Could an argument be made that a battleship strategy for germany is preferable to a carrier based one? Typically if Germany purchases navy the conventional wisdom is 1 Carrier, 1 DD, 1 SS, or possibly some transports. What if Germany instead purchased 1 BB, 1 DD, and saved two dollars?
- Allows German planes to not be tied down on a carrier but rather operate from the West German air base.
- Better for Sea Lion because of the UK’s option to scramble into the English Channel as your unloading. Your’re gonna need all the planes you can get and can’t afford to devote some to defending the transports.
- Provides an additional bombardment for Sea Lion.
Now the moves for a turn in which you purchase a BB and DD are interesting. You could save your starting battleship to give you two at the end of G1. Alternatively you could use it to help kill the channel fleet. I prefer to keep the Bismarck alive and combine it with the newly purchased Tirpitz. This mean a channel attack is too risky. Instead I suggest attacking the sz 111 and sz 109 fleet. Planes attacking 109 with subs can land in Belgium with 3 aa guns. The British most likely wont attack your fleet with these odds: 3 Fighters+1Bomber+1BB+1Cruiser vs 2 BB, 1 DD, 1 Cruiser, 3 fighters on defense. If anything this would be preferable as you can trade your Kriegsmarine for the entire RAF and remaining ships and focus efforts on Russia. What do you guys think? Is there a way in Global to honor GroBadmiral Raeder?