But “I win” scenarios have long been a history of this game!
Classic “I win” strategies:
A) Canadian Shield, until someone figured out how to stop it.
B) Smush Russia First (Dogpile of Axis on Russia), until someone figured out how to make Germany pay and open a 2 front war, thus taking pressure off Russia.
C) Spanish Invasion - until players learned how to deal with it.
D. The Infantry Push Mechanic - again, until people learned to deal with it.
Revised “I win” strategies:
A) Smush Russia First (same as Classic.)
B) Kill Japan First - still in use since most players cannot handle a revised battle of the Pacific, as far as I can see. But certainly no longer an “I win.”
C) British Bombardment Strategy (warships park off France and blow the crud out of the defenders.)
D. Note, Revised enhanced had to be created to spread the battle over the globe and make the game a lot more fun again due to the mechanicalness of Revised after a while.
A) Kill Germany first….really, that’s like THE go to strategy for any game of Axis and Allies (theater specific ver. are NOT axis and allies, I dont care WHAT the box says. IMHO.)
A) Kill Germany First
B) Kill Italy First
C) Kill England First - round 3
D. Invade Russia round 2
E) Kill India First
F) Kill ANZAC First
G) Walk Around China
H) Walk THROUGH China
Thing is, what seems unstopable just has not been stopped yet. All of the above strategies have their flaws, and they can all be stopped with the appropriate amount of thought and timeing.
Ex) Sea Lion Round 3
Sol) The United States liberates on Round 5
Ex) Kill India First
Sol) Reinforce from Russia/ANZAC - later US