ColonelCarter, I understand that you are trying to help, but
You’re wrong, I did not mean “immediately activating Mongolia” - I meant what I said. This language of “allying with the Soviet Union” is straight from page 39 of the rule book, word for word.
I think you were right to try and clarify my statement about Russia attacking Japanese units in China, but you actually didn’t clarify, you made it worse. However, you did succeed in bringing it to my attention - I will clarify it now.
Regarding Chinese territories bordering Mongolia -
Russia can’t attack Japanese units in Chinese territories bordering Mongolia without consequence, because these Japanese units would normally be in Japanese controlled territories. However, as you pointed out, if you actually had the strange situation where Germany or Italy controlled the Chinese territory that borders a still strict neutral Mongolia, Russia could attack that territory which could even have Japanese units in it without consequence because it is not Japanese controlled.
It’s just what the rulebook says: Russia can’t attack Korea or any Japanese controlled territory that borders Mongolia without consequence - that is, if Russia does attack Korea or a Japanese controlled territory bordering Mongolia before Japan has invaded a Russian controlled territory bordering Mongolia, then Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union (for the rest of the game, which is clear if you read the sentence that comes before this)
Some time ago I posted a summary of Mongolia and Neutrals rules - perhaps you or someone else may find them helpful: