunity that we can do some more:

    Bush thanks Canada and the world
    Last Updated Fri, 09 Sep 2005 17:40:28 EDT
    CBC News
    Canada tops the list for thank-yous from the United States for its response to the Hurricane Katrina tragedy.
    President George Bush Friday offered thanks to Canada and other countries for their “outpouring of compassion” and substantial relief for the countless U.S. victims of Hurricane Katrina.

    Earlier this week, U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins effusively thanked Canada as well. “The aid pouring from all across Canada has been truly overwhelming,” Wilkins said in Vancouver. “Many countries are offering help, nobody more so than Canada…You’re at the top of the list and for that we will always be grateful.”

    President Bush said “I want to thank the world community for its prayers and for the offers of assistance that have come from all around the world.” The president listed the aid offered by a host of countries, rich and poor alike. He said even war-torn Afghanistan has pledged $100,000 in aid.

    “Canada has sent ships with disaster supplies,” Bush said. “Air Canada’s planes assisted in the evacuation.”

    Three Canadian warships - the destroyer HMCS Athabaskan, frigates HMCS Ville de Quebec and HMCS Toronto - and the Coast Guard ship Sir William Alexander left Halifax on Tuesday packed with relief supplies, helicopters to deliver them and about 1,000 Canadian Forces personnel ready for a variety of chores. They are expected to arrive off the U.S. Gulf Coast early next week.

    Air Canada provided shuttle flights to help in the evacuation of about 25,000 people from New Orleans to San Antonio, Texas. Air Canada also flew a cargo of bottled water and relief supplies to New Orleans.

    Canadian military planes took Canadian Red Cross and government officials to work in the disaster areas. About 35 Canadian military divers are helping with inspecting dikes and clearing waterways. A shipment of supplies requested by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has arrived in Atlanta from Canada. Donations are pouring in from the provinces.

    The Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue Team worked in St. Bernard Parish, about 30 km east of New Orleans, rescuing 119 stranded people before the U.S. military took over this week. The team’s leader Tim Armstrong said, “We were the first relief effort that made their way there.”

    In Los Angeles, TV news anchor Hal Fishman of KTLA Channel 5 praised Canada’s assistance saying “The country has embraced us and offered support on myriad levels.” He said other countries have extended aid, but Canada stands above the rest in terms of types of support and the different sectors which have offered help.

    Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi said, “We actually got utility crews in from Canada.”

    just for the record zooey72 - you’d rather that there were no Air Canada planes/utility crews/red cross cash/elite search-and-rescue crews/disaster supplies etc. from across the border?

  • I’m with Zooey…tear down the Statue of Liberty, raise the walls and let the world fend for itself man, cuz it’s not our problem.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Hey, I agree with Jen. Frannkly, I am suprised that the rest of the world is helping at all seeing how it is oh so fashionable to hate America. I have not done the search yet, but I am willing to bet that if you searched for “Muslim response katrina” you could find a butt load of pictures of “peace loving good natured muslims” dancing in the street.

    Canada is not the same as the middle east. But you can be sure that thier envy/resentment of America is still a large part of thier society. My cousin was there a couple of years ago and he didn’t want to talk to anyone because if most found out he was American they would give him crap, or just be rude. Hey, thanks for the help, and I mean that with all sincerity. But I am of the opinion that we would be better served taking care of ourselves rather than sending billions in aid to countries who hate us, and once that aid is recieved having the “thank you” be “what, is this it?”

    In short, I don’t want canadian help, german help, or help from our fairy god mother. I want the 300 million back that went to the tsunami. I want the $ back that went to Africa for aids (as if no americans have aids). How can I be so heartless? Are these tragedies caused by americans? Do we have any interest (other than “humanitarian”) with these countries? No on both accounts, so screw em. Not our problem. These people are unappreciative at best, our enemies at worst and they are owed nothing from us.

    If these countries and thier people were REAL allies of the US than that would be different. For example, I have no problem sending aid to Kuwait, both the government and the people are friendly to the US. Same is mostly true of S. Korea.

    I want their help. My entire post was thanking them for every little dollar they had except for one point where i referenced the world’s negative reaction to the billions we sent to help with the Tsunami last year. That’s all. And that reference was only to tell my fellow Americans that we should just be grateful we get anything because NO ONE OWES ANYONE ANYTHING ON THIS PLANET.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I’m with Zooey…tear down the Statue of Liberty, raise the walls and let the world fend for itself man, cuz it’s not our problem.


    Raise the walls and shoot anyone trying to get in. I like the statue, it’s the only thing the French have ever given us outside of grief, death and war.

  • And without their help we would not have had our independence…so their’s that…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh yea, their few advisors and couple of last year’s model ships did so much for us. Please. They had their hands full in Europe, they didn’t have time for shit or resources to send to us.

    Get an OLD history book, not this newly revised crap where they add in all this touchy feely crap. France sent some military advisors (who advised fighting in straight lines and hard drill…neither of which won us any wars), guns and munitions which we had to pay for and a few old floating wrecks to augment our fishing vessels so we could pretend to have a navy.

    Later we sent hundreds of thousands of American boys to die on their soil so they could be free from the Germans and we did it twice. Never received so much as a thank you note and to make matters worse, we still have to pay rent on the land our boys are burried under in France! RENT!! They saved them from imperial domination and paid with their lives and WE HAVE TO PAY RENT!

    Personally, I’d say stop sending the money. Wait for them to dare rip the carcases from the ground and then “nuke” the bastards into the stone age. It’s the French, they can’t exactly fight back anyway. You know the old saying:

    “French world war 2 infantryman’s rifles! Mint condition!!! Never used, only dropped once!!!”

  • Later we sent hundreds of thousands of American boys to die on their soil so they could be free from the Germans and we did it twice. Never received so much as a thank you note and to make matters worse, we still have to pay rent on the land our boys are burried under in France! RENT!! They saved them from imperial domination and paid with their lives and WE HAVE TO PAY RENT!

    If we didn’t go over there, you would not be posting on this board as you would be in Russia without the ability to immigrate over here. You better be more respectful of WWII and the American contribution instead of blind ignorant tirad’s against France.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Later we sent hundreds of thousands of American boys to die on their soil so they could be free from the Germans and we did it twice. Never received so much as a thank you note and to make matters worse, we still have to pay rent on the land our boys are burried under in France! RENT!! They saved them from imperial domination and paid with their lives and WE HAVE TO PAY RENT!

    If we didn’t go over there, you would not be posting on this board as you would be in Russia without the ability to immigrate over here. You better be more respectful of WWII and the American contribution instead of blind ignorant tirad’s against France.

    If America didn’t go over there I’d still be here. Russia would have still won the war, but France would have been like Lithuania or Bylorussia, namely, a puppet government of the Socialists.

    After all, who, exactly, was it that invaded Berlin? Oh yea! Stalin’s forces, that’s right. Who fought the German’s single handedly on his front? Oh yea, Stalin did! Who needed 3 countries to hold the Germans at bay long enough for Russia to win the war? Oh yea, France Brition and America….you see where I’m going with this right?

    Although, I do believe General George S. Patton did have the right idea back in the 1940s. You should have removed Stalin from power and avoided the Cold War all together instead of having to wait for President Ronald Reagan to end it for you.

  • Later we sent hundreds of thousands of American boys to die on their soil so they could be free from the Germans and we did it twice. Never received so much as a thank you note

    If you had ever seen footage from WW2 of the liberation of Paris, you’d know exactly how much crap this is. Nothing but verbal diarreah.

  • After all, who, exactly, was it that invaded Berlin?

    If the US doesn’t enter the war, there is no one for Hitler to fight in the entire Euro theather, so put double as a real safe estimate of the number of German forces in the Battle of Stalingrad and you have Russia losing it instead of the turn of the tide of the war.

  • After all, who, exactly, was it that invaded Berlin? Oh yea! Stalin’s forces, that’s right. Who fought the German’s single handedly on his front? Oh yea, Stalin did! Who needed 3 countries to hold the Germans at bay long enough for Russia to win the war? Oh yea, France Brition and America….you see where I’m going with this right?

    More crap. The allies agreed to let Stalin’s Russia take Berlin. Who was it that sent a massive amount of food, weapons and equipment to Russia so they could lay the hammer down on the Germans? oh ya the Allies.
    I see where you going with this……right down the crapper.

  • @Zooey72:

    …Do we have any interest (other than “humanitarian”) with these countries? No on both accounts, so screw em. Not our problem. These people are unappreciative at best, our enemies at worst and they are owed nothing from us.


    Personally, I’d say stop sending the money. Wait for them to dare rip the carcases from the ground and then “nuke” the bastards into the stone age.

    Yeah …
    i know why there are so many “anti-american” people out there.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    First off, the allies “let Stalin” take Berlin because they couldnt stop him. Patton tried his best and failed to get there. Monty tried his best and failed to get there.

    Secondly, no US in WWII does not drop the entire front. What, is the US army the entirety of the war effort? I don’t think so. Germany would have had to keep almost as many men there to keep the territories conquered AND be ready to repell British invasions should they ever occur. All the US did was speed things up a little bit (maybe 3-5 years.)

    Secondly, the French people were appreciative during the time of the liberation. Afterwards not so much. The government, on the other hand, never - to my knowledge, though maybe it was so trivial it wasn’t recorded anywhere - thanked us for liberating and restoring them. Nor did their infamous leader ever once show anything but hostility to Eisenhower and Churchill, again to my knowledge from books, documentaries and actual live footage shown to me.

  • http://www.ambafrance-us.org/news/statmnts/2000/ww2/index.asp

    That took two seconds to look up on google and I am sure there are many more, but since they are not noteworthy I guess you don’t recognize them.

    Remember we landed forces in France as Germany had rolled all the way over to the coast? If we don’t get involved Germany has alot more reasources available to work on the Eastern front. The US was not the only force present but if D-Day never happened and we never secured a way to get aground for the rest of the countries with that many troops, Russia falls sweety. To re-enforce this, and I apologize for using liberal media source:


    You figure we had probably 40% of our total troop count on the ground in Europe, so that is like what, 6 and a half million troops. Plus without the Normandy landing ( and I am not discrediting any nation here ) I dont’ think the pooled resources of the rest of the allied nations could have secured that or any other coastal landing point to begin a staging area.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    That took two seconds to look up on google and I am sure there are many more, but since they are not noteworthy I guess you don’t recognize them.

    Remember we landed forces in France as Germany had rolled all the way over to the coast? If we don’t get involved Germany has alot more reasources available to work on the Eastern front. The US was not the only force present but if D-Day never happened and we never secured a way to get aground for the rest of the countries with that many troops, Russia falls sweety. To re-enforce this, and I apologize for using liberal media source:


    You figure we had probably 40% of our total troop count on the ground in Europe, so that is like what, 6 and a half million troops. Plus without the Normandy landing ( and I am not discrediting any nation here ) I dont’ think the pooled resources of the rest of the allied nations could have secured that or any other coastal landing point to begin a staging area.

    I’m not argueing that the US forces had no hand in stopping Hitler. I’m saying that they were not needed for a victory, only to speed up the victory already fated to occur.

    For instance, if Russia had not been involved but had remained neutral, do you think the British and Americans would have won world war 2? Not a matter of delayed victory, I’m talking victory at all.

    Also, at the time of D-Day, I believe you yankees and limeys already had a European beach head called Italy. You could have invaded up from there instead of adding another beach head in France. AKA you did’nt NEED normandy, you WANTED normandy and it cost you a lot more lives then many other engagements have cost you in past, present and possibly future engagements.

  • I believe you yankees and limeys

    So are you suddenly a Russian again?

  • @haxorboy:

    I believe you yankees and limeys

    So are you suddenly a Russian again?

    you forgot about us canucks.

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