• @SunTzu7:


    One thing to think about is using the US to take Denmark and then the UK move into the Baltic and take Berlin! � My last game Germany had only light defenses in Berlin not thinking about the one-two punch of US/UK. �

    As Russia, if you can take Iraq it is great because it is worth 5 IPCs for them. � Persia is also good, but sometimes I take Persia with the UK to build a minor factory there- all depends on what your plans are. �

    I would definitely be aggressive with the UK because of Germany’s weakness in France. � I agree with the above posters- � Don’t bother with a UK factory in Norway- better to land in France/Denmark/Belgium or Southern France/Italy (Depending on where you want to attack).

    Ok. I cannot get any US troops on to German soil for till turn 2. I can get some UK Troops on the ground now but will likely not hold it. Why is Norway not a good option? Should Russia build a troop carrier to get some troops to Denmark also? I have a lot of infantry in USSR currently, and specifically Novogorod.

    If Germany only took out 1 Cruiser and 1 Destroyer then the UK is sitting pretty Navy wise.  Norway is fine to take if you only have 2 units to land- it does deny Germany a National Objective.  Denmark is kind of a waste to take unless you can take it with the US and send the UK through before Germany’s turn.

    I was saying I would not bother with an IC in Norway with the UK- especially because your Navy is more or less intact.  You don’t need all air to go to the Med- just the Bomber would work-  As far as hitting the Italian fleet at Malta- yeah if no Cruiser then send 1 or 2 fighters there to take it out.  Very important to limit Italy to 1 transport turn 1.

  • @ghr2:

    Us goes pacific heavy with destroyers, subs, and loaded carriers.  Battleships and cruisers are pointless in this version.

    I could not agree more.  I have not purchased a Battleship in any A&A since the original Pacific.  I may buy a cruiser now and then for their bombard ability (and only if I have plenty of DD’s and 4 extra IPC’s sitting around).

    As far as I’m concerned I’d rather have 2 DD’s save 4 IPCs or 1 DD, 1 CA instead of a BB.

  • Uk then goes heavy on Italy.  Buys factory Egypt, and transport with ground out of South Africa.  This is to help protect Egypt and the Middle East until the Italian navy is killed.  Uk can either kill 96, remaining German fleet that is reachable. And have 110 fleet and .98 fleet stack 92 with a blocker in 94 or u send the gib fighter and 91 cruiser to 96 and your 98 fleet and uk bomber to 97 with gib fighter(maybe add 1 more fighter from uk) while using 109/ 106/ 111 to kill German subs n stuff.  Attacking 97 requires a slight defensive buy for uk( since germ failed in France just do a fighter and inf).  Either use the 98 tranny on Ethiopia it to take Persia round 1.  It is important there are no subs in range of 106 so that transports can stack there to get the Canadians engaged.  U can also set up to take brazil uk2.  Is there a way u can post an image of the game?

  • @BJCard:


    Us goes pacific heavy with destroyers, subs, and loaded carriers.  Battleships and cruisers are pointless in this version.

    I could not agree more.  I have not purchased a Battleship in any A&A since the original Pacific.  I may buy a cruiser now and then for their bombard ability (and only if I have plenty of DD’s and 4 extra IPC’s sitting around).

    As far as I’m concerned I’d rather have 2 DD’s save 4 IPCs or 1 DD, 1 CA instead of a BB.

    Knock cruisers down to 11 or 10 and battleships to 18, then I will consider buying them.

  • I’m not so certain myself if Cairo is even necessary at the moment. Germany’s huge blunder from the first round should have Russia thinking offensively as soon as they get the green light. Russia should take Warsaw, western allies converge on Paris. Joint strike on Berlin should be game over. Paris, Berlin, and Warsaw win the game. Italy will have to help Germany stay in the game since they took the cap money from France.

  • @RogertheShrubber:

    I’m not so certain myself if Cairo is even necessary at the moment. Germany’s huge blunder from the first round should have Russia thinking offensively as soon as they get the green light. Russia should take Warsaw, western allies converge on Paris. Joint strike on Berlin should be game over. Paris, Berlin, and Warsaw win the game. Italy will have to help Germany stay in the game since they took the cap money from France.

    Yeah I wouldn’t buy a factory at Cairo in this situation- Britain has most of its fleet still- plop down a couple more DD and some Transports and they are in business!

  • With a big Italy, uk will need to make sure he holds Egypt though

  • Egypt factory is always a good idea if you plan on knocking out Italy’s income

  • @ghr2:

    Egypt factory is always a good idea if you plan on knocking out Italy’s income

    True, forgot Italy was getting French money.  You can contest the Med without the Egypt factory though.  It all depends on the strategy.

