BotA Round 5 (Middle Earth): Lalapalooza vs AlexGreat

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Freefolk
                Freefolk buy 2 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Freefolk
                1 archers moved from N. Enedwaith to N. Dunland
                1 spearInfantry moved from N. Enedwaith to N. Dunland
                1 hobbits moved from N. Enedwaith to N. Dunland
                3 archerss, 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys moved from Cardolan to Tharbad

    Combat - Freefolk
                Battle in N. Dunland
                    Freefolk attack with 1 archers, 1 hobbits and 1 spearInfantry
                    Neutral defend with 1 spearInfantry
                        Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers, 1 hobbits and 1 spearInfantry in N. Dunland, round 1 :  1/1 hits
                        Neutral roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in N. Dunland, round 1 :  0/1 hits
                        1 spearInfantry owned by the Neutral lost in N. Dunland
                    Freefolk win, taking N. Dunland from Neutral with 1 archers, 1 hobbits and 1 spearInfantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Neutral: 1 spearInfantry
                Battle in Tharbad
                    Freefolk attack with 3 archerss, 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys
                    Neutral defend with 1 castle, 3 fortificationss and 3 spearInfantrys
                        Freefolk roll dice for 3 archerss, 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys in Tharbad, round 1 :  2/1 hits
                        Neutral roll dice for 3 fortificationss and 3 spearInfantrys in Tharbad, round 1 :  1/1 hits
                        1 archers owned by the Freefolk and 2 fortificationss owned by the Neutral lost in Tharbad
                        Freefolk roll dice for 2 archerss, 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys in Tharbad, round 2 :  2/1 hits
                        Neutral roll dice for 1 fortifications and 3 spearInfantrys in Tharbad, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        1 archers owned by the Freefolk , 1 spearInfantry owned by the Neutral and 1 fortifications owned by the Neutral lost in Tharbad
                        Freefolk roll dice for 1 archers, 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys in Tharbad, round 3 :  2/1 hits
                        Neutral roll dice for 2 spearInfantrys in Tharbad, round 3 :  0/1 hits
                        2 spearInfantrys owned by the Neutral lost in Tharbad
                    Freefolk win, taking Tharbad from Neutral with 1 archers, 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
                    Casualties for Freefolk: 2 archerss
                    Casualties for Neutral: 3 fortificationss and 3 spearInfantrys

    Non Combat Move - Freefolk
                3 archerss, 2 hobbitss and 2 spearInfantrys moved from S. Downs to Cardolan
                1 spearInfantry moved from Bree to S. Downs
                1 catapult moved from Bree to S. Downs
                1 spearInfantry moved from Fornost to Breelands
                1 lightCavalry moved from Fornost to Cardolan
                1 hobbits moved from Hobbiton to Shire

    Place Units - Freefolk
                2 lightCavalrys placed in Bree
                2 spearInfantrys placed in Fornost
                1 spearInfantry placed in Bree

    Turn Complete - Freefolk
                Freefolk collect 20 PUs; end with 20 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Mordor
                Mordor buy 5 orcss and 2 trollss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Mordor
                1 orcs moved from S. Brown Lands to E. Emnet
                1 trolls moved from Wold to E. Emnet
                3 nazguls moved from Anduin East Bank to E. Emnet
                1 trolls moved from N. Brown Lands to E. Emnet
                1 orcs moved from S. Mirkwood to W. Mirkwood
                      Mordor take W. Mirkwood from Elves
                3 orcss moved from Dol Goldur to S. Mirkwood
                1 siegeTower moved from Anduin East Bank to S. Mirkwood
                2 trollss moved from Dol Goldur to S. Mirkwood
                2 trollss moved from S. Mirkwood to N. Brown Lands
                1 trolls moved from Rhovanion to N. Brown Lands
                2 orcss and 1 siegeTower moved from N. Ithilien to Anorien
                11 orcss and 5 siegeTowers moved from N. Ithilien to S. Ithilien
                2 orcss moved from Minas Morgul to S. Ithilien

    Combat - Mordor
                Battle in E. Emnet
                    Mordor attack with 3 nazguls, 1 orcs and 2 trollss
                    Rohan defend with 3 heavyCavalrys, 1 lightCavalry and 4 spearInfantrys
                    Units damaged: 2 nazguls owned by the Mordor
                    Units damaged: 1 nazgul owned by the Mordor
                    Mordor win, taking E. Emnet from Rohan with 3 nazguls, 1 orcs and 2 trollss remaining. Battle score for attacker is 31
                    Casualties for Rohan: 3 heavyCavalrys, 1 lightCavalry and 4 spearInfantrys
                Battle in Anorien
                    Mordor attack with 2 orcss and 1 siegeTower
                    Rohan defend with 1 spearInfantry; Gondor defend with 1 spearInfantry
                    Gondor win with no units remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4
                    Casualties for Rohan: 1 spearInfantry
                    Casualties for Gondor: 1 spearInfantry
                    Casualties for Mordor: 2 orcss and 1 siegeTower

    Non Combat Move - Mordor
                3 nazguls moved from E. Emnet to Anduin East Bank

    Place Units - Mordor
                5 orcss placed in Minas Morgul
                2 trollss placed in Dol Goldur

    Turn Complete - Mordor
                Mordor collect 29 PUs; end with 29 PUs total
                3 units repaired.

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Rohan
                Rohan buy 3 lightCavalrys and 2 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Rohan
                3 lightCavalrys and 6 spearInfantrys moved from Helms Deep to Westfold

    Combat - Rohan
                Battle in Westfold
                    Rohan attack with 3 lightCavalrys and 6 spearInfantrys
                    Goblins defend with 1 trolls and 1 wargs; Saruman defend with 4 orcss and 3 siegeTowers
                        Rohan roll dice for 3 lightCavalrys and 6 spearInfantrys in Westfold, round 1 :  2/0 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 4 orcss, 3 siegeTowers, 1 trolls and 1 wargs in Westfold, round 1 :  1/1 hits
                        1 spearInfantry owned by the Rohan and 2 orcss owned by the Saruman lost in Westfold
                        Rohan roll dice for 3 lightCavalrys and 5 spearInfantrys in Westfold, round 2 :  2/1 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 2 orcss, 3 siegeTowers, 1 trolls and 1 wargs in Westfold, round 2 :  2/1 hits
                        2 spearInfantrys owned by the Rohan and 2 orcss owned by the Saruman lost in Westfold
                        Rohan roll dice for 3 lightCavalrys and 3 spearInfantrys in Westfold, round 3 :  2/1 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 3 siegeTowers, 1 trolls and 1 wargs in Westfold, round 3 :  2/1 hits
                        2 spearInfantrys owned by the Rohan and 2 siegeTowers owned by the Saruman lost in Westfold
                        Rohan roll dice for 3 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry in Westfold, round 4 :  1/1 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 1 siegeTower, 1 trolls and 1 wargs in Westfold, round 4 :  1/1 hits
                        1 spearInfantry owned by the Rohan and 1 siegeTower owned by the Saruman lost in Westfold
                        Rohan roll dice for 3 lightCavalrys in Westfold, round 5 :  1/0 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 1 trolls and 1 wargs in Westfold, round 5 :  1/1 hits
                        1 lightCavalry owned by the Rohan and 1 wargs owned by the Goblins lost in Westfold
                        Rohan roll dice for 2 lightCavalrys in Westfold, round 6 :  1/1 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 1 trolls in Westfold, round 6 :  1/1 hits
                        1 trolls owned by the Goblins and 1 lightCavalry owned by the Rohan lost in Westfold
                    Rohan win, taking Westfold from Goblins with 1 lightCavalry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
                    Casualties for Rohan: 2 lightCavalrys and 6 spearInfantrys
                    Casualties for Goblins: 1 trolls and 1 wargs
                    Casualties for Saruman: 4 orcss and 3 siegeTowers

