• Setup :D

  • Sponsor

    You can post stuff like this in the house rules or variants forums, it might get moved if you keep it here.

  • '17 '16 '13 '12

    No black sea fleet?

    How about the Caspian sea?

  • Oh, sorry, I did not see the house rules section. Perhaps the moderators would be so kind to move it there, since I do not know how :(

    We forgot about the Black Sea fleet :) will be added :)

  • '17 '16 '13 '12


    Oh, sorry, I did not see the house rules section. Perhaps the moderators would be so kind to move it there, since I do not know how :(

    We forgot about the Black Sea fleet :) will be added :)

    The Dutch Navy is there!

    The DeRuyter for example.

  • better resolution please, otherwise, pretty cool.  I can hardly see europe or russia.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Cool  There is a lot of room for different set ups

    could you list the changes in type?  I can’t quite make them all out.

  • The changes are quite extensive :)

    Firstly, I removed ANZAC and joined Canadian and all other Commonwealth troops under the UK. I used the Axis and Allies 1942 Second Edition rules - that means no Tech, no Kamikaze, no Convoys, no tactical bombers, no mechanized infantry, just the simple game.

    GERMANY: 30 IPCs

    Germany is at war with United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. Germany can break the non-aggression pact with Soviet Union for 5 IPCs and then Finland joins the war for the Axis. Germany can invite the following countries to war: Bulgaria (for 2 IPCs), Iraq (for 2 IPCs), Persia (for 5 IPCs), Paraguay (for 6 IPCs), Argentina (for 7 IPCs), Bolivia (for 9 IPCs), Chile (for 9 IPCs), Spain (for 15 IPCs).
    Germany can also control Vichy France (all French colonies) after the fall of France for 7 IPCs - all French troops and territories in northern Africa, Madagascar, Syria, French Guiana and French Central Africa become German and French Indo China disbands troops and can be occupied by Japan without a declaration of war. All the ships and the forces that are in that moment in United Kingdom territories or territories occupied by the Allies as well as those in French West Africa and French Equatorial Africa remain Free French.

    FRANCE: 19 IPCs

    France is in war with Germany and Italy. If the Allies free a French territory in Europe, two additional infantry of the French Resistance join them for each of the three territories (only once per game). If Japan is at war with UK or USA, France can declare war on Japan. If France falls in Axis hands, United Kingdom can occupy French colonies (regardless of the fact are the colonies under the control of Free or Vichy France). Vichy France is on the side of the Axis.

    JAPAN: 27 IPCs

    Japan is at war with China. If the Allies enter China they are immediately in war with Japan. Japan can declare war on UK, USA, France and the Netherlands. Also the non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union and Mongolia can be broken for 35 IPCs, but only if Germany attacks the Soviet Union.

    CHINA: 12 IPCs

    China is at war with Japan. If the Allies enter China, they are immediately at state of war with Japan. China can produce infantry. Artillery and tanks can also be produced if the Burma road is open. China also has ally Communist forces in Suiyuan (6 infantry and 1 artillery) which can only defend against the Japanese forces and cannot move unless in war with China or they enter a Japanese occupied territory. Communist forces can declare war on China at any point (or vice versa). Szechwan is considered the capital province.

    ITALY: 10 IPCs

    Italy is at war with United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. If Germany declares war on the Soviet Union, Italy is automatically at war with the Soviet Union as well (same goes for USA). If Rome falls in Allies hands, all Italian infantry troops (except those in Northern Italy) are removed from the game and other units are replaced with German ones.


    United Kingdom is in war with Germany and Italy. UK can invite the following countries to war: Sierra Leone (for 1 IPC), Greece (for 3 IPCs), Yugoslavia (for 5 IPCs), Portugal (for 7 IPCs), Saudi Arabia (for 20 IPCs), Turkey (for 20 IPCs), Persia (for 25 IPCs), USA (for 55 IPCs) and the Soviet Union (for 70 IPCs). When in war with Japan UK can bring USA to war for 20 IPCs.


    The Netherlands are at war with Germany and Italy, but do not start the game unless Japan attacks their colonies or if Japan is at war with USA (then they enter the war). The Dutch cannot collect any more income (unless their capital province is free).

    USA is neutral and does not start the game until it enters the war. Britain can bring USA to war for 75 IPCs and Japan (or Germany) can declare war on USA or make a surprise attack on their territories. When in war with Japan UK can bring USA to war for 20 IPCs.
    USA can invite the following countries to war: Liberia (for 1 IPCs), Brazil (for 3 IPCs), Venezuela (for 6 IPCs), Uruguay (for 8 IPCs), Colombia (for 10 IPCs), Ecuador (for 10 IPCs), Peru (for 10 IPCs), Chile (for 15 IPCs), Bolivia (for 25 IPCs), Argentina (for 30 IPCs), Paraguay (for 30 IPCs).

    Soviet Union is neutral and does not start the game until it enters the war when the Germans break the non-aggression pact and attack or the UK brings them to war. Soviet Union and Mongolia also have a non-aggression pact with Japan (which can be broken for 35 IPCs). Mongolia joins the war if Japan attacks the Soviet Union, but Soviet Union troops can enter Mongolia at any time during the game (they are neutral, but grant access to the Soviet Union).

    The blue chips represent 2 more units, orange - 3 more units, red - 5 more units :D

    I would gladly post a high resolution empty map - where you can see how I made some new stuff for South America… BUT I do not have that option on this forum - when we played this weekend, it was great - Paraguayan and Argentinean troops joined the Axis and defeated Brazil, conquered almost all of South America… it was very interesting. Also - the China we made is more realistic - the Japanese never got to conquer the entire China and now it is possible to fight with the Chinese and not just wait to get conquered.

