I want more little fleets on the board.� � Actually a limit on number of units per territory and sea zone makes sense, just how many armadas can you shove into 1 square nautical mile anyway?
Well considering one game square equals thousands of nautical miles…
Honesty iplay a lot of42 and I spectate alotofG40…
I see many skirmishes both land and sea
Involving DDs, CAs, and SS
Certainly far more skirmishes than the huge battles you talk of
That’s why I rather prefer a small split between three types of navy:
If you want more little fleet and not just the big massive armada waiting for a massive slaughter with another one, here is what I can suggest, inspired by World War II Expansion rules form Phillip Schwartzer (which I played many times, instead of revised rule, before cruiser and destroyer appear in A&A).
Split naval groups in 3 different groups. A-Surface warships, B- subs, C- escort ships and transports.
So, even if those 3 groups are in the same sea-zone, attacker have the following options:
First, Subs operate alone (attack and defense) and can no longuer serves as cheap fodder for warships. Attacking subs only is a combat group in itself.
Second, when Subs attack, they choose between TTs & escort or warships.
Third, when warships attack, they can choose to attack warships only, or warships + TTs & escort.
Fourth, planes group choose between TTs & escort (plus planes from warships group which can intercept attacking planes and defend TTs) or warships.
TTs can be escorted by DD and real CVE (slow escort carrier A0D1M2C? ASW + 1 plane)
You can also create DE Destroyer escort, if you wish (A1D2M2C8 +1 defense when paired with CVE).
That is the basic. Let’s think if it can get the result intended.
(By the way, now Subs operating alone should stay at 6 IPCs.)
To develop this idea, I will start with the most historically base element (and already touched earlier), (it is a slight variation of Schwartzer rules):
Subs operating as a separated group.
Subs cannot protect TTs or warships.
When subs attack, they choose target between warships or TTs and escort ships,
they cannot choose other subs.
It is a special subs combat phase which is previous to any others, so no other units can attack with them, specially planes.
After all subs attack are resolved, then warships and planes can follow as regular OOB combat rules.
During this subs combat phase, if sub get a hit, each successful specific sub unit get 1 option:
a) immediate submerge and cannot be retaliate � by defender (except by ASW like DD) or
b) stay for another round taking all defending shots along with other unsuccesful subs.
Of course as OOB, if no ASW present, the casuality cannot be part of the defending rolls against others unsuccesful subs.
To attack them, it is a declared action call: Antisub mission and air patrol.
Only DDs, cruisers and planes can do it, and Escort carrier, if created as ASW.
Planes to do it, as OOB, need to be with ASW like DD or CVE/CVL.
Cruiser can make it alone, but they cannot block the First Strike from subs like DD can.
AntiSub Mission is a one shot attack, unless subs decides to fireback instead of submerging.
Subs can defend at “1” only if they were hit, or the defending player decide to stay in the battle an additionnal round.
In which case, all attacking units get another round of firing if attacker choose, because as OOB he can rather retreat.
After there is a special move allowed, if the attacking group has 1 move left, it can either return to his previous sea-zone, or go to another adjacent one from the actual sea-zone in which he conduct Antisub mission and Air Patrol.
In this manner, DDs, Cruisers and Escort carriers can return within a group of warships or Transports to keep them protected while on defense.