• Anyone going to see it?  Certainly doesn’t appear to be a real thought provoker, but it doesn’t need to be.  The previews look really nice, and a lot of it reminds me of Cloverfield, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Gantz.  I like the humanity vs. (something bigger than us/the unknown) and I think this will satisfy me greatly.  Any thoughts?

  • I’ve enjoyed many of Guilermo Tel Toro’s films and given the big pile of “meh” that has been the summer movie going season this far I’m going to give it a shot. I’m feeling a bit like a gambler on a streak of bad luck who is starting to make bad decisions that will only continue the bad luck though.

    I’ve seen some reviews where they talk about it being a “whole” movie and not just some sort of installment or set-up and that the story seems to hold together.

    Part of me is still the little kid that loved Ultraman and it is least a sort of original story so what the hell.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Looks like Transformers meets Godzilla… with not anymore substance than the former. Cannot bring my self to take a gamble on this one. To be honest it didn’t really look that appealing.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Reviews say it’s pretty good.

    Going to check it out Saturday night.

  • I’m seeing it today. I can’t believe movies with giant robots weren’t made before Ironman. Go figure.

    Gigantor was my favorite show as a Kid. In the early 70’s we had Rydeen, Geta Robo, and Diapolon that had the same theme but with subtitles.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Gigantor was my favorite show as a Kid.

    Ah well the show was named after me.  You’re welcome. :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Gigantor was my favorite show as a Kid.

    Ah well the show was named after me.  You’re welcome. :)


  • @frimmel:

    I’ve enjoyed many of Guilermo Tel Toro’s films and given the big pile of “meh” that has been the summer movie going season this far I’m going to give it a shot. I’m feeling a bit like a gambler on a streak of bad luck who is starting to make bad decisions that will only continue the bad luck though.

    I’ve seen some reviews where they talk about it being a “whole” movie and not just some sort of installment or set-up and that the story seems to hold together.

    Part of me is still the little kid that loved Ultraman and it is least a sort of original story so what the hell.

    His movies are pretty good.  Although I don’t think the idea is very original, it’s execution appears to be exemplary (I’ve heard some bad acting, but whatever, not looking for a masterpiece here).  It really looks like almost and exact copy of Neon Genesis Evangelion. However, much of the trailer is beautiful: bright colors contrasted again dark backgrounds, fights look approachable and not a blurred mess, unique and identifiable heroes and monsters.  The reviews are mostly positive, and the negatives seem to be hung up on unreasonable expectations.


    Looks like Transformers meets Godzilla… with not anymore substance than the former. Cannot bring my self to take a gamble on this one. To be honest it didn’t really look that appealing.

    If it didn’t look appealing, that’s your deserved opinion.  But I don’t think it looks anything like the Transformers movies.  Godzilla is closer, and it does pay homage to that, but not the same thing exactly.


    I’m seeing it today. I can’t believe movies with giant robots weren’t made before Ironman. Go figure.

    Gigantor was my favorite show as a Kid. In the early 70’s we had Rydeen, Geta Robo, and Diapolon that had the same theme but with subtitles.

    When did Ironman have a giant robot? I haven’t seen 3, though.

    There are giant robot movies - they just aren’t mainstream.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    His movies are pretty good.  Although I don’t think the idea is very original, it’s execution appears to be exemplary (I’ve heard some bad acting, but whatever, not looking for a masterpiece here).

    Besides the plot being humans (& technology) versus monsters (which is essentially Godzilla), isn’t the whole man in a robotic suit of armor an old concept? I mean, the whole Gundam Wing anime series was based on that, right? And going just on the man in a robotic, metal suit theme, Iron Man certainly fits the bill. Especially from the first Iron Man, when Tony Stark’s partner makes his own. It looks like the Pacific Rim machines even have the circular lighted chest piece, just like the Iron Man suit. Though beyond that part, not much is similar. And if you want robots controlled by humans AND martial arts… how about Real Steel (2011) with Hugh Jackman. And must I even mention Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers! … the ultimate in huge robotic martial arts fights. Something many of us grew up with.

    I am not trying to label this movie as any sort of rip-off scam, or even that del Toro thought of all these sources in making the movie, just that it is not as original as it may seem to some… as you pointed out J.

    I never expect masterpieces from these kinds of movies either, but I do expect them to have a bit more going than cool effects and battles and sex. Much as all guys like that stuff, we have seen so much of it that it is now both hollow and trite.


