More sponsors have jumped on the bandwagon!
Warlord Games ( has sent us a box set of their “Bolt Action Miniatures : Assault on Normandy” game. A complete WW2 miniatures game in a box! As we already have WW2 miniatures games that will be set up ready to play (including the Bolt Action miniatures rules) this is likely to be given away as a prize … how still to be determined.
Steve Jackson Games (repeat sponsor!) has sent some great stuff for the games library.
Fantasy Flight Games (repeat sponsor!) has sent along some more as well!
Check out for a list of what games will be available for public use in the FMGCon Games Library and to start or sign up for a game ahead of time!
Remember, space is limited to the first 100 registrants! I know it’s still a few months away but we’ll keep reminding people. ;)