What it was that made James Holmes go nuts.

  • Comic books are a form of literature for kids

    By that logic someone on these boards is building a Panzer right now to storm the White House.

    By that form of extrapolation it is most clear you should stay away from reading comic books. The anger you display is exactly what i’m talking about. The irony is too funny!

  • Fame and attention is all he wanted in my opinion, and the media is feeding it to him with a silver spoon. I agree with some of the families calling on the media to stop using his name and showing images of him. Just boosts his claim to fame even more.

    And when he was in the courtroom a few days ago, honestly it seemed like he was just sleep deprived. If my theory is right and he was just looking for fame, not a mental patient, do you think he’d be able to sleep after doing what he did?

    Regardless, mental or not, he needs to be sent off to a country where they have more creative ways of the death penalty other than getting stuck with a needle and falling asleep forever…

  • Customizer


    Comic books are a form of literature for kids

    By that logic someone on these boards is building a Panzer right now to storm the White House.

    By that form of extrapolation it is most clear you should stay away from reading comic books. The anger you display is exactly what i’m talking about. The irony is too funny!

    Your penchant for changing peoples words in quote boxes is one of the reasons most people want you canned as a moderator you asshole. I live and breath anger IL, this does not come from reading comic books but from having to deal with moronic people like you on a daily basis. You attack comic books as being child oriented and yet have no knowledge of the medium. if you did you wouldn’t make such statements.

    Now go cry about my posts and have them removed like the cowardly puke you are.

    Back on topic, let me reiterate. This nut job was a nut job not because of Batman, not because of comic books and not because his mommy and daddy didn’t give him enough love as a child. it’s because he is not a sane member of society. I’m not either and although I love beating the crap out people who deserve it, I understand what a fair fight is. Bringing a gun into a crowded theater and mowing down unexpecting citizens is not a fair fight. Whether it was hair dye or the current state of western society or the fact that he was fed up with the idiot moderators on his forum of choice is not for me to judge but this guy is nuts and should spend the rest of his life (long or short) in jail.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    but then where is his manifesto, his you tube video or even his facebook page, he left no evidence he was looking to be famous.

    Did he have to? A person does not have to say “I am doing A so i can have B.” It is unecessary and may give them the opposite of what they really want.

    In any case, who does leave a letter or video or manifesto saying that they did what they did for a specific reason? Timothy McVeigh perhaps?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    What an absolute scumbag.

    I couldn’t agree with you more that Rush is an absolute scumbag.  I’d like to add that that Holmes guy is an absolute scumbag too.

    Thanks. My point exactly.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    What kind of parent names thier kid Rush.  Clearly neglected - he was probably fed comics as a child for dinner.

    Another cereal killer just waiting to explode!

  • @Gargantua:

    What kind of parent names thier kid Rush.  Clearly neglected - he was probably fed comics as a child for dinner.

    Another cereal killer just waiting to explode!

    “What you call genocide, I call a day’s work”

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Isn’t that a Captain Janeway quote?

  • @Gargantua:

    Isn’t that a Captain Janeway quote?

    It’s from Deut in DS9

  • Customizer

    'Nuff said

    batman on guns.JPG

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    How 3 shells bust out of a shotgun stock is beyond me…

    But great pic none the less!

    And Ironic, that Bane is killed by a cannon on the batbike…

  • Customizer

    Hollywood loves guns. Even in Tim Burton’s Batman there were guns in the Batplane. Small Errata that f with the Batman mythos but it’s difficult to sell an action movie to brain dead studio executives without guns involved.

    Apologies if this statement is deemed political.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Well the guns are there to blow holes through buildings, and collapse bridges and stuff.  Just not to kill people.

  • I live and breath anger , this does not come from reading comic books but from having to deal with moronic people like you on a daily basis.

    But that was what the killer said, only he had anger against himself due to low self esteem. Does the irony hit home?