    However, much of the trailer is beautiful: bright colors contrasted again dark backgrounds, fights look approachable and not a blurred mess, unique and identifiable heroes and monsters.  The reviews are mostly positive, and the negatives seem to be hung up on unreasonable expectations.

    That is why I liked Thor. Lot’s of people hated it, thought it was too fantastic, but I thought that was partly the point. They were gods, in a realm of the gods, it should look that way. Plus I thought it was visually quite beautiful. So I can appreciate that in any movie. As long at it does have more going for it than just that.



    Looks like Transformers meets Godzilla… with not anymore substance than the former. Cannot bring my self to take a gamble on this one. To be honest it didn’t really look that appealing.

    If it didn’t look appealing, that’s your deserved opinion.  But I don’t think it looks anything like the Transformers movies.  Godzilla is closer, and it does pay homage to that, but not the same thing exactly.

    Thanks for acknowledging my right to an opinion  :wink:… I meant that it looks like Transformers meets Godzilla on the surface. Large machines in human form throwing punches and flying around, plus big creatures destroying cities AND it is set in Japan/Asia… to me that looks like what I described it as.

    Now, do I think the story will be like either of those two films… no, not really. Maybe a bit like some Godzilla movies, because some had a plot very close to this: man makes machine to defeat the monster. And isn’t the monsters rising from the deep in the Pacific plot rather like the late BATTLESHIP movie? I never saw it, but it looks very similar in content besides the fact that this movie is fighting the monsters with robotic ninjas and not 70 year old battleships.

    And that there is a Japanese actress (Rinko Kikuchi) who is 100x more believable in that role than Rhianna was…

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I’ve seen some reviews where they talk about it being a “whole” movie and not just some sort of installment or set-up and that the story seems to hold together.

    If that is true, it makes the film more promising in my eyes. To be honest I am quite fed up with the series of movies fad. It pretty much exploded in the early 2000s to where almost every movie becomes a trilogy… or longer if it is a real cash cow. I feel as though movies tend to be better written when they are done without continuations in mind and are shot as a self-contained whole.

    Example… Independence Day. Great movie. If it was made today, there would be another one coming out right after it. (I know they are developing another one currently, but that is part of the problem). This is an excellent, self-contained movie-story that is a classic with no need for a sequel. Much as I would love to see how they approach a sequel (mostly because I liked the first one so much), I am afraid that as with many sequels it will forever tarnish the first.        As happened with The Matrix.

    Plus, I do not know how they continue the independence theme/title without having more aliens attack. In which case, it becomes an updated rehash. Or… they could just transpose the Avatar story and add Will Smith! Bam!    Humans venture into space with the technology of their defeated foe and begin mining planets for resources = Independence Day II: Na’vi Freedom … now the aliens must gained independence form the invading humans! The script is already written.

    … But yeah, there is a plus if Pacific Rim is planned as a single film. To be so would be refreshing. But I know a sequel will be virtually demanded by the movie studio if this one does pretty well.

  • Starship Troopers Part IV er rather this Pacific Rim thing had great action and effects, but the worst acting of any movie. I guess they wont be making part two because nobody can identity with the characters because they act like they just got off a boat with a crash course actors workshop. Music sucked too.

    Next time they make a movie with 400 foot tall monsters and teams of robots… Pacific Rim is a perfect title…NOT.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Starship Troopers Part IV er rather this Pacific Rim thing had great action and effects, but the worst acting of any movie. I guess they wont be making part two because nobody can identity with the characters because they act like they just got off a boat with a crash course actors workshop. Music sucked too.

    Next time they make a movie with 400 foot tall monsters and teams of robots… Pacific Rim is a perfect title…NOT.

    I would not call that an intelligent critique, but at least we know your opinion. Could you elaborate (or eviscerate) some more?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Let me elaborate for everyone.

    Does this remind you of anyone we know around here?

    Ben Franklin’s “rules for making oneself a disagreeable companion,” 1750:

    1.  If possible engross the whole Discourse; and when other Matter fails, talk much of your-self, your Education, your Knowledge, your Circumstances, your Successes in Business, your Victories in Disputes, your own wise Sayings and Observations on particular Occasions, &c. &c. &c.;
    2.  If when you are out of Breath, one of the Company should seize the Opportunity of saying something; watch his Words, and, if possible, find somewhat either in his Sentiment or Expression, immediately to contradict and raise a Dispute upon. Rather than fail, criticise even his Grammar.
    3.  If another should be saying an indisputably good Thing; either give no Attention to it; or interrupt him; or draw away the Attention of others; or, if you can guess what he would be at, be quick and say it before him; or, if he gets it said, and you perceive the Company pleas’d with it, own it to be a good Thing, and withal remark that it had been said by Bacon, Locke, Bayle, or some other eminent Writer; thus you deprive him of the Reputation he might have gain’d by it, and gain some yourself, as you hereby show your great Reading and Memory.
    4.  When modest Men have been thus treated by you a few times, they will chuse ever after to be silent in your Company; then you may shine on without Fear of a Rival; rallying them at the same time for their Dullness, which will be to you a new Fund of Wit.
    “Thus you will be sure to please yourself,” he concluded. “The polite Man aims at pleasing others, but you shall go beyond him even in that. A Man can be present only in one Company, but may at the same time be absent in twenty. He can please only where he is, you where-ever you are not.”

    Yes… yes it does remind me of someone.

  • Could you elaborate (or eviscerate) some more?

    paper thin caricature of principle actors. We know nothing about them.

    Formalistic plot that’s not even developed. Nothing is known as to way these stupid monsters came here, except the classic Independence Day Alien harvesters.

    Worst acting because they spent all the money on CGI, now they just have $10 an hour to pay each actor ( meal included).

    It was basically a campy Starship Troopers style movie, except with big bugs.

    Soundtrack will never be bought by anyone, mostly because there is nothing to remember except boring background music.

    It appears i was right as usual. Chalk it up.


  • I found the story a bit thin but wasn’t really going for the story. What I did go for was the effects and they were pretty impressive. Ron Perlman cracked me up and the main girl is hot and the only character I found unlikable was supposed to be unlikable. I didn’t see any bad actors just actors not really given a whole lot to work with. They all play it straight and earnestly. No one seemed to not be buying into the concept. Generally I gave a shit about them but I’m a bit of a sap for the whole “heroic sacrifice” story.

    It is at least as good as any Transformers movie. The “Starship Troopers” comparison seems off. It is a pretty standard sort of monster movie and the alien motivation is pretty unexplained (you might term it maguffin) beyond they want to consume the planet.

    I thought the big contraptions/set pieces they created for the pilots were pretty neat and everything had impressive scale when they let you see it that is. I’m a bit weary of the close up, lots of edits, shaky cam, lots of changes of perspective, hand held camera style of film-making. It wasn’t as bad as “WWZ” in that regard but some of it was just annoying. It no longer (if it ever did) creates a “I’m right there with them” feel. It isn’t quite the shaky cam style of Man of Steel and WWZ but doesn’t hold the framing long enough for my taste. Partially I think to try and create a the ground is shaking effect but I had trouble buying in.

    However there were several “Holy Shit” moments with the effects and that was what I went for. If I were between 5-10 this would probably have been the most amazing thing I’d ever seen.

    One of the reviews I read said the cynics need not apply and I’d agree with that. Don’t expect to much and you might not be let down. Not a disappointment but it is not redeeming the summer movie going season this year.

  • I didn’t go for the story, I went for giant fighting Robots. And the movie gave me all I was expecting. Hands down loved the film, a sky scrapper sexed robot swinging a freight ship as a baseball bat? Yeah, instantly loved it.

  • I’d like to add that IL is right about the score. Utterly forgettable.

  • I was supposed to see this yesterday with friends but was up too late on Saturday and missed it.  I’ll probably take the boy to see it as I think he’ll like it.

    To me, expecting this movie to be a masterpiece is out of line. It’s like the inverse of The Longest Day - a movie full of substance, story, and good acting but absolutely atrocious “action” and depiction of war. Yet people judge that as a classic.  I don’t see why a movie that comes to entertain and executes it well can’t be regarded as high for different reasons.

    Basically, I feel like if you were disappointed you went in with the wrong expectations.

  • @Jermofoot:

    Basically, I feel like if you were disappointed you went in with the wrong expectations.

    I disagree. My job as a viewer is not to lower the bar to the level the film-makers are capable of meeting. While I don’t disagree that as a viewer I do bear some responsibility for enjoying the movie, I do not bear the entire burden.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    Basically, I feel like if you were disappointed you went in with the wrong expectations.

    I disagree. My job as a viewer is not to lower the bar to the level the film-makers are capable of meeting. While I don’t disagree that as a viewer I do bear some responsibility for enjoying the movie, I do not bear the entire burden.

    I was going to say something to the effect of:   So, if I go in to a movie expecting it to be mediocre or not what I enjoy, then I should be pleased or satisfied when my expectation comes true?

    But I thought that was too rhetorical. Frim said it a bit more tactfully.

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