@kspite I am retired, can travel occasionally. When do you normally play? I am most interested in G40, and 1914 with some house rules. Best way to reach me is by email at jonkrost@comcast.net.
Elgin IL: looking for a live local A&A game
I live in Elgin area (Carpentersville). I’ve played most versions of A&A. I started playing Classic back in the 80’s. I’m looking for a good local game. If you are looking for a short game, I have 1941 second edition which can be played in 2-4 hours. I’d play 1941 any day of the week. This game favors axis so we give allies bid of (destroyer E USA, 2 inf In Moscow. 1 inf in N. China.) I like Longer games like 1942, anniversary, global, revised too. I’d need to play those on weekend. Let me know if you are looking for a live local A&A game.
I have four on my list from IL, just not sure where they are in relation to you. Check them out if you’d like.
This moniker (Colonel Potter) sounds awfully familiar as a chicago area player.
We may have met/played before. axis_roll from Homer Glen. I think that was back in my AARe (Revised Enhanced) days.
Anniversary is all we play these days. Actually a modified version to make the game more even/playable.
Hello axis_roll,
Yes, we used to play classic on-line back at the turn of the century in the old Microsoft Game Zone days. I even played a few games with you on your custom table at your home in Homer Glen. I got away from A&A for the last 10 years and I come back to find a lot of axis and allies products were released. Many of these products have the same name as other A&A games. I’ve played global40 which is great but way too long. 1941 second edition way too simplistic but OK if you only have 2-3 hrs to play. 1942 second edition seems better than revised but I’ve never played. Anniversary Edition seems to be the best A&A game ever made. I’d definetly like to play with your A&A group sometime if you have room for another player sometime. I’d be interested to see what your house rules are. I’ve been working on designing an A&A game with a friend of mine that has the best parts of Anniversary, 41, 42, & global. I just installed tripleA and I’m trying to get a feel for Pact of Steel. -
Thanks for the link Jaime and nice job on your custom A&A table!
Hello axis_roll,
Yes, we used to play classic on-line back at the turn of the century in the old Microsoft Game Zone days. I even played a few games with you on your custom table at your home in Homer Glen.My memory still serves me (from time to time :wink:)
I’d definetly like to play with your A&A group sometime if you have room for another player sometime. I’d be interested to see what your house rules are. I’ve been working on designing an A&A game with a friend of mine that has the best parts of Anniversary, 41, 42, & global. I just installed tripleA and I’m trying to get a feel for Pact of Steel.
reply/PM me an email that I can shoot the rules to if you are interested. I particularly like the Tech Rules based on a Points System. Very flexible, easy to tweak, and beats the hell out of the crappy tech rules in AA50.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sounds good. I sent you a PM with my email. I’m not sure if it went through or not as I have never sent a PM before. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Let me know if you didn’t get it & I will resend. Thanks.
You should check out this group.