Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • I sure hope the Germans can enter SZ1. The Americans let German freighter subs into their ports even after the Lusitania sank. Hell they even threw a parade for the crew of the Deutschland.

  • @Hitlers:

    I sure hope the Germans can enter SZ1. The Americans let German freighter subs into their ports even after the Lusitania sank. Hell they even threw a parade for the crew of the Deutschland.

    You Americans are so easy to bribe, just send a freighter sub with a lot of sausages, wienerwurst, bratwurst, sauerkraut etc, and you forgett Fritz sank Lusitiania last week, with many women and kids lost in the sea, and you actually deal with this warmongers, and give them a lot of stuff so they can keep on making weapons to kill nice people. The only Americans that never sell out are the game designers at WOTC, its one week to release and they havent said a kvit, its so silent you should think A&A 1914 was a secret military prosject.

  • @Razor:


    I sure hope the Germans can enter SZ1. The Americans let German freighter subs into their ports even after the Lusitania sank. Hell they even threw a parade for the crew of the Deutschland.

    You Americans are so easy to bribe, just send a freighter sub with a lot of sausages, wienerwurst, bratwurst, sauerkraut etc, and you forgett Fritz sank Lusitiania last week, with many women and kids lost in the sea, and you actually deal with this warmongers, and give them a lot of stuff so they can keep on making weapons to kill nice people. The only Americans that never sell out are the game designers at WOTC, its one week to release and they havent said a kvit, its so silent you should think A&A 1914 was a secret military prosject.

    Ladys and Gentleman, here it is, the final frontier of historical retardation

  • Hello, my name is David Irvine

  • @Razor:

    Hello, my name is David Irvine

    Good for you, sir.

  • Customizer

    To answer my own questions now I have the official rules:

    From my previous list:

    Is there a naval battle board?


    Can attacking ships retreat from a naval battle, or do they stay in what is now a contested SZ when they break off the attack?

    They stay in a contested SZ = sitting ducks.

    Where can Battleships repair, and for what cost?

    In a SZ containing a NB you control, no cost.

    Do damaged BBs fire & move accordingly, i.e. at 2 rather than 4 (always liked this rule).


    The UK report appears to contradict the Russian version that stated ships can only be built in original home naval bases; does this in fact extend to captured bases?

    No, original NBs only, the tt concerned must be controlled or contested.

    What happens to mines adjacent to a naval base that is captured, or whose original owner is knocked out of the game?

    They are neutralized.

    Are submarines able to contest an amphibious assault if the incoming transports have no combat ships escorting them?


    Is there a limit on the number of Commonwealth units that can be placed in Bombay every turn?

    No, just no navy.

    If the Allies control SZ 20 do they have free access through the straits from SZs 21 to 19/17 regardless of Turkey still holding Constantinople?

    Rules don’t seem to say.

    Similarly, does control of Egypt block movement between SZs 19 & 28?


    Does SZ 30 have any function?

    No comment, Sir.

    Can ships carry units of their allies?


    Can fighters fly over neutral tt?

    They can fly over any tt.

    Can fighters make an attack on their own (without ground forces?)


    Can fighters of an allied power join in air combat in an attack within a contested tt?


    Does, in fact, at least one infantry always have to be involved in any attack on a land territory?


    Are the Allies permitted to invade non-aligned neutrals? I foresee big problems for the CP if they can, particularly in regard to Persia and Norway being used to feed U.K. units into Russia (I assume the western Allies are allowed on Russian soil).


    _What happens to units of all players in Russia when the revolution occurs?

    If Russia is out of the game, can the other Allies take control of Serbia & Romania as if they were non-aligned neutrals?

    Similarly, if Russia had been given control of, say, Holland, does this tt now have an invisible force field preventing CP attacks, or does control transfer to one of the “active” allies?_

    RR rules need a complete rewrite.

    Do minor Allied (Belgium & Portugal) and Spanish colonies have forces, and if so how and when do they come into play?


    Are the conditions of a power whose capital has been lost the same as in previous Axis and Allies games, i.e. the occupier gets the player’s saved money, the defeated power cannot build new units nor collect money unless liberated, but can still fight with surviving units?


    Are submarines vulnerable to mines in the same way that surface ships are?


    I’ll see if I can find the answer to the Constantinople Conundrum.

    Time to draw a bath…

  • ::pictures Flashman taking a bath with 400 miniatures, 160 chips, and 36 dice::

  • The Dardanelles aren’t closed, they are just mined. Seems strange.

    I have some questions.

    If you go through two mined sea zones are you subject to the mines twice?
    (UK Cruiser moves from 9 to 10 to 11.)

    Do artillery fire during normal combat as well during amphibious invasions?
    It says they fire preemptively, then land combat proceeds normally. What does that mean? Do the artillery fire again during normal combat?

  • Customizer

    Yes, they do.

    You roll for both mines.

  • Do artillery fire once preemptively then once again in normal combat?

  • Customizer


  • Thats crazy…… :mrgreen:

  • Customizer

    The idea is that they’re firing at the units coming ashore, who are in no position to return fire, certainly not from artillery.

  • Yea, I like the rule. But they fire twice?
    That seems odd.

  • In our game they fire twice, due to having the convergence of two forts in that sea zone.

  • I’m a bit confused by this excerpt:

    “If you move all of your units out of a contested territory and leave only units from the other side there, the other side will
    immediately claim the territory (see “Taking Control of a Territory”, page 20). If the territory was originally controlled by a
    power on the other side, that power will take control (even if it has no units present).”

    Do you have to leave an occupational force in captured enemy territory?

  • I think that means if you leave a contested territory. If they attacked you, lost all their units, the territory stays theirs until your turn.
    You can’t leave, or it reverts back to their control.

    Imagine if Russia is trying to flush the Turks out of Romania (Russian controlled)
    They attack 10 Inf with 4 inf and 4 Artillery, but the defending turks score 8 hits.

    Because the territory can’t become turkish on the Russian turn, when the Turkish turn comes around, this rule informs you that at least one unit of yours must stay in Romania, though it is empty of enemy forces, to establish control. Your entire force can’t charge onward to the Ukraine because only during YOUR turn can you take control of a territory.

  • So the territory remains contested until Ottomans turn?

  • Another question, can Austria-Hungary or Turkey declare unrestricted submarine warfare and if so does that force a US entry as well? The rule book specifies Germany. Are Austro-Hungarian

    and Ottoman subs considered so subpar that they can’t declare USW?

  • Official Q&A


    I’m a bit confused by this excerpt:

    “If you move all of your units out of a contested territory and leave only units from the other side there, the other side will immediately claim the territory (see Taking Control of a Territory, page 20). If the territory was originally controlled by a power on the other side, that power will take control (even if it has no units present).”

    Do you have to leave an occupational force in captured enemy territory?

    No.  The rule says “and leave only units from the other side there”.  If the territory has been captured, there will be no units from the other side in it.


    I think that means if you leave a contested territory.



    If they attacked you, lost all their units, the territory stays theirs until your turn.
    You can’t leave, or it reverts back to their control.

    No.  If all of the units from one side are removed from the territory for any reason, it is no longer contested and will become controlled immediately.

    I am not going back and answering any questions in this thread from before the Rulebook was posted.

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