To the people using math to say that AA is fine at 5 IPC
I have literally NEVER seen anyone purchase an AA gun since the OOB changes…EVER
And it is ALWAYS taken first over any other unit
SO IT IS NOT FINE AT 5 IPCs (well on paper blah blah blah…everything looks good on paper)
AA currently is just fodder, noone buys them. AA guns should not be afterthought fodder units, they should be AA guns
I have bought AA guns as allies around 50% of the games I have played. Not every game, but where situations demanded it, I did. In India if my initial guns have been destroyed, and as Russia for the same reason. Also bought one in Egypt when I placed a complex there, because Italy or Germany needs air to take Egypt.
Like I explained on page 3 of this thread, they are useful and replace themselves if 3 planes or more attack. If no one buys them, ask yourself if it is because they are not worth it, or because players are not seeing their worth. I see their worth, again refer to my post. IMO it’s good when you are undermanned and retreating vs your opponent, like often happens with Russia and UK-pacific.
Axis and Allies is a STRATEGIC game,
As of now there is absolutely no sane reason to purchase an AA gun
-you dont need them to protect from SBR (mindless ‘built in AA rule’)
-for the price of 2 AA guns you could buy an artillery and 2 infantry, heck 1 artillery is better than 1 AA and cost less, a tank at 1 more IPC is a million times better
As you mention it is a strategic game. Therefore calculations and odds come into play, and I believe you can use AA guns to your advantage in calculating your odds.