Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Taking control question… pg. 19, last sentence in next to last paragraph “If there are units belonging to more than one friendly power, they must decide between them who will take control of the territory”.

    Does this “clause” only apply if the attacking power’s units were all eliminated?  OR can the attacking power have surviving units AND give control to another friendly power that is also in the territory?

  • Official Q&A

    If the defending units are eliminated and the attacking power still has units, the attacking power always takes control.

  • @Krieghund:

    If the defending units are eliminated and the attacking power still has units, the attacking power always takes control.


  • Official Q&A

    Due to the rules on taking casualties, it’s not possible to have only fighters remaining.

  • Captured Capital question - If Rome is captured, can Italian units be used for neutral country mobilizations?

  • Official Q&A


  • Suez Canal questions - If Turkey controls Egypt, can they prohibit neutral US sea movement thru the canal?  A contested Egypt blocks all movement right?

  • Official Q&A


    Suez Canal questions - If Turkey controls Egypt, can they prohibit neutral US sea movement thru the canal?

    The US can’t move through the Suez Canal at all while neutral, regardless of which side controls it, as the US is not on either side.


    A contested Egypt blocks all movement right?


  • In an amphibious assault, if all attacking sea borne units are destroyed by pre -emptive artillery strikes, can the battleships still bombard? Does it matter if there are/aren’t units attacking overland as well? For example, if a transport with one infantry offloads to attack a territory with an infantry and artillery but gets destroyed by the artillery’s pre-emptive strike, can the battleship still bombard? How about if there are still some units attacking by land? Thanks!

  • '17 '15

    Very good question.‘‘the number of battleships that can bombard is limited to the number of units that OFFLOADED from transport’’…and ‘‘the pre-emptive strike is against all of your OFFLOADING units’’…so I would say NO units OFFLOADED(no survivors)= NO bombardment.

  • Official Q&A

    Offloading units count for the bombardment limitation even if they don’t make to shore (they still offloaded from the transports).

  • Krieghund does this mean that it is possible for a battleship to solely bombard a territory?  For instance if I am doing an amphibious assault and all my units are destroyed by artillery strikes, can my battleships still bombard even though I have no land units attacking that territory?

  • Official Q&A


  • Here’s a question that arose during a game of 1914 that’s still in-progress:

    It’s turn two and the U.S. has not entered the war. The Great Britain player wants to move land units from Canada into the Eastern U.S., where he’s also moved a transport into the sea zone.

    I’d never seen this attempted before, unsure of it’s allowed and can’t seem to find anything in the rulebook. Your thoughts? Thank you in advance.

  • Official Q&A

    It’s not allowed.  Movement of land units into a neutral territory is an attack.

  • @Krieghund:

    It’s not allowed.  Movement of land units into a neutral territory is an attack.

    Awesome. Thanks for the quick response.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Hi Kreig, questions:

    1. If my ships just sit in a sea zone with no enemy ships but an enemy naval base and do not move during their turn, do I sill roll for mines?  The rule says “move through or into…”  I assume they would not roll.

    2. Also if I am correct above, would my ships that just sit in a mined sea zone their turn roll for mines if another of my ships enters the same sea zone the same turn or would only the moving ship?

    2. If I move into a sea zone to reinforce w/transported units a contested land area, do I roll for mines if the sea zone is adjacent to a mine?  I assume so…


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Along those lines,

    If I  move an empty transport into mined uncontested sea zone to load units, I roll the mines before I load, rigth?

    But, what if the transports are just sitting there having moved in last run, and start “bridging” units from one land territory to another… they are not “moving into or through” the sea zone…


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Finally, I can pick up units from a contested territory, right?

  • To Karl7

    1. If my ships just sit in a sea zone with no enemy ships but an enemy naval base and do not move during their turn, do I sill roll for mines?  The rule says “move through or into…”  I assume they would not roll.
    They do NOT roll for mines.

    2. Also if I am correct above, would my ships that just sit in a mined sea zone their turn roll for mines if another of my ships enters the same sea zone the same turn or would only the moving ship?
    Only the new ships entering would roll.  Plus remember this is done after all movement and before any battle rolls.

    3. If I move into a sea zone to reinforce w/transported units a contested land area, do I roll for mines if the sea zone is adjacent to a mine?  I assume so… Yes (if you mean territory adjacent to a mine), transports would roll for mines, thus your reinforcement may fail (units lost) if ship is sunk.

    If I  move an empty transport into mined uncontested sea zone to load units, I roll the mines before I load, right?
    Actually no, you would go ahead and complete your full movement, even to the point of unloading those units.  The mine rolls are done after ALL movement completed for all of your units.

    But, what if the transports are just sitting there having moved in last run, and start “bridging” units from one land territory to another… they are not “moving into or through” the sea zone…  If the ships don’t move, there is no roll for mines. (Even though technically they are moving IN that sea zone - but rule is built around moving into or through).

    Finally, I can pick up units from a contested territory, right? Yes, the territory can be contested, but the sea zone must be friendly.

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