• I was wondering if anyone can help me with making pieces to a Star Trek A&A version that I’m making. It takes place in the Dominion War and involves the Federation, Dominion, Cardassians, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, Breen, Bajorans, and Tholians. I don’t know if there are any Trekkies on here but I would appreciate any help given :D .

  • I don’t know too much about making peices but years ago
    there was a line of Trek minatures for a
    Game called Star Fleet Battles. (Am I dating myself here- is this way
    too stone age…) They were pretty tiny similar in size to Axis and Allies ships, and made of lead. Unfortunately the ships I’m talking about pre dated the Trek spinoffs,( TNG, Voyager, DS9) so if you can find them, there wouldn’t any Ferengi battle cruisers or Romulan Warbirds…
    I think the Game was put out by Steve Jackson Games and the minatures
    were probably Ral Partha. About 10 years ago Micro Machines put out an
    excellent set of Star Trek minatures. They were plastic and not really to scale with one another (the Enterprise D was the same size as the Borg Cube…) but were still very impressive. You might try a search for them on e bay if you elect not to build them yourself. hope this helps.

  • If you make this make sure that the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans border each. I believe that they all had at least one war with each other.

    Also why not include the Borg?

    Why not a General war?

    Will you include ground troops?

    If you wouldn’t mind UK commander could you please keep us updated on this thread please.

  • Check out these links – they may help (may not):




    I think FASA probably makes the best Star Trek Miniatures … here is a link to purchase them:


    However, there are no pictures shown – but, to see some examples of FASA miniatures check out this link:


    May want to try running a search on the net for FASA Star Trek miniatures and perhaps somewhere has both the pics and prices.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks for all the help. Yes I have heard of Star Fleet Battles and it did look a little ancient to me. I have a few Star Trek miniatures ( Borg Cube, Ferengi Marauder, Federation Shuttle ) but that’s not enough to make a war board game. So thanks for all the links on where to buy them. The board is based on the book Star Trek: Star Charts which is an official atlas to Star Trek so yes the Romulans, Klingons, and Federation all border each other. I will not include the Borg because they had no involvement in the Dominion War and not a general war because the Dominion War signed a peace treaty with the Bajoran Militia and the Tholian Assembly. Plus, the Romulan Star Empire and the Breen Confederation did not join the war till late in the war. Yes, I will inlcude ground troops, marine carriers, and futuristic armored tanks. Planets on the board will act as islands and the troops and armor will need marine carriers to land on them. Thanks again for all of the help and I will continue to keep you all updated on this game.

  • I just realized something. There were no Star Trek miniatures ever made for the Breen or Tholians and maybe, maybe not Bajorans. So if you have any other suggestions I would love to hear them. Thanks.

  • I was wondering UKcommander why make the Bajorans a major power they only had one planet?

    If they had 2 or more I was not informed, I’ts been a while since I seen Deep Space Nine.

  • In 2371 (I believe) the Bajorans established a colony in the Gamma Quadrant named New Bajor. It was later destroyed by the Jem’Hadar, so this gives the Dominion a tempting target at the beginning of the game 8) .

  • But why make them a major power for that? I would make them a area in the game controled by the Federation.

  • I have, and will continue to consider this. I’ll continue to keep you updated.

  • If you could UKcommander could you post what ships and the stats you will be using? What dice will be used in your game D6 or D10 maybe?


  • I will use D6. All infantry will attack at a 1 and defend at a 2. All armored tanks will attack at a 3 and defend at a 2. Here are the ship stats.

    Federation- Battleship Class, Soveriegn, Attack 4 Defend 4. Heavy Cruiser Class, Akira, Attack 4 Defend 3. Destroyer Class, Defiant, Attack 3 Defend 3 (Due to its heavy armored hull). Marine Carrier Class (Carries 2 infantry or one armor) , Iwo Jima, Attack 1 Defend 1.

    Dominion- Battleship Class, (Due to this vessel’s unique ability to carry fighters, this vessel may carry two Dominion destroyers) , Dominion Warship, Attack 5 (Due to its superior firepower) Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, Alpha Attack Ship, Attack 4 Defend 3, Destroyer Class, Attack Ship, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Dominion Troop Transport (If you know where to get schematics please tell me!) , Attack 1 Defend 1.

    Cardassian Union- Battleship Class, Keldon, Attack 4 Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, Galor, Attack 4 Defend 3, Destroyer Class, Hideki, Attack 3, Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Janissary, Attack 1 Defend 1.