    Non Combat Move - Rohan

    Place Units - Rohan
                3 lightCavalrys and 2 spearInfantrys placed in Helms Deep

    Turn Complete - Rohan
                Rohan collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Goblins
                Goblins buy 9 shooterss and 5 stabberss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Goblins
                1 shooters and 1 stabbers moved from N. Caves to Eregion
                1 bats moved from Drimrill Dale to Eregion
                1 shooters moved from Wold to Westfold
                1 wargs moved from Lorien to Westfold
                1 bats moved from Drimrill Dale to Westfold
                3 shooterss and 1 stabbers moved from Lorien to Celebran
                1 stabbers moved from Celebran to Wold
                1 shooters moved from Anduin East Bank to Wold
                2 stabberss moved from Anduin West Bank to N. Caves
                1 stabbers moved from Anduin East Bank to Drimrill Dale
                5 wargss moved from Lorien to Anduin East Bank

    Combat - Goblins
                Battle in Westfold
                    Goblins attack with 1 bats, 1 shooters and 1 wargs
                    Rohan defend with 1 lightCavalry
                    Goblins win, taking Westfold from Rohan with 1 bats and 1 shooters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
                    Casualties for Rohan: 1 lightCavalry
                    Casualties for Goblins: 1 wargs
                Battle in Eregion
                    Goblins attack with 1 bats, 1 shooters and 1 stabbers
                    Elves defend with 1 hunters
                    Goblins win, taking Eregion from Elves with 1 bats, 1 shooters and 1 stabbers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4
                    Casualties for Elves: 1 hunters

    Non Combat Move - Goblins
                1 bats moved from Eregion to Moria
                3 stabberss moved from Moria to Drimrill Dale
                1 shooters and 1 stabbers moved from Moria to Drimrill Dale
                1 shooters and 1 stabbers moved from Moria to Drimrill Dale
                1 shooters and 1 stabbers moved from Moria to Drimrill Dale
                2 shooterss and 2 stabberss moved from Moria to Celebran
                3 shooterss and 3 stabberss moved from Moria to Drimrill Dale
                1 bats moved from Westfold to Isengard

    Place Units - Goblins
                2 shooterss placed in S. Caves
                2 shooterss placed in N. Caves
                4 shooterss and 4 stabberss placed in Moria
                1 shooters and 1 stabbers placed in Lorien

    Turn Complete - Goblins
                Goblins collect 27 PUs; end with 27 PUs total

  • Rohan vs. Saruman has become a bloodbath!

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    you use the multiple nation one-two punch well.

  • Thanks! I do wonder if it was worth it however…

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    lol, just noticed its my turn, sorry!

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Elves
                Elves buy 5 hunterss; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Elves
                2 hunterss moved from Rhudaur to Eregion
                1 hunters moved from Enedwaith to Eregion
                1 hobbits and 4 hunterss moved from Rivendell to Eregion
                1 eagles, 3 hunterss and 2 wizards moved from Cardolan to Eregion
                1 hunters moved from High Mirkwood to W. Mirkwood
                3 entss, 8 hunterss and 2 wizards moved from Carrock to W. Mirkwood

