This is a Alpha 3(final) triplea game question regarding G, J vs USA T3

  • @JamesAleman:

    Still fine tuning this one, I like where it is going. Carriers being able to have air units convoy is a bit over powered I believe.

    Personally, I’m thinking I may house rule that only tac bombers can convoy raid.  Air supremacy fighters weren’t exactly the primary threat to merchant vessels and if tac bombers more or less represent heavy fighters, naval bombers, torpedo bombers, and dive bombers, it makes sense to me that the standard fighter doesn’t have that role. It also encourages (mildly) tac bomber purchases, which is good, considering a fighter is almost always a better buy in my eyes.  Would tone down this down a little, but maybe not overly.  I don’t dislike this as a rogue strategy, but yeah, it shouldn’t down right break the game.

  • The method we have stuck with that gives us 2-3 submarines surviving onto turn 2 is as follows:

    G1: Attack z110 with 2 subs, 4 ftr, 4 tac- 10 units discourages a serious scramble due to sea lion threat.
         Attack z111 with 2 subs, 2 bmbr, bb - go one combat round (both sides lean towards 3 hits if they scramble
         a ftr) retreat 2 subs, damaged bb to z112, remove 1 or 2 bombers depending on if UK hits 2 or 3 times.
         Worse case scenario: if you hit 4 times and win, remove the subs and save the bombers as UK counter attack
         will be brutal.

    Noncombat Canadian sub to Greenland: Should be left alone, or draw a dd and maybe a bomber out of theater. if not sunk: can return to z106 next round. If you roll poorly, you may leave UK with a ca and bb in z111 (this can be addressed by fighting to the death with the bb if desired) This is the biggest gamble of the strategy, and it may not ultimately be needed as we test out other scenarios. (i.e. we just lose the 2 subs we are trying to save and move on)

    Results: by leaving UK a damaged bb in z111, some players may try to save the bb by blocking two zones with dds. This disperses the fleet from the optimal z106 and permits a German counter attack of the last 2 dds with 2 subs and air units; opening up submarine convoys of UK. If they ignore the bait, you can sink the BB with 1 or 2 subs if desired.

    The reason bombers are being traded is that they cannot support the USA convoy strategy long term. 2 subs adds to the convoy fleet capacity and strength.

    Pacific observations: (Spoiler Alert! There is an allied move that prevents the below plan from working, I hate that it may be legal, but I won’t spill the beans as most players will never think of it. It delays Japan by one turn and forces different naval moves and must be done with immediate foreknowledge of Axis plan before this players 1st turn.)

    For a turn 5 capture of New South Wales, I have added the capture of French New Hebrides on turn 2; just east of Queensland and south of Solomon Islands. This French Island is open to capture without offending the US/UK peace. Furthermore, It maintains the 10 IPC NO for Japan as war with France does not matter, you are only restricted from attacking French Indo China specifically.

    Why do I want New Hebrides?   Answer: For an airbase to capture New South Wales

    Turn 2: I seek to redeploy air force from Kwangsi to Caroline Islands sea zone, landing Caroline islands sea zone planes on Caroline- giving us 12 air units in theater turn 2. Remaining air force lands on Paula island.

    Turn 3: Land Caroline island and sea zone planes in New Hebrides, Palau planes on carriers. Build an air base on New Hebrides (turn 4 may prove better) (may not be needed ultimately, still running scenarios) Now you can scramble to protect a few transports if you want to stage a couple here (this is nice if Anzac has only one blocker), it would require a few naval ships as casualties depending on Anzac fleet disposition.

    Turn 4: drop off 22 of the 25 units available at Caroline Island on Queensland: accomplished using 11 transports (3 starting 3 built turn 1, 5 built turn 2) during combat and noncombat from a total land force staged on Caroline: 1 arm, 17inf, 3 art, 4aaguns (these are the 24 starting pieces (plus 1 purchased art: see note at bottom) I had to chose from, I chose to leave 2 infantry and 1 artillery on Caroline to assist on the turn 6 capture of Hawaii). This is the ideal turn to build the New Hebrides air base.
    Also capture Philippines and Kwangtung as well on turn 4 using turn 3 transport build and starting pieces staged at Kiangsi (the spot in the middle of both VCs).  Begin building turn 6 Hawaii forces (air base at Hebrides/transports/men)

    And don’t forget to land air force on New Hebrides this turn if you have not already done so.

