This story brings out my charitable side. I would like to assume the burden of storing these pieces free of charge to all parties involved. I would be willing to provide safe storage of these pieces indefinitely. If need be I would even cover the financial cost, of having the proper documentation drawn up, to tranfer ownership to me. In his advanced years the owner shouldn’t have to deal with the strain of fighting the government. My charitable act would also save the German tax payers money.
Look what I found on ebay
Thought this was kinda cool. Some collectors here might be interested
Thought this was kinda cool. Some collectors here might be interested
yeah seen that auction listed a few times, just can’t see spending that much money for a piece of flimsy cardboard.
I saw that before. Kinda pricy for that.
Oh yea, My man was asking $29.99 at one point, I guess its all about the market. If he had the allies box as well then maybe it’s worth $5.
Now, If the dude selling the War at Sea Task Force booster could live in the “now” and bring down his asking price of $39.99 that would be lovely…actually, that might just be market value, we shall see.
No one bid on that!