  • True, I feel that I would need to see the board before anything is concrete

  • It all depends if you feel the Cairo VC counts towards the cities you need for victory in your plan. I personally would go straight after Paris, Berlin, and Warsaw. Germany will need Italy’s help to stay afloat after that first round snafu. Only need 2 of the three Russian Vc’s, London, Wash, and Ottawa are locks given the current situation.

  • Once the Italian navy has been wiped out, Italian African and Mideast forces felt with, and 3 or 4 allied subs in 97, the Egypt factory is not too useful unless Russia is about to die.

  • '12


    Once the Italian navy has been wiped out, Italian African and Mideast forces felt with, and 3 or 4 allied subs in 97, the Egypt factory is not too useful unless Russia is about to die.

    Less useful, sure, but still handy since the fleet you need to protect the Subs will also cover shucks into Greece, or it can be used to shuck into West India if Japan is still an issue.

  • @Eggman:


    Once the Italian navy has been wiped out, Italian African and Mideast forces felt with, and 3 or 4 allied subs in 97, the Egypt factory is not too useful unless Russia is about to die.

    Less useful, sure, but still handy since the fleet you need to protect the Subs will also cover shucks into Greece, or it can be used to shuck into West India if Japan is still an issue.

    Subs do not protect against German air

  • '17 '16 '13 '12


    Just started a 1940 v2 global game with a friend. We’ve only played 1942 v1 so we’re finding our feet a little.

    As germany he has only managed to take northern france. I managed to get incredibly good dice rolls as france and wiped out all of his ground forces so it is currently empty for Italy to take. He also didn’t kill any of my Navy in Sz 110/111 and bought 3 tanks and a fighter in the first turn.

    Just wondering what I do next. Tempted as the UK to buy an AC and a fighter and try and take out his Navy and clear a path so I can try and transport troops to Denmark/Norway to haress him or try and storm Normandy which I know I can take with Naval bombardment but won’t be able to keep. Or I could buy subs and clear his Navy and then try and disrupt his convoy just to keep his IPC low.

    Also, I feel like I am buggered in the Med for the time being so opening move should be to try and pull fleet back to India?

    UK Pacific Purchases currently look like 3 Infantry and 2 Artillery.

    We’ve not played Japan’s turn yet but am considering buying 1 AC, 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub for Pacific with the idea of moving fleet to Hawaii in Turn 1 and then down to Australia in Turn 2. Possibly a carrier in Atlantic with a Sub.


    If the Canadian transport is alive, I would move all the fleet to 109 and add one carrier to it (2 transports are a sufficient threat for UK’s second turn). I would then build some troops in South Africa with the 12 IPC remaining (3 mechs or 1 tank / 1 mech).

    Build your navy to be invincible (no need for subs unless you can convoy Italy). Only then buy transports once you master the seas.

    You should be able to keep Italy off Gibraltar with your fleet, and Egypt should be safe if you pump out land troops from South Africa + an IC in Egypt.

    Taking Norway is a good plan, but it is more important to contain Italy in the short run while at least threatening Germany with increasing pressure.

    With Russia, you can afford to build up artillery in Leningrad / Ukraine and some mechanized troops in Moscow. Be prepared to push back the Germans (the bad rolls should give you a turn or so of respite) and take Scandinavia with the Russians.

  • @Omega1759:

    If the Canadian transport is alive, I would move all the fleet to 109 and add one carrier to it (2 transports are a sufficient threat for UK’s second turn). I would then build some troops in South Africa with the 12 IPC remaining (3 mechs or 1 tank / 1 mech).

    Build your navy to be invincible (no need for subs unless you can convoy Italy). Only then buy transports once you master the seas.

    You should be able to keep Italy off Gibraltar with your fleet, and Egypt should be safe if you pump out land troops from South Africa + an IC in Egypt.

    Taking Norway is a good plan, but it is more important to contain Italy in the short run while at least threatening Germany with increasing pressure.

    With Russia, you can afford to build up artillery in Leningrad / Ukraine and some mechanized troops in Moscow. Be prepared to push back the Germans (the bad rolls should give you a turn or so of respite) and take Scandinavia with the Russians.

    Thanks for this. Just to clarify moves then.

    US T1 Move Transport towards UK.
    UK T1 Attack Norway which will be taken back. Move Canadian Transport which is closer towards UK. Buy Carrier but no Fighter. Buy Troops for SA. Use Med Transport to land troops in Ethiopia. Attack Sz 96/97 with Med Fleet and Air.
    France T1 Attack Sz 95.
    US T2 Amphib Assault Norway.
    UK T2 Follow up in Norway. Buy IC for Egypt.
    US T3 Buy IC for Norway.