    Turn 5: redeploy fleet to Caroline or Hawaii (using Queensland naval base) for turn 6 capture of Hawaii, use the air base on New Hebrides to strike New south wales and land in Queensland, this gives you 21 or 15 air units to use with your 22 land units for the capture of New south wales depending on if you want fighters on your carriers for the Hawaii assault. Best guess for Anzac defenders is: 15-25 pieces by their fourth and final build vs Japans 37-43 pieces. I suspect that Queensland’s 22 piece land force dropped on turn 4 will endure any counterattack by anzac. If Anzac is a push over and they did not attack Queensland bring some land units from Queensland back to Caroline or Hawaii for turn 6. I really suspect that 22 land units is overkill, if 4-8 units can be sent to Hawaii, I really feel good about this plan.

    Continue building turn 6 Hawaii force, may need to redeploy units to Asia to secure win with this Japan build as well.

    Turn 6: Capture Hawaii with turn 4 build located at Caroline or Hawaii and Turn 5 build located at Japan.

    • This assumes USA was tied up successfully by German/Italian fleet in z101….if not game will take more than 6 turns. Showdown in z101 does not occur until turn 4, survivors move to Panama turn 5, Turn 6 they might counter attack Japan fleet at Hawaii (which no longer matters), but will they have the men to dislodge the land forces before Japans turn 7 declaration of a win?

    Any thoughts?
    I think the use of New Hebrides air field and bulk of Japan’s air force pretty much rules out any chance of UK/Anzac holding New South Wales, remember turn 4 USA still may not land in Australia/UK zones, Since Japan takes it before USA 5th turn, they are not able to defend, only liberate and this is unlikely due to the German presence in z101 turn 4. With 11 transports available at Caroline plus any in Japans waters a poor ally player may lose Hawaii and Australia on turn 5, giving the axis the win on Japan’s turn6. I really like tying in a fake sea lion into this plan, this gives the allies 1 less turn to counter the strategy…meaning USSR only has 5 turns to save the day in the pacific. Key to this strategy will be UK-Pacific. They will hold the cards and shape Japan’s script.

    Initial observations- China will not be able to grab a VC by turn 6 and if game goes longer, just transport from Japan to Asia as needed, you will have a transport fleet of 13-15 transports by then. The only wild card is if UK goes heavy navy extremely early on…Then you may decide to capture India instead of Hawaii as needed. This strategy if set up for a 6 turn win does not require any of the sumatra/java/borneo/celebes islands or NOs for Japan. It is also independent of a serious USSR push as such a plan would require turn 1 builds and early movement for hong kong/shanghai.


    Japans first 5 Builds:
    26= 3 trn, 1 art save 1 (not sure if I want to save money for 12 transports on Queensland turn 4) collect 40+1=41
    41=5 trn, 2 inf (or 5 trn if you saved 5) collect 40
    40=4 trn, 3art (this gives 8 units to capture Hawaii, 3-Japan; 5-Kiangsi) collect 38-40
    38=1 airbase, 1trn, 1 inf, 1art save 1 (2 inf if 40) collect 37 (excludes 2 IPCs-queensland just incase asia is worse off)
    37= 3trn, 1art, 4 inf  Collect 26-ish, plus 5 NO-Sidney + Australia IPC plunder ~ 16ish for an estimate of: 43ish

    Turn 4 Queensland invasion army: 25 pieces/ 11 transports starting from Caroline to use on Queensland
    17 inf= 1 Oki,1 Iwo, 6 Japan, 4 Kor, 2 Car, 1 Pau, 2 Japan (built turn 2)=17
    3 art = 2 Japan, 1 Japan (built turn 1)= 3
    4 aagun = 3 Japan, 1 Car = 4
    1 armor = 1 Japan
    Transport Maneuvers: To support this plan
    turn 1= 2 sz6, 1 Caroline waters
    turn 2= 5 sz6, 5 Caroline waters, 1 New Hebrides waters
    turn 3= 4 sz6, 11 Caroline Waters (This is where you return from New Hebrides and grab inf-Paulau Island)
    turn 4= 1 sz6, 4 Philippine Waters, 11 Queensland Waters
    turn 5= 3 sz6, 4 Caroline (If Philippine not sunk) Water, 12 Hawaii (some go to Caroline if needed) Waters
    Alternative: Change build on turn 5 to refill Philippine transports (4) for use in Hawaii as needed/availalbe
    turn 6= 2 sz6, 2-3Kwangtung/Kiangsu waters if needed, else all loaded transports of the 19 on the board-Hawaii most are empty and may be sent elsewhere to refill (this is a lot of forcasting-results may vary)

  • @kcdzim:


    Still fine tuning this one, I like where it is going. Carriers being able to have air units convoy is a bit over powered I believe.

