• In your opinion what is the greatest warship of all time?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well, since I’m a huge Trekkie, I had to vote for the Enterprise :D :D 8) 8) . Other thoughts?

  • USS Missouri.

  • Here’s how I see it-as far as warships go, the Bismarck, being the most heavily armed, etc. But any ship is only as good as its commander, so we should really be arguing about the best naval leader in history. :)

  • moving to general forum.

  • That’s some good moderating right there. :wink:

  • Best Naval Comander: Nelson no doubt!

    For the original poll I’d have to say the Monitor AND CSS Virginia
    (sometimes called Merrimack). The Battle of the Ironclads at
    Hampton Roads was one of the most pivotal in history. The outccome
    was a draw, but during the course of the battle EVERY other Warship
    in the WORLD was obsolete!

  • Have to agree with you on that point Sherman… though the French and the Brits wereo on their way to developing ironclads… don’t know if they had any finished by the time the war started.

  • i would have to say a U-boat, cant remember which one but it survived all of WW2 and sunk like 40-50 ships

  • If you want to include stuff like U-boats, then I’ll have to change my vote to the WW II carrier, Enterprise. Carriers revolutionized war like no other.

  • isnt the enterprise on their?

  • The Trekkie confused me on that one. :wink:

  • As a new concept in naval warfare, carriers no doubt are the biggest change in history, but would they count as warships, because their primary weapon is their fighters. I would say they are simply fighter transports and therefore should not be included, but that’s only my opinion.

  • Duely noted. :) Though a lot of the early WWI carriers mainly had naval guns as their primary weapon, while fighters served a secondary role.

  • WWI carriers were just converted Battleships which could launch scout planes.

  • I didn’t know they had carriers in WWI, but as you describe them I would class them as battleships w/ fighter escorts, not as carriers per se. My other post was based solely on my knowledge of WWII-era carriers.

  • Moderator


  • '19 Moderator

    TG - first glad to hear from you its been a while. Of course I’ve been off for a couple of weeks myself.

    As to the topic I am not positive but I belive that both England and France had Iron clad ships it the time of the ACW. The Monitor and the Virginia were just the first two to slug it out. As a side note I belive the European ships were closer to the design of the Virginia. Also since the Monitor operated extreemely poorly at open sea I would harldy say that all other war ships were made obsolete. Note the Monitor sunk off the cost of florida when seas got to rough.

    As for the greatest ship I would have to vote for the Missouri just before she was retired. The 18 inch guns of the Yamato were the baddest in 1945, but they can’t touch cruise missles.

  • Thanks, it’s good to see you still around too. :)
    But yeah, I believe I sided with the Missouri too. The last great battleships to ever be made.

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