–Taking Australia is all about Bankrupting Australia.
–Take away their NO’s, get subs into the convoy zones, and land more troops than they can produce.
–Usually this is done -after- India/China have capitulated.
––I’d say,…YES, it’s possible to subjugate the entire Anzac command.
----But, like Gar has said, you should weigh all of the pros and cons first:
–By DOW against Anzac you also bring UK-Pacific and America into the conflict immediately thus allowing UK-Pacific to assist China in it’s struggle for survival.
–Also, you loose the 10 IPC NO for not being at war with UK-Pac, Anzac, & having not entered F.I.C.
–Also, you allow China to attain it’s NO of keeping the road open(with UK-Pac help). IMHO the bonuses YOU ATTAIN and the bonuses you DENY YOUR ENEMY usually add up to the difference in who wins the victory.
–I don’t mean to state the obvious,…and I absolutely love entirely new strategies,…but IMHO it’s an easier win to NOT DOW while beating up China and the road while building your forces to take Hong Kong, Phillipines, the Dutch East Indies, and eventually India.
----Just remember, It’s all about FUN, and the only thing that matters is having Fun while you WIN the game(more fun)!
“Tall Paul”