    Personally, I’m thinking I may house rule that only tac bombers can convoy raid.  Air supremacy fighters weren’t exactly the primary threat to merchant vessels and if tac bombers more or less represent heavy fighters, naval bombers, torpedo bombers, and dive bombers, it makes sense to me that the standard fighter doesn’t have that role. It also encourages (mildly) tac bomber purchases, which is good, considering a fighter is almost always a better buy in my eyes.  Would tone down this down a little, but maybe not overly.  I don’t dislike this as a rogue strategy, but yeah, it shouldn’t down right break the game.

    Totally agree Kcdzim. Much fairer and realistic.

  • TripleA

    First of all, who said you need India for a win?

    Here the thing, taking new south wales requires it to be a big surprise. That just does not happen to experience players. Then it becomes an issue of logistics and getting boatloads of men or carrier fighter groups from japan to caroline to new south wales.

    Are you skipping islands? Going the Hawaii route? Where are you spreading yourself out? Big questions to ask.

    Plus, you still ignored what I said, USA can get convoyed out of 32 ipc, it is not a big deal. How much income is Japan making without siberia or India? Russia support shows up in china then how does that work out for you?

    The reason this strategy works from time to time is because it is a big surprise. The first 3 rounds of USA naval buy is what Japan deals with on round 5/6, if things aren’t going your way, this can suck.

    I dow on Japan 1 and when I do that, usa spends full pacific, almost like clockwork.

    In anycase most people go pacific in global. Especially if you are not taking london over. It is like a no brainer.

    Also when japan rolls out to hawaii, uk pac goes to sumatra with 2 inf and air, then it can fly into west australia and hold new south wales.

    How are you making 11 transports to take anzac over without usa kickin you around? I do J1 DOW all the time, but I don’t make no 11 transports. I buy them on J1 and treasure them. How the hell are you making the income to do this?

    First of all, usa does not get convoyed till G4 and even then it is only -32 income. So unless you are making bank of SEA, india, and china shutdown by rounds 5-6, this plan sucks.

    Secondly, the anzac rush has to be a surprise. Like people have to not see it coming.

    I promise you, USA will not be afraid of a naval confrontation to save the only thing you threaten. It is just not going to be afraid.

    If germany is spending all his money on naval, good russia is not dead, not transports, good uk is not dead, full inf london r1, more inf london round 2 for safe measure, and whatever just dick around.

    Eventually japan flops and usa goes atlantic. That is just how it goes.

    I mean don’t get me wrong, rushing anzac is fun. Convoying usa is fun. Having a big naval confrontation with usa is fun.

    People have tried this strategy. It is fun. It just needs to be a surprise.

  • @Cow:

    First of all, who said you need India for a win?

    Here the thing, taking new south wales requires it to be a big surprise. I disagree here That just does not happen to experience players. If experienced players are incapable of mistake, is there a winner when 2 play against each other? Or do they just quit playing before the game ends? In addition, I am also an experienced player with games going back to 1989 in axis, plus I play face to face once a month with various players in addition to online gamesThen it becomes an issue of logistics and getting boatloads of men or carrier fighter groups from japan to caroline to new south wales.

    Are you skipping islands? Yes, see above post Going the Hawaii route? not until the end Where are you spreading yourself out? Concentrating forces actually Big questions to ask.

    Plus, you still ignored what I said, USA can get convoyed out of 32 ipc, (40 IPCs lost if you include NO) it is not a big deal. How much income is Japan making without siberia or India? 40’s Russia support shows up in china then how does that work out for you? Fine, because there will be no support with Germany outproducing USSR and going after Russia turn 4 by land

    I apologize for the appearance of ignoring your comments about the effect of a Convoy action of USA, this is the USA income if ignored based on my experience with that question. First, on turn 4 USA will not collect 2 NO’s (Philippines and Mexican) Their income OOB is 52 (-2 for Philippines). So Max income for USA (excluding a presence in France is now 77 in a3 instead of 82) 25 NOs plus the 5 NO for France = 82, but I have never seen France occupied without a win moments away.

    So lets accept 77 to be the average income. Now subtract -7 for Philippines, -8 for 2 subs at z89 and axis occupation of West Indies, and -32 for axis occupation of z101. Total income lost=-7 + -8 + -32= -47. This yields a maximum USA income of 30 IPCs if USA permits the axis occupation of z101 and z89. Are you arguing that amount of income is sufficient to destroy Japan?

    The reason this strategy works from time to time is because it is a big surprise. The first 3 rounds of USA naval buy is what Japan deals with on round 5/6, if things aren’t going your way, this can suck. That is why German/Italy engage USA. I argue that those same first 3 turns income are required to destroy the axis fleet amassed in z101, that is the premiss of this whole strategy.

