For those interested the last 3 rounds were played out.
The final score after 6 full rounds was Entente 29 Central Powers 27.
Unfortunately no notes or images taken.
You assume your forces cleared a path through the mines and no new ones can get added while the enemy is there.
I’ve added the rules for battleship repair to the above post, they make much less sense.
Well, if the RR isn’t spelled out, whats the best way to handle it? i.e. which way do you think Kreighund will put in the “Official FAQ”? That’s how we should play.
I think we have to assume that Moscow does count for victory conditions, otherwise the rule is dead in the water.
The simplest fix to the force fields is that after a revolution the Allies must nominate another power to take control of Russian controlled tt outside Russia itself.
I think we have to assume that Moscow does count for victory conditions, otherwise the rule is dead in the water.
The simplest fix to the force fields is that after a revolution the Allies must nominate another power to take control of Russian controlled tt outside Russia itself.
In addition, it is unlikely there are many territories controlled by Moscow if the CPs trigger the revolution. The other option is if Russian troops are in foreign soil (like in Turkey) with no other Allied units with them, then they still disappear and Turkey can reclaim its lost territories on its next turn.
Or just make neutrals activate on behalf of the power who is closest.
Or just disallow Russia to represent a neutral power unless russian units are adjacent
Or just let the CP attack Russian territory after the revolution, and remove the forcefields that way.
Cool Stuff hasn’t shipped anything yet as of Friday. :-(
Seems to be on general sale already over here.
At this point I could quote my old Dad going on about how the Americans are “always late for the war”.
But that would just be rude.
Seems to be on general sale already over here.
At this point I could quote my old Dad going on about how the Americans are “always late for the war”.
well played sir who has the game & the well placed qoutes…one would say we may be late but we make a hell of a entrance…
shock and awe? oh wait that wasn’t world war 2
Delivered by Amazon this morning.
Add your details when you recieve your copy.
Me too!! This will be a great weekend !! Only problem is that I had invited my friends for playing A&A1914 the next weekend :lol:
What did you guys pay on Amazon?
I only paid $65 per copy. If you guys paid full price I don’t feel as bad.
Amazon has a set price of 70 dollars i believe. It may have been different a while back though.
I paid the full price but thats allright because if I wouldnt have received the game I
d have spend my money tomorrow night in the pub which generally costs me more than 30 €  :wink:
I paid the full price but thats allright because if I wouldn
t have received the game I
d have spend my money tomorrow night in the pub which generally costs me more than 30 € � :wink:
Ha… Well, since I don’t have the game today, I’m going to a poker game tonight where I will probably lose $40.
Just back from my bath with 400 miniatures. The dice and chips can wait.
A few thoughts on them:
Some of the infantry are quite different in size; the Americans and French are giants compared to the little Ruskies.
The propellers on the fighters are rather delicate; I think in a few years intact fighters will be quite rare.
The German helmets just don’t look quite right. Shame.
UK colour is very close to Revised; Italian colour close to Japanese orange.
French colour same as Attack!; I can use Attack tanks for Renaults. Attack! artillery might do as heavy art units.
I got the right number of units,
Two of my Russian fighters are a different colour. At first I thought they were renegade Italian fly boys who got put into the wrong bag, but no. Although they are much closer in shade to the Italian orange, they’re definitely brown, but a much lighter shade than the rest of the Russian pieces.
Can’t think how this came about, hardly a game breaker, but just a little annoying.
Just back from my bath with 400 miniatures
Two of my Russian fighters are a different colour. At first I thought they were renegade Italian fly boys who got put into the wrong bag, but no. Although they are much closer in shade to the Italian orange, they’re definitely brown, but a much lighter shade than the rest of the Russian pieces.
Can’t think how this came about, hardly a game breaker, but just a little annoying.
That has more to do with this residue bath water and where these have been….JK
I’ll see if it all comes out in the morning.
Anyway, the Red Russians from AAE will do nicely for Bolsheviks/Communists. They’re actually bigger than the Imperial Russians (though dwarfed by the Americanos). If I can use destroyers as cruisers I’ve got every unit type, not that the Red Navy is likely to be that big.
Damn :-( The difference in fig size really sucks (for me)I hate having mismatched pieces.