    Klingon Empire- Battleship Class, Negh’Var, Attack 4 Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, Vor’Cha, Attack 4 Defend 3, Destroyer Class, K’Ral, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Chava’kal, Attack 1 Defend 1 (Can carry 3 infantry or one armor due to the superiority of the Klingon Marine Corps.)

    Romulan Star Empire- Battleship Class, D’Deridex Heavy Warbird, Attack 4 Defend 5 (Due to its superior armor) , Heavy Cruiser Class, Griffin, Attack 3 Defend 4 (It sacrificed maneuverability over firepower) , Destroyer Class, Shrike, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class, Kestrel, Attack 1 Defend 1.

    Breen Confederacy- Battleship Class, Breen Warship, Attack 5 Defend 4 (Due to the superiority of Breen weaponry) Heavy Cruiser Class, the Breen Navy did not have or did not use heavy cruisers in the Dominion War, Destroyer Class, Breen Destroyer, Attack 3 Defend 3 (Due to the superiority of Breen weaponry) , Marine Carrier Class, Breen Troop Transport (Again, if you have the schematics please show me where to find them, thanks) , Attack 1 Defend 1.

    Ferengi Alliance- Battleship Class, Marauder, Attack 4 Defend 4, Heavy Cruiser Class, the Ferengi Navy never issued a heavy cruiser class vessel for its fleet, Destroyer, Tokom, Attack 3 Defend 2, Marine Carrier Class Vessel (Again, if you have the schematics please show me where to find them as soon as possible, thanks) , Attack 1 Defend 1.

    Bajoran Militia- I am still considering making Bajor and New Bajor part of the Federation since the only navy the Bajoran Militia has is two destroyers and one marine carrier. Its army only consists of 4 infantry, one armor, and also an industrial complex for the industrial part of the game. Plus, it only starts the game with 11 I.P.C.'s, Bajor-6, New Bajor-5. I’ll keep you posted.

    Tholian Assembly- I am considering taking the Tholians out of the game because none of their ships have really ever been seen, unless you know of schematics or times that they have been seen. If you have any thoughts on this please speak out.

    Starbases will also be involved in the game. Since they have no maneuver capability, they will defend at a 5. Examples of where starbases will be placed are one on Earth (Federation capital) , and one on Deep Space Nine (A major outpost for the Federation, and also a heavily armed and armored facility :D ).

    Well, there you have it. I still have a lot of work to do. Since I can’t really find any workable pieces to use, I’m having to make my own paper pieces and I’m really not the best artist in the world :-? . So, I could really use any help possible. Again, if you have any questions or thoughts please tell me of them as soon as possible. I apologize for any spelling errors.

  • Very nice so far UKcommander. :D

    With the Tholians they were introduced during the Kirk era. Their ships are supposed to have a special power dealing with webs trapping ships.

    Any chance of adding the Borg?

    Also what about the Gorn? Why you leave them out but use the Tholians?

    Will you being using rules allowing certain ships to cloak?

    Keep up the good work.

  • Thank you for your compliments and the info on the Tholians. I did consider using the Gorn Confederation, but they had no part in the war. The Dominion didn’t even bother to sign a nonagression treaty with them, as they did with the Romulans, Tholians, and the Bajorans. This is the reason why I decided to use the Tholians instead of the Gorn. However, since I know much, much more about Gorn vessels than I do Tholians, I think I’m going to use the Gorn instead of the Tholians. Although, they would have only one sector like the Ferengi, because their space is so small, and they have claim to no other major planets. I’m still very if-ish about using the Borg, because they were in a major conflict with Species 8472 during this time, and even though the Borg Collective is a very big place, much of their resources were having to be diverted to the war with Spieces 8472 because their vessels were being destroyed so easily. However, I will continue to think about it. I am working on rules to use cloaked vessels. Only Romulan, Klingon, and some Cardassian vessels will have the capability. I’m thinking that if any cloaked vessels allies are attacked, they are automatically involved in that battle as long as they are within their range. Example, Warbird being attacked and another Warbird two sectors away that is cloaked is automatically involved in that battle. Similar to the rule that is used in the Star Trek CCG card game. Do you have any thoughts about using something other than paper pieces? Again, thanks for your compliments and I will continue to keep you updated :D .

  • Cloaked ships could be like subs. Their cloak could give them the ability to disengege from combat and let them move past other ships with out being attack.

  • O.K. Plus, I’ll continue to consider what I mentioned before :D .

  • So who will have the FAT economy?? Who will be the weak link in their alliance. Speaking of that can you list the teams? Keep up the Good Work UKcommander.