    I dow on Japan 1 and when I do that, usa spends full pacific, almost like clockwork. I prefer round 2 on normal games, round 1 is not efficient for my play style

    In anycase most people go pacific in global. Especially if you are not taking london over. It is like a no brainer. True

    Also when japan rolls out to hawaii, uk pac goes to sumatra Yes with 2 inf and air, then it can fly into west australia and hold new south wales. Will not matter if Japan has 43 units to hit it with, see above post

    How are you making 11 transports to take anzac over without usa kickin you around? Germany distraction I do J1 DOW all the time, but I don’t make no 11 transports. Me either normally I buy them on J1 and treasure them. How the hell are you making the income to do this? 40,40,38,36 Are the proposed incomes first 4 rounds, I use mostly starting land forces to fill them

    First of all, usa does not get convoyed till G4 and even then it is only -32 40 income. So unless you are making bank of SEA, india, and china shutdown by rounds 5-6, this plan sucks. I disagree

    Secondly, the anzac rush has to be a surprise. I disagree Like people have to not see it coming.

    I promise you, USA will not be afraid of a naval confrontation to save the only thing you threaten. It is just not going to be afraid. USA cannot successfully attack your land forces on Queensland prior to the capture of New South Wales in the plan above, details provided

    If germany is spending all his money on naval, (Germany used 2 turns of production, the rest goes after UK/Russia) good russia is not dead, not transports, good uk is not dead, full inf london r1, more inf london round 2 for safe measure, and whatever just dick around.

    Eventually japan flops and usa goes atlantic. That is just how it goes. Normally, I agree, but are you arguing that the German diversion has no effect?

    I mean don’t get me wrong, rushing anzac is fun. Convoying usa is fun. Having a big naval confrontation with usa is fun. I agree

    People have tried this strategy. It is fun. It just needs to be a surprise. I disagree

    My responses are in red
    Thank you for your feedback

    As mentioned this strategy is still in the works, it is not perfected yet, and has not been tested against all options yet, if it ever will be. I believe I have outlined sufficient detail to warrant investigation and or play testing.

    I have a few ideas for allied counters, so this is not an I win button. It just resets the now stale format of A3…removing sea lion from the axis arsenal has just made the game boring. More options is better than fewer options in my opinion. I had sufficient counters for post sea lion in A2. Now I am helping to add options for A3 until they remove them as well. My early efforts for USA first have appeared to be countered through out the revision process (for example, the rule that permits USA DOW when Canada is occupied, etc) Just like A and A revised see 2004, A big German fleet in the Atlantic harasses both UK and USA. Add to that the change that makes carriers equal if not superior to subs at convoy and takes a simple elegant rule and adds complexity and time by requiring rolling during collect income. Oh well.

  • TripleA

    The germany diversion is dealt with later.

    Anzac can kill Japan ground forces that can land in queensland rounds1-3, since you get at most 12 on it (J1 buy+starting transports),

    Anzac makes 2 inf and an arty.

    USA round 2 the fleet moves to either in hawaii or Johnson island depending on the player. Usually Johnson island. Since you need your J2 buy to make it to queensland… you are going to be at caroline islands on J3. USA can attack caroline fleet or move into sz 54.

    This is the big problem with the anzac rush.

    It can clear the german stuff out later. Japan is the big priority.

  • I think you two should play, since Cow knows how to defeat this plan.

  • TripleA

    Sure I can hop on the triple a lobby and play a game. People usually challenge me because they want me to play Japan… Not too often do I get challanged because someone wants to see my allies play.

  • Here is an update about the last couple test runs of this strategy.

    Anzac falls as expected, however if UK/Pacific goes navy and heads for Asia or the Philippines, Japan has more work and the timetable gets upset.

    USA can save its money, and place a fleet in its waters to defend with, this gives them 3 more air from scramble, and it forces Italy’s assets to withdraw from the sea zone or be destroyed at a terrible ratio. This means Italian subs would be a better buy, as they can either submerge or back off without fear of the USA air force.

    When it becomes clear that sea lion is a fake, UK in the atlantic if played just right, can have a sizable fleet able to hit Gibraltar on turn 3.

    With only 2 builds and air force going to USA, USSR is a push over on turn 4, they just don’t have the assets to defeat Germany alone.

    So, if countered properly, this strategy is just like any other, it will vary by game play. The advantage to the axis is that is approach is newer and it is easier to make mistakes as the allies when dealing with a new tactic.

    In one game Japan actually won on turn 5. But that was a lesson on how not to respond to this challenge.

  • TripleA

    Japan actually won on turn 5

    Well yeah, that is what happens when usa builds stuff in the atlantic when Japan is snatching up NOs. Like you said the -38 does not kick in till round 4 when you are parked off east usa. Plus it is not -38, because you gotta roll your convoy damage and very rarely does that max out.

    Sure USA makes -38 or whatever, but from a big picture of the long run… it is really insignificant when Japan flops out.

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