The chess clock idea CAN be done.�� I can type up a full description and help with procedures but its Greg Smorey that you have to convince and that is a difficult task.�� He and the players at GenCon are too set in their ways.��
This is the point where Greg will get sensitive and offended and fires back lame reasons for these decisions.
You had an idea that wasnt accepted. Stop crying about it. If you actually want a chance to see it implemented, stop with the personal attacks and insults.
Get over it already dude…
I’m not crying at all. Â Frankly, I could care less. Â I’ve been down this road long ago. Â I’ve accepted the fact that these changes won’t happen. Â It would be nice to have better changes, but hey, I’m just fine playing quality tournaments at AA.org.
I’m just joining the conversation with chess clocks and sharing ideas.
Didn’t I challenge you to a game here at AA.org and you chickened???
Also, MM just quit against Garg…lol :lol:- and that’s the best GenCon’s got??? :roll:
I suppose you also believe, as does Smorey, that all the online AA players “brainwashed” Larry during the Alpha project???
Do you have anything else smart to say Squirecam??? :?
BTW- let’s just stick to the topic…back to chess clocks.
One of the main problems with internet communication is that it can be very difficult to determine if a person is being sarcastic and if so, to what degree. While cute icons can help in that determination to some extent, they are far from perfect.
So - I use that as a preference, because I a) have seen similar posts from you and b) I see nothing in the icons you did use to indicate that you were trying to be sarcastic. Questioneer - you can kiss my you know what, you jerk. Perhaps if you had more of the facts of what you were talking about you would make yourself look less like a jerk from time to time.
Yes, I played Garg in a G40 game - just for fun as he knew that I have played that version exactly ONE time and that was back before Alpha anything. I surrendered when, due to my missing one line of text about the political rules, the US took over an undefended Japan. It was undefended because I did not realize the US could attack on that turn. So - yup, I lost Japan, and losing that capital probably meant I wasn’t going to be able to get back into the game. Of course, what you fail to mention is that I suggested to him that (since it was just a game for fun) I change my Japan purchases (not attacks, movements, etc) to defend Japan and we move forward - he declined. Certainly within his right and he also suggested we start a new game.
I just know that the ‘guys from GenCon’, when presented with a similar situation would have either a) pointed out that if I did attack with Japan on the UK that the US could attack me or b) they would have let me change the purchases so that we could continue with what was otherwise an interesting start to the game (his own words). Again - I have no ill will towards him for declining - I understand that not everyone likes to do that. But, my point is that the ‘guys from GenCon’ would have (and, in fact, HAVE) done this sort of thing before.
To somehow imply that because I lost a game I’ve played 1 time due to an error such as this represents ‘this is the best GenCon’s got’ is a personal attack, IMHO. I am far from the best A&A player in the world (I happen to have several good friends that I consider better than me), but I also consider myself to be a very skilled and expereinced player. Obviously, if I have played G40 as much as you or anyone else on this board has, that sort of mistake would not occur. In fact, I am getting ready to start another game - lesson learned.
I invite you to play me or any of the ‘GenCon guys’ in a game of AA50 using the rules we have, and while no victory is guaranteed, I promise you that you would find a challenging and interesting game on your hands.
So - before you start making insulting comments about the level of play from people you have never played and apply that comment to ALL players even though I was the one who lost - you might at least consider having all the facts before you open your big fat mouth.
Maybe not so respectively,