Whoa, dude, it’s only a simple little game of toy soldiers!
Seriously, I think you’re loading the game with more detail than it wants or needs.
Yes, you can see an rifleman figure as representing one squad or section (8-10 men at full strength, which they usually were not) but by the same light, there’s nothing to say that one Hanomag model represents one SdKfz 251 or one jeep model one actual jeep - it’s the tactical effect that matters.
The SdKfz 251 is expensive in points terms because the troops can fight from it, unlike a jeep, and maybe also because they were expensive and comparatively rare vehicles. The Wehrmacht never had enough to equip more than a fraction of their PanzerGrenadiers, while the allied armies were awash with jeeps.
Some of the Special Abilities within the game make sense - a T34 can carry infantry, well, the Red Army did a lot of that - some don’t - why should a late model Sherman have the same ability? It wasn’t a tactic the US Army used to any extent, so far as I’m aware. Why does the M3 Lee get a fire and fade option? but then this isn’t a detailed combat sim such as Command Decision or Spearhead (both of which I play and enjoy).
And why get into TO&E’s in a collectable game? Frankly I’m delighted that AH have not tried to say ‘you can only use Panzer II’s in platoons of five’ or whatever to try to boost sales of, er, booster packs.
The game is simple, quick and fun. There are other games to represent ‘higher level’ functions. And if this game gets a few of the younger generation of gamers to do something which does not involve orcs, trolls and men in pointy hats for a while, then as far as I’m concerned it’s a winner.