    Combat - Elves
                Battle in W. Mirkwood
                    Elves attack with 3 entss, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards
                    Mordor defend with 1 orcs
                        Elves roll dice for 3 entss, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards in W. Mirkwood, round 1 :  6/1 hits
                        Mordor roll dice for 1 orcs in W. Mirkwood, round 1 :  0/1 hits
                        1 orcs owned by the Mordor lost in W. Mirkwood
                    Elves win, taking W. Mirkwood from Mordor with 3 entss, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Mordor: 1 orcs
                Battle in Eregion
                    Elves attack with 1 eagles, 1 hobbits, 10 hunterss and 2 wizards
                    Goblins defend with 1 shooters and 1 stabbers
                        Elves roll dice for 1 eagles, 1 hobbits, 10 hunterss and 2 wizards in Eregion, round 1 :  5/1 hits
                        Goblins roll dice for 1 shooters and 1 stabbers in Eregion, round 1 :  1/1 hits
                        1 hobbits owned by the Elves , 1 stabbers owned by the Goblins and 1 shooters owned by the Goblins lost in Eregion
                    Elves win, taking Eregion from Goblins with 1 eagles, 10 hunterss and 2 wizards remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2
                    Casualties for Goblins: 1 shooters and 1 stabbers
                    Casualties for Elves: 1 hobbits

    Non Combat Move - Elves
                1 eagles moved from Eregion to Rivendell

    Place Units - Elves
                3 hunterss placed in High Mirkwood
                2 hunterss placed in Rivendell

    Turn Complete - Elves
                Elves collect 19 PUs; end with 19 PUs total

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    One truly should do more math in this game, with those many factions. You can weaken with two or three factions and then kill with the fourth. I am not doing the math :)
    But I like the map.

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Haradrim
                Haradrim buy 2 caravels, 2 rafts and 3 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Haradrim
                1 raft moved from Umbar Coast to S. Gondor Coast
                1 spearInfantry moved from S. Gondor to S. Gondor Coast
                1 spearInfantry moved from S. Gondor Coast to Tolfolas
                      Haradrim take Tolfolas from Gondor
                3 corsairss and 6 spearInfantrys moved from Umbar to Umbar Coast
                2 caravels, 3 corsairss, 5 galleons and 6 spearInfantrys moved from Umbar Coast to S. W. Central Sea Zone
                2 caravels moved from Bay of Harad to Umbar Peninsula Coast
                2 caravels moved from Umbar Peninsula Coast to S. E. Central Sea Zone
                1 spearInfantry moved from N. Ithilien to Anorien
                      Haradrim take Anorien from Gondor
                4 corsairss, 4 oliphants and 3 spearInfantrys moved from N. Ithilien to S. Ithilien
                1 raft moved from Umbar Coast to S. E. Central Sea Zone
                2 caravels moved from S. E. Central Sea Zone to S. W. Central Sea Zone

    Combat - Haradrim

    Non Combat Move - Haradrim

    Place Units - Haradrim
                2 rafts placed in Umbar Coast
                3 spearInfantrys placed in City of Corsairs
                2 caravels placed in Bay of Harad

    Turn Complete - Haradrim
                Haradrim collect 21 PUs; end with 21 PUs total

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Gondor
                Gondor buy 1 heavyCavalry and 7 towerGuards; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Gondor
                1 spearInfantry moved from Enedwaith Coast to Druwaith Laur
                1 towerGuard moved from Enedwaith to Druwaith Laur
                1 spearInfantry moved from Enedwaith to Druwaith Laur
                1 spearInfantry moved from Enedwaith to Druwaith Laur
                1 undead moved from Lebennin to Morthond
                1 undead moved from Morthond to Anfalas
                1 raft moved from Anfalas Coast to Morthond
                1 raft moved from Anfalas Coast to Morthond
                1 raft moved from Anfalas Coast to Morthond
                1 towerGuard moved from Lossarnach to Anduin Mouth
                1 towerGuard moved from Lossarnach to Anduin Mouth
                1 towerGuard moved from Lossarnach to Anduin Mouth
                1 towerGuard moved from Lossarnach to Anduin Mouth
                1 spearInfantry moved from W. Osg. to Anduin Mouth
                1 heavyCavalry moved from N. Enedwaith to Druwaith Laur
                3 caravels, 8 galleons, 1 spearInfantry and 4 towerGuards moved from Anduin Mouth to Morthond
                1 spearInfantry moved from Morthond to Anfalas
                1 towerGuard moved from Morthond to Anfalas
                1 towerGuard moved from Morthond to Anfalas
                1 towerGuard moved from Morthond to Anfalas
                1 towerGuard moved from Morthond to Anfalas
                1 raft moved from Anduin Mouth to Gilrain
                1 towerGuard moved from Minas Tirith to Anorien
                1 towerGuard moved from Minas Tirith to Anorien
                1 towerGuard moved from Minas Tirith to Anorien
                2 spearInfantrys, 4 towerGuards and 1 trebuche moved from W. Osg. to E. Osg.
                1 towerGuard moved from Minas Tirith to Lossarnach
                1 towerGuard moved from Minas Tirith to Anorien

    Combat - Gondor
                Battle in Anorien
                    Gondor attack with 4 towerGuards
                    Haradrim defend with 1 spearInfantry
                        Gondor roll dice for 4 towerGuards in Anorien, round 1 :  2/1 hits
                        Haradrim roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in Anorien, round 1 :  1/1 hits
                        1 spearInfantry owned by the Haradrim and 1 towerGuard owned by the Gondor lost in Anorien
                    Gondor win, taking Anorien from Haradrim with 3 towerGuards remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1
                    Casualties for Haradrim: 1 spearInfantry
                    Casualties for Gondor: 1 towerGuard

    Non Combat Move - Gondor

    Place Units - Gondor
                2 towerGuards placed in E. Osg.
                2 towerGuards placed in Andrast
                3 towerGuards placed in Anfalas
                1 heavyCavalry placed in Minas Tirith

    Turn Complete - Gondor
                Gondor collect 32 PUs; end with 32 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Rhun
                Rhun buy 6 fortificationss and 4 spearInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Rhun
                1 chariotArchers moved from Bight to E. Mirkwood
                      Rhun take E. Mirkwood from Elves
                1 warChariot moved from Bight to W. Mirkwood
                1 chariotArchers moved from E. Mirkwood to W. Mirkwood
                1 warChariot moved from S. Mirkwood to W. Mirkwood
                1 spearInfantry moved from Rhovanion to Bight
                1 spearInfantry moved from E. Rhovanion to Rhun
                2 chariotArcherss moved from Rhun to Iron Hills
                1 spearInfantry moved from N. Rhun to Iron Hills
                1 spearInfantry moved from Rhun to N. Rhun

    Combat - Rhun
                Battle in W. Mirkwood
                    Rhun attack with 1 chariotArchers and 2 warChariots
                    Elves defend with 3 entss, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards
                    Elves win with 1 ents, 9 hunterss and 2 wizards remaining. Battle score for attacker is -17
                    Casualties for Rhun: 1 chariotArchers and 2 warChariots
                    Casualties for Elves: 2 entss

    Non Combat Move - Rhun

    Place Units - Rhun
                6 fortificationss placed in Rhun
                4 spearInfantrys placed in Iron Hills

    Turn Complete - Rhun
                Rhun collect 20 PUs; end with 20 PUs total

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Dale
                Dale buy 2 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Dale
                1 spearInfantry moved from N. Dale to E. Mirkwood
                      Elves take E. Mirkwood from Rhun

    Combat - Dale

    Non Combat Move - Dale
                1 archers moved from S. Dale to N. Dale
                1 heavyCavalry moved from N. Dale to W. Mirkwood
                1 heavyCavalry moved from Lake Town to W. Mirkwood

    Place Units - Dale
                2 lightCavalrys and 1 spearInfantry placed in Lake Town

    Turn Complete - Dale
                Dale collect 9 PUs; end with 9 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Khand
                Khand buy 2 raiderCavalrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Khand
                2 raiderCavalrys moved from S. Ithilien to S. Brown Lands
                1 warWolves moved from S. Ithilien to Dagorlad
                2 raiderCavalrys moved from Rhovanion to Anduin East Bank
                4 raiderss and 2 xbowInfantrys moved from S. Ithilien to N. Ithilien
                2 raiderCavalrys moved from Khand to N. Ithilien
                1 raiders moved from Harad Road to S. Ithilien
                2 raiderss moved from Harad Road to N. Haradwaith