  • The game starts out with the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire vs. the Dominion and the Cardassian Union. As of now the neutral countries are the Romulan Star Empire, the Breen Confederacy, the Ferengi Alliance, and the Gorn Hegemony. Neutral countries can be brought into the game by spies. Spies must roll a 1 to gain influence on the power that he/she wants to gain influence on. The influence board will look something like this:

    United Federation of Planets (10) (5) (Romulan Star Empire) (10) (5) The Dominion

    If a 1 is rolled then that power gains 5 influence on the power they want to influence. However, if an enemy spy rolls a 1, then the influence on that country is brought back down to 0. So, you must have 10 influence for a neutral power to become militarily involved in the game on your side. Another way for a neutral country to become involved is if they are attacked, then they automatically go on the opposite side of their attackers. Spies can also be killed if an enemy spy claims that they want a shot at your spy, and if they roll a 1, then your spy is automatically killed, and all influence that you once had is lost. This rule is almost exactly the same as the spy rule in East and West (see www.impgames.com). There will be a spy board for every neutral power. Plus, as seen above, the Klingon Empire nor the Cardassian Union may have spies in the Romulan Star Empire. This is because these two powers had more influence on the Romulan government than the other two. It will be similar with all neutral powers.

    As for economy, UFP-76 I.P.C.'s, Dominion-71 I.P.C.'s, Cardassian Union-43 I.P.C.'s, Klingon Empire-69 I.P.C.'s, Romulan Star Empire-53 I.P.C.'s, Breen Confederacy-25 I.P.C.'s, Ferengi Alliance-8 I.P.C.'s, Gorn Hegemony-not sure yet but probably 8.

    As for weaknesses, unless the UFP establishes a strong defense early on, they are doomed if DS9 is captured because that’s the only way into and out of the Gamma Quadrant. Plus, then the combined Dominion and Cardassian forces just have one more sector to get through before they can assault Earth. However, Vulcan, Andoria, and Alpha Centauri are right there, and those are the strongest UFP territories besides Earth. The weakness for the Dominion is the Cardassian Union, which will have to put up with a strong onslaught from the UFP early on. The Klingons and the Dominon are pretty well protected.

    Also, what do you think about giving the Romulans two capitals, Romulus and Remus? I know they are extremely close to each other, but still, they are the Romulans capital planets. However, that would probably mean that I would have to give the UFP four capitals (Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Alpha Centauri) and the Dominion two (Founder Homeworld and the Vorta homeworld). What do you think? Thanks for your interest and the compliments. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

  • Thanks for the info UKcommander. Here are some thoughts of mine.

    1. With the Romulans they had in the roleplaying game bases that rivaled their twin capitols. These were called defense complexes. These complexs were so large that if the twin capitols (Romulas & Remus) ever were captured then the Defense Complexs could keep fighting.

    2. If you do more than one capitols then don’t forget to add the Tellarite’s one to the Federation. The Tellarites were one of the founding members along with the other four you named.

    3. Speaking of that have the all the capitols in Federation all next to each cause when the Federation was born it started with just those 5.

    4. What about the Orions? Will they have a place in the game?

    5. I saw that the Tholians were not on your list any chance of at least a camo?

    6. What about 2 different scenarios. The war you want to do then a general war that included everybody?

    7. Don’t worry my spelling is bad too.

    Please keep up the work UKcommander.

  • @UKcommander:

    Also, what do you think about giving the Romulans two capitals, Romulus and Remus? I know they are extremely close to each other, but still, they are the Romulans capital planets. However, that would probably mean that I would have to give the UFP four capitals (Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Alpha Centauri) and the Dominion two (Founder Homeworld and the Vorta homeworld). What do you think? Thanks for your interest and the compliments. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

    Only give the Romulans two capitals because for the Romulans both planets are significant. For the Federation during the Dominion War, Starfleet was only worried about a Dominion assault on Earth, not on Vulcan or any of those other worlds.

    I would suggest allowing the Federation, Klingons and Dominion to research improved ships. Give the Federation Galaxy, Excelsior, Nebula, Ambassador etc. classes first, with Steamrunners, Akiras and Sovereigns etc. researchable.

    Also, make a timelimit for when the Dominion controls Deep Space Nine, say, 12 turns. If the Federation does not liberate DS9 within those 12 turns, then for every round after that, the Dominion get a few ships as reinforcements for successfully destroying the minefield. You should also have starbases as repair areas and maybe you can incorporate torpedoes as weaponry that can be carried and fired by starships.

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