    In USSR, I had pulled back and left only 1 Infantry in any territory bordering Germany. I have about 18 Infantry in Novogorod and 12/14 in Ukraine. I hope the UK will occupy Germany and that my friend won’t declare on USSR so I will then start moving troops to the front line. I bought 12 Infantry last time. I intend to buy 6 Artillery (3 each for Ukraine/Novogorod), After that I am tempted between some Air or Mech Infantry. I may try and send some further units down to Persia. I already have 2 Infantry/1 Mech Infantry/1 Tank in NW PErsia. I intend to activate Persia and then attack Iraq and be able to lend some troops to Egypt.

    Only risk is I can see my friend trying to take out my Med fleet with German air on G2. Is that an issue.

    What options should I look at for UK Pac and US purchases then?

    Currently considering 3 Infantry/2 Artillery for India and try to move troops from India to Burma and try to land some troops on to Samatra. I was also considering pulling Battleship from Malaya to Sumatra just so it’s a little bit more out of range of Jap fleet.

    US I was considering spending my 52 IPC on 2 Carriers, 1 Destroyer and 2 Subs all for Pacific. Moving all PAcific Fleet to Hawaii T1 and then to Queensland (Sz54) T2 and moving fighters down towards queensland on T2.

    China I have no idea. I guess Japan will take Yunnan T1 so I should take that back. Buy 4 Infantry and place hopefully back in Yunnan I guess?

    ANZAC, buy 2 Infantry 1 Artillery. Not much they can do I guess.

  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    Is the US at war already?
    If they aren’t at war then you won’t be able to use them in Europe until one of the axis powers declares war on them or on US4.
    So your plan of having US attack Norway on US2 might have to wait. But that will give you time to buy some more transports and the ground units to fill them.

  • @captain:

    Is the US at war already?
    If they aren’t at war then you won’t be able to use them in Europe until one of the axis powers declares war on them or on US4.
    So your plan of having US attack Norway on US2 might have to wait. But that will give you time to buy some more transports and the ground units to fill them.

    You’re right it’s not. I had forgotten. I’ve been used to playing 1942.

    The question is how much investment I should make on Atlantic/Pacific.  I only have the 1 Transport in the Atlant. It takes 2 turns to get anything from Eastern US to Norway. So do I buy in T1 in prep for T3. I could just buy the 1 Carrier, Destroyer and Sub for Pacific. Then 2 Transports, 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery in T1. T2 I could buy a further Carrier for the Pacific and 1 Fighter, 2 Tac Bombers and another artillery.

    I’m a little unsure what my strategy should be in the Pacific but I’m hoping to contain Japan and keep the Dutch Islands in Allied control and allow the UK to focus on ground troops against Japan.

    On the Atlantic, the alternative to going Norwary is to support the British in the Med and go after Italy. Will take 2 turns to get to Southern France or Italy. Southern France has a Minor IC.  I will have air assets from the British already there and if I put an IC in Egypt then the UK will be about to assist and funnel troops. The more I can land, the more it takes hte pressure off the USSR and I am confident I can make small steps forward on the German/Soviet front.

  • '17 '16 '13 '12

    I would wait to attack Norway. You don’t want to lose transports and unnecessarily lose your starting land units. The threat of landing can be as effective as landing itself (you will keep Germans in Norway or Finland and he will struggle to defend both).

    It’s better for the US to take Finland. You can move your UK fleet in 91 to cover the US navy (the turn US is a war)

    To summarize plan in this particular situation:

    1. Consolidate your fleet with a carrier purchase. Make sure that the German Navy + air has no shot at destroying you navy and air cover.

    2. Save your transports and land units to have a mobile threat that can be deployed with impunity in 109, 110, 112 or 91.

    3. Early on, make sure build units in Africa and / or Middle East. Don’t build an IC that you are going to lose. Keeping the empire will preserve your income at a reasonable level.

    4. If Africa / Middle East are stabilized, increase the pressure by adding transports to your fleet, increasing the landing threat

  • Thanks for that. My last queston on UK is what to do about Ethiopia. My first thought is use transport in Med to take 2 units and from Egypt and the 1 from Anglo-Egyptian Sudan which is a straight 3 v 3 matchup.

    I did then consider using the transport at India to move 2 troops into support. My second thought is to use that Transport to load troops on to Celebers and Sumatra (with ANZAC taking Java) and using Cruiser to do bombardment at Ethiopia to even the odds. Or do I just wait to allow troops deployed in SA to make their way up and attack in due course. In that case, I would be more inclined to take troops off Malta and move them to Alexandria or Egypt to hem the Italians in at Tobruk.

    Other options ot my original plan for ANZAC is instead of buying troops. Just buy a Destroyer every turn. and position in DEI with British Fleet. By T3 I should have a US Navy nearby. Depends when Japan goes after UK/ANZAC.

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