    Non Combat Move - Khand

    Place Units - Khand
                2 raiderCavalrys placed in Khand

    Turn Complete - Khand
                Khand collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs total

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :3

    Purchase Units - Dwarves
                Dwarves buy 3 axeInfantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Dwarves
                1 phalanx moved from Lonely Mtn. to N. Dale
                1 zepplin moved from Lonely Mtn. to Celduin
                1 axeInfantry moved from N. Dale to Celduin
                1 axeInfantry moved from Withered Heath to N. Dale

    Combat - Dwarves
                Battle in Celduin
                    Dwarves attack with 1 axeInfantry and 1 zepplin
                    Neutral defend with 1 spearInfantry
                        Dwarves roll dice for 1 axeInfantry and 1 zepplin in Celduin, round 1 :  0/1 hits
                        Neutral roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in Celduin, round 1 :  0/1 hits
                        Dwarves roll dice for 1 axeInfantry and 1 zepplin in Celduin, round 2 :  1/1 hits
                        Neutral roll dice for 1 spearInfantry in Celduin, round 2 :  0/1 hits
                        1 spearInfantry owned by the Neutral lost in Celduin
                    Dwarves win, taking Celduin from Neutral with 1 axeInfantry and 1 zepplin remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
                    Casualties for Neutral: 1 spearInfantry

    Non Combat Move - Dwarves
                1 zepplin moved from Celduin to N. Dale

    Place Units - Dwarves
                3 axeInfantrys placed in Lonely Mtn.

    Turn Complete - Dwarves
                Dwarves collect 14 PUs; end with 14 PUs total

  • TripleA Turn Summary for game: Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth, version: 1.6

    Game History

    Round :4

    Purchase Units - Saruman
                Saruman buy 2 orcss and 1 urukhai; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;

    Combat Move - Saruman
                2 orcss and 1 urukhai moved from Isengard to Westfold
                1 urukhai moved from Westfold to Wold

    Non Combat Move - Saruman

    Place Units - Saruman
                2 orcss and 1 urukhai placed in Isengard

    Turn Complete - Saruman
                Saruman collect 11 PUs; end with 11 PUs total

  • Rather boring turn for saruman!

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    I dont know, I like the map, but the balance feels wrong. Goblins rich, Saruman dirt-poor, other nations actually useless (dwarves, Dale). Zeppelins and cannons for dwarves are very strange choices, these are not warhammer-type dwarves. A strategy game needs compromise, I am not attached to the idea that it has to be as in the books, but goblins should not be able to take Lorien so easily. Dont say it could not happen in a full blown war, but I feel they would need a balrog at least. The Eastern nations feel ok and well done, their mobility is authentic. Gondor feels stretched, also authentic. I think the main prob for me is that Rohan, Dale and Dwarves (who should have a stronghold in the Blue Mountains as well as in the Iron Mountains) never will be more than a very, very limited local power. Against a good opponent. Rhun is a bit similar. Saruman as well.

  • Its definitely not a perfect map, and even though its gone through a great number of iterations and balancing tweaks it still has some problems. Having said that, watching expert players on this map I have seen both good and evil win in a fair fight.

    The flavor of the map is such that it might not be that appealing to LOTR fans, but given the original map size/territory configuration, I do think the current power set-up is justified. If Saruman is too strong he can just overwhelm Rohan. If Rohan is made more powerful to compensate, then it creates the problem that their mobility and power can disrupt the balance elsewhere.

    In regards to Dale/Dwarves, there’s a way to get them to be more than just always on the defensive, but it requires the Elves to help. The beauty of this map is that it allows the player the combination of 2-3 nations working together to take down one big one.

    But I agree that at first blush the map does not seem entirely balanced, and only with repeated play does its depth become apparent.

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