Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • Nice!! That’s what I wanted, and as always you are so fast

    Thanks Krieghund, have a nice day

  • Just for fun:
    Kamikazes were involved in my situation also 😎
    So it can be a big deal that you have to declare before kamikaze attacks rather than after.

    But it didn’t matter because I had 2 mighty subs that @oysteilo didn’t dare attack with a single destroyer in an amphibious assault attempt. He wanted Korea, and he got it. I never saw it coming.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20

    Ok. Here’s a related amphib assault question – no kamikazi though.
    US assaults FIC with 1 Sub + transports
    Japan has 3 subs

    As the US attacker, I can ignore the subs and launch an amphib assault, if the transport is escorted by a “warship” because of the following in the rules

    “A transport that is part of an amphibious assault must end its movement in a friendly sea zone (or one that could become friendly as result of sea combat) from which it can conduct the assault. However, a transport is not allowed to offload land units for an amphibious assault in a sea zone containing 1 or more ignored enemy submarines unless at least 1 warship belonging to the attacking power is also present in the sea zone at the end of the Combat Move phase.”

    Subs do not make a SZ friendly or hostile. So what effect does the escorting sub do?
    One interpretation is that a sub is a “warship” and suppresses the other subs. But I see it equally possible that “warship” = surface vessel, and thus the escort cannot suppress the subs. Combat will occur if the defender wishes to fight–he has the option to submerge.

  • Subs are warships - just not surface warships (see the heading under Sea Units on p. 31 of the Europe rulebook).

  • @matttodd1 ok. Thanks for that clarification

  • 2024 '22

    @gamerman01 said in Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2):

    I can’t find the rule(s) that tell about:
    When a unit of one ally is on another ally’s transport - can the ground unit amphibiously assault from the ally’s transport when it is his turn?
    If so, can the defender scramble against it? If so, what if the attacker has no naval or air units in the zone to support it? Does the defending fighter stop the amphibious assault? Surely it doesn’t destroy anything… (the offloading ground unit or the ally’s transport)?

    Thanks - somebody asked me and we weren’t sure, and now it’s applicable in my game. Seems like it wouldn’t even be a very rare situation…
    For anyone reading, I understand there may be a house rule for “balanced mod 4”, but I am playing “balanced mod 3” and I believe it uses the 2nd edition rulebook for this situation.

    I scoured the 2nd edition rulebook in what I thought were all the applicable sections, and I couldn’t figure out how to apply them to amphibious assaults from ally’s transports - I only saw the rule that says you can share aircraft carriers and transports with your allies… Thanks!!

    So I have this situation in one of my games, potentially. It is BM4. I am wondering…what do you mean by “I understand there may be a house rule for “balanced mod 4"”? I know it’s been awhile… I appreciate any guidance you can give!

  • Yes that was over 2 years ago, but I can answer.

    Only difference between BM4 and BM3 is 14 cost bombers
    BM3 uses 2nd edition rules for generally most things, including this. So there are no “house rules” for BM4, where I wasn’t sure about that in 2022

    So, pretty sure you can amphibiously assault off an Ally’s transport on your turn (see Krieghund’s reply).

    I know for sure a scramble stops that assault (see Krieghund’s reply to that old post)

  • 2024 '22

    @gamerman01 Thanks for the quick reply!

  • Hello A&A community, quick question about a specific scenario that I cannot find clarity on in the rulebook. Playing G40, US attacks SZ 95 where Italian navy and German U-Boats are located. I know that U-Boats can submerge as US Navy has no destroyers. But here’s where I am lost … If I submerge the U-Boats which would mean certain destruction of the Italian navy there, then UK Navy move to SZ 95 for an attack which includes destroyers, would the German U-Boats (combined with scrambling Luftwaffe from Southern Italy) be defending against the UK navy and the US navy boats that are there or just the UK navy which is attacking on its turn?? The answer is crucial for my current game as we are playing with Captain’s house rules where U-Boats are lethal.

  • @Trout - On UKs turn, only the UK ships are attacking. Any US ships in the sea zone are ignored in such an attack, on UKs turn.

  • @matttodd1 Got it. Thanks for the prompt reply!

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