  • Customizer

    I don’t know what this dude said or didn’t say. I haven’t read or watched any of his story after the shooting. Not do I care to as I could write his story myself and still not get anything close to the truth, anymore than our ad selling media will. What I can tell you is that although this psycho may have anger issues, as many of us do, what made him do what he did wasn’t comic books. It wasn’t movies. It wasn’t the state of modern society. He is a fucked up dude who was too weak to deal with his anger.
    You can drop all the irony comments you want to, IL, the point is if you think comics should be made only for kids because this guy lost his mind would you kindly keep your closed mind out of this conversation or find some way to go back to the 50’s when all was right in the world.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Isn’t that a Captain Janeway quote?

    Janeway’s a hack.

  • @LHoffman:


    Isn’t that a Captain Janeway quote?

    Janeway’s a hack.

    Enough said…

  • the point is if you think comics should be made only for kids because this guy lost his mind

    Unfortunately, you failed to understand the point. Comics promote low denominational thinking and appeal to the simplistic childish solutions for conflict resolution.

    An adult with an already disturbed mind can now find fruit in this bastard world of comics and because society is becoming less humanized and compassionate. He can now live in a virtual world with lots of gadgets that substitute real human interactions ( computer, Iphone, etc) and this supports a hermit lifestyle but dehumanizes the man who engages in it.

    All your anger and frustration are confirmation of what your posts in this thread became. Your defensive reaction can only be awarded to a person who displays similar traits. So your form of conflict resolution is violence, which is the same as the toilet paper books you seek joy from.

  • @Imperious:

    the point is if you think comics should be made only for kids because this guy lost his mind

    Unfortunately, you failed to understand the point. Comics promote low denominational thinking and appeal to the simplistic childish solutions for conflict resolution.
    An adult with an already disturbed mind can now find fruit in this b��t��d world of comics and because society is becoming less humanized and compassionate. He can now live in a virtual world with lots of gadgets that substitute real human interactions ( computer, Iphone, etc) and this supports a hermit lifestyle but dehumanizes the man who engages in it.
    All your anger and frustration are confirmation of what your posts in this thread became. Your defensive reaction can only be awarded to a person who displays similar traits. So your form of conflict resolution is violence, which is the same as the toilet paper books you seek joy from.

    What stats do you have to back this crap up?  How many murders, rapes, child abuse (hell, we just had a mom leave one in a car down here in SD) go unnoticed by everyone?  People kill because a lack of sensibilities and lack of self control.  While I feel sometimes Idiocracy is coming closer everyday, I also have to take into account that there are 7 billion people on this planet and the chance of a crazy being out there is just as good as someone being allergic to peanuts.  Terrible crime…feel bad for everyone involved…but its just another to a long list of crap we’ve done.  So if there were no Batman comics back in the 1800s, what made Jack the Ripper go off?  What drove Thug Behram to his shennanigans? Gilles de Rais ?  Must have been all that technology (you know, the trebuchet, the long bow…that crap still drives me crazy to this day on AOE2!).  There were crazies then, there are crazies now, and there will be crazies in the future…Batman and the Joker have nothing to do with it…we as human beings need to take responsibility for our own actions and clean up society…but since it will take a nuclear war, asteroid or some alien invasion to change us for the better, all you can do is your part to volunteer and mentor people so we can try to minimize this crap, not blame it on guns or comics or tv…such a frakin cop out…

  • What stats do you have to back this crap up?

    A number of things.

    If you focus on reading comic books as opposed say Ulysses by James Joyce, the mind is focusing on low grade ideas meant to appeal to children. By placing the adult mind in focusing on minimal ideas you dumb down the mind.

    It is the same value as watching WWF wrestling or a classic movie. Continual focus on ideas where violence predominates and fantasy prevails, just reduces mental competence in the long run.

    It also promotes the idea that violence is the best and direct option to solve problems in a very subliminal way.

    Most people who read comics don’t go down this road, but the fringe minds who also have other problems find easy harbor in fantasy and conflict resolution that comics offer. Over time these wackos can basically become failures at life or worse by acting out with the characters they read about, which again is the realm of children’s play.

    So the adults never grow up and many failures ensue as the individual grows older.

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