I only play on a PC these days. I gave up back in 05 using gaming systems and went back to the real computer where you can link gpus and run octo-core cpus etc. I just really wish I could USE the technology!
As for Halo, it was a reference to demonstrate a point. Warcraft is just as bad, imho. The technology is there (ahem, Avatar and the Final Fantasy Movie that came out ages ago?) but the companies seem reluctant to produce it.
I dunno, maybe I am the only one out there that would drop $124.99 on a game. Oh wait, I’M NOT! and and I am sure quite a few other games out there. I highly doubt people would resist playing a game with movie level cinematic effects and characters even if it cost them $500/year with a $249.99 initial outlay, as long as it had the backend support of warcraft that is. No end game is really a killer in these games, drives me nuts to play for 4 months and say “whelp, that’s it, all done. Finished the game…”