    AXIS ALLIES 1.jpg

  • Also some additional rules

    All the same rules from Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition apply, but there are some changes:


    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Japan
    4. China
    5. Italy
    6. United Kingdom
      and after they join:
    7. The Netherlands (in war with Germany and Italy but passive until the war with Japan)
    8. United States (neutral at the beginning)
    9. Soviet Union (neutral at the beginning)


    The following is a list of what territories and sea zones are adjacent between the east and west edges of the map:
    Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba territory is adjacent to Western Canada.
    Central United States is adjacent to Western United States.
    Southeastern Mexico is adjacent to Mexico.
    SZ 11 adjacent to SZ 64.
    SZ 28 adjacent to SZ 64.
    SZ 51 adjacent to SZ 64, 65 and 66.
    SZ 52 adjacent to SZ 66.
    SZ 64 adjacent to SZ 11, 28, and 51.
    SZ 65 adjacent to SZ 51.
    SZ 66 adjacent to SZ 51 and 52.


    If the Allies free a French territory in Europe, two additional infantry of the French Resistance join them for each of the three territories (only once per game).
    If the Allies free Norway, two additional infantry of the Norwegian Resistance join them (only once per game).
    If the Allies free Yugoslavia, three additional infantry of the Yugoslav Resistance join them (only once per game).
    If the Allies free Greece, two additional infantry of the Greek Resistance join them (only once per game).
    If the Allies free Holland Belgium, one additional infantry of the Netherlands Resistance joins them (only once per game).
    If the UK or USA forces free Poland, four additional infantry of the Polish Resistance join them (only once per game).
    If the Axis powers occupy the Baltic States, 1 infantry units of the Baltic Resistance joins them.
    If the Axis powers free Ethiopia, 2 Italian Resistance infantry units join them.


    The gameplay is shortened in the following manner: Each player has 5 minutes for the Purchase & Repair units and the Combat Move Phase.

    The units characteristics are the same as those in Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition. New units are:

    Minor Factory – can produce only 1 unit per turn. Minor Factories represent relics and cannot be purchased during the game. All other characteristics are same as those of an Industrial Complex.

    Fortifications – can be purchased for 15 IPCs and they cover only one border with one adjacent territory or sea zone. They increase the defensive capabilities on infantry units from 2 to 3. If a territory with fortifications is captured by the enemy they are destroyed.


    Neutral countries are invited to war during the Purchase units phase (and they join the fight immediately – in case of USA, the Netherlands and Soviet Union later during the same turn).

    Wars are declared and surprise attacks are made in the Combat Move phase.

    At the beginning of the game the Allies are: UK, France and the Netherlands. If Japan attacks for example the Netherlands it automatically means war with the other Allies. China joins the Allies when Japan goes to war with them. USA joins the Allies if it is in war with Germany or Japan.


    The Allies start with 14 and the Axis with 5 victory cities.

    The game ends after the 7th turn (short game) or after the 10th (long game). If the Axis powers don’t achieve victory by then, it is considered to be a victory for the Allies. The Allies can also win if they at any point control Berlin, Rome and the Okinawa island (or Tokyo instead of Okinawa). In that case the game ends instantly.

    The Axis powers can win under following conditions:

    1. The Axis control 12 out of 19 victory cities (and have control over their own capitals) – the game ends instantly when the 12th city falls.


    1. The Axis control London, Moscow and Calcutta (or any USA victory city or Sydney instead of Calcutta) at any point and have control over their own capitals – the game ends instantly.


    All neutral territories can be accessed by Axis or the Allies, but it is considered as an act of war (occupation). For example the UK player may occupy Persia in order to attack Iraq or connect with the Soviet Union forces. The following are the defensive capabilities of each neutral state:


    Sweden: 6 infantry, 1 fighter
    Finland: 4 infantry, 1 tank (can join the Axis)
    Switzerland: 2 infantry
    Eire: 1 tank
    Yugoslavia: 5 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, 1 fighter (can join the Allies)
    Greece: 4 infantry, 2 artillery (can join the Allies)
    Bulgaria: 4 infantry, 1 tank (can join the Axis)
    Spain: 6 infantry, 2 tanks, 1 fighter and none in Rio de Oro  (can join the Axis)
    Portugal: 2 infantry + 2 infantry in Mozambique and Angola, and none in Portuguese Guinea (can join the Allies)


    Liberia: None
    Sierra Leone: None


    Turkey: 8 infantry, 2 tanks (can join the Allies)
    Iraq: 3 infantry (can join the Axis)
    Saudi Arabia: 2 infantry (can join the Allies)
    Persia: 2 infantry and none in Northwest Persia and Eastern Persia
    Mongolia (can join the Allies)
    Ulaanbaatar: 1 infantry, 1 artillery
    Buyant-Uhaa: 2 infantry
    Olgiy: 2 infantry
    Dzavhan: 1 infantry


    Brazil: 3 infantry, 2 tanks, 1 fighter (can join the Allies)
    Argentina: 4 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter (can join the Axis and the Allies)
    Paraguay: 1 infantry, 1 artillery (can join the Axis and the Allies)
    Bolivia: 1 infantry (can join the Axis and the Allies)
    Chile: 2 infantry, 1 tank (can join the Axis and the Allies)
    Peru: 1 infantry, 1 artillery
    Ecuador: 1 infantry (can join the Allies)
    Colombia: 1 infantry (can join the Allies)
    Venezuela: 2 infantry (can join the Allies)
    Uruguay: None

    AXIS ALLIES 2.jpg

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