@superbattleshipyamato Honestly, you’d be better off looking the different Global Wars up on YouTube. Lots of great channels out there, and tons of comprehensive videos.
HBG's Global War 1939 FAQ
The 6.1 rules you see on BGG are not from us. That seems to be someone’s house rule changes to the game. Official rules changes from us will be noted as 5.1, and will be posted by Coach (HBGcom) or myself (Blkstook). Sorry for any confusion. Let us know if you like any of the house rule changes he has made.
Imposters :evil:
Ok, glad you have cleared that up. I will let you know once I’ve had time to read through it.
In this bogus 6.1 rule set there are some slight tweaks to the set-up, and the NO as well. Some costs of units were changed (like Japan tanks -1 cost 8 IPC), and they played around with some of the attack/defense values a bit too.
It doesn’t say but I think AAA guns perform like they do in Alpha+3 (many have been added to the set-up, and -1 in cost), and that is something that interests me. Also if Moscow, or England is taken you keep 1/2 your income and transfer it to your new capital.
I think I like the two cost structure of a fort (major or minor?). I think his costs are off though. I also think that there should be a max of inf that get a +2 bonus (thinking Moscow here), maybe tied to their costs? Some territories are susceptible to attacks from the sea, others are not, but have multiple borders. Maybe allow a 10 IPC fort (minor) to def from one direction or from the sea (must be told when built), it boosts up to 10 inf and rolls 2 dice at 5 in defense (first round of battle). If you place a second fort in that territory (2 forts=major=20 IPCs), then you are protected from all directions (including paratroopers) and can boost up to 20 inf+2, and get to roll 4 dice at 5 (first round of battle). You would need to go through the original forts in the game to determine if they are a 1 fort minor (protect from one direction), or 2 fort majors (protect from all directions). Not sure about how he allows you to move a fort for 1-2 IPCs (Atlantic wall)?. Maybe for 1/2 the cost (5 IPCs) you can move an existing fort up to 2 territories if on land (not islands). I say 1/2 (5 IPCs) because you could probably move the big guns, but the concrete and infrastructure?
The Japanese surprise attack is interesting. We have messed that up in both games we’ve played though and not been able to pull it off. The last game the Japanese player just didn’t realize once you were at war with that power you couldn’t sneak attack them (at least that’s how we took it). Japan took Phil, and Hong Kong not realizing that they couldn’t use their sneak attack against powers they were at war with (rendering it useless). We’re also not sure if your allowed to share a sea zone with your potential enemy, be in a sz next to a territory of your potential enemy, or how close your allowed to get to the US coast line. I know there are no restrictions now, but we have experimented/played as if there are (thinking that there will be a change here later). So can they block you out with multiple destroyers (say from India) then you basically have to kill the blocker in one turn (which puts you at war with that power), so you can’t sneak attack them on your next turn once your in position. Much will be decided in the new rulings.
If the Japanese were given a double attack like the Germans then that would allow them to kill off blockers and then make a second attack (if they can’t share SZ’s). I think the double NCM is very important to them though too, so they can hit & run.
In HBG version the German blitzkrieg allowing for second attacks at sea is kinda strange to me, but because of set-up I know it is needed to cripple the Royal Navy. Being able to use your newly built units is also kinda weird, we normally build a couple bombers to insure more damage to the UK fleet (it’s all good).
Just seems like if both the Germans and the Japanese had the same basic rule when attacking an enemy for the first time it might be more streamline. A 1st turn must for Germany vs UK, France & Poland, and any time for the Japanese before turn 8 (or before US enters war vs US?). Maybe even reduce the Germans starting IPCs from 52 to 17, and allow for them to also get a one time bonus of say 35 IPC (like the Japanese do). It really doesn’t change anything (Germans would still get 52 IPCs), just keeps the rules the same for both axis powers. You could also say that only the units built w/bonus income can be used in the second attack, units from the normal/starting income are placed at the end of the compete turn as normal?
I don’t think I like how he forces the US to keep 2 capital ships at Hawaii (kinda gamey to me). Like I said we haven’t successfully done a sneak attack to see how it plays out, very interested to see what happens w/US ships having -2 after they don’t get to fire at all in the first round. He has nerfed that, so he must have thought it to be too powerful I guess.
During our testing last weekend, many changes came to light including the sneak attacks. I am still in the process of writing it all up and the group would like to test a few changes again at the beginning of November. We feel many improvements were made. Keep playing stuff out though and let us know your input on anything you feel needs to be addressed. I can tell you we addressed ALL the items in this thread and the stuff from BGG during our game. I think you’ll like the changes!
Good to hear. If you get a chance maybe you could post or high light some of the changes you’re considering (unofficial).
Great news about the changes to come.
This past weekend a question came up regarding the Japanese IC on Siam. Can it be upgraded to a major?
It was also debated (again) regarding the necessity of owning Gibraltar in order to pass through the strait.
We are also wondering if flak towers will be added to the new marker rule set.
Hope you all had a good time playing last weekend (we certainly did!).
Great news about the changes to come.
This past weekend a question came up regarding the Japanese IC on Siam. Can it be upgraded to a major?
We actually tried this and it became a game breaker. The current revision to the Siam rules are: Siam can be activated anytime. 1 free infantry per turn. Minor IC ONLY may be built on or after turn 3.
We found a major pumping out 10 units per turn was impossible to hold off down there.
It was also debated (again) regarding the necessity of owning Gibraltar in order to pass through the strait.
Yes, we debated this too. With the Italian navy so strong, we found it better to say yes to requiring Gibraltar and having the Turkish straights closed.
We are also wondering if flak towers will be added to the new marker rule set. Good idea!
Hope you all had a good time playing last weekend (we certainly did!).
Good to hear. If you get a chance maybe you could post or high light some of the changes you’re considering (unofficial).
As mentioned, Siam held to Minor IC on turn 3 and after.
Small changes to Japan’s sneak attack.
Help for UK Sea Lion defense
Minor additions of facilities
Neutral armies a bit smaller and new rules for capturing their capitols
Many rule clarifications thanks to you all! -
Good to hear. If you get a chance maybe you could post or high light some of the changes you’re considering (unofficial).
As mentioned, Siam held to Minor IC on turn 3 and after.
Small changes to Japan’s sneak attack.
Help for UK Sea Lion defense
Minor additions of facilities
Neutral armies a bit smaller and new rules for capturing their capitols
Many rule clarifications thanks to you all!Yeah, Japan built a major for Siam in one of our games too, it was not good. With that in mind, Germany normally builds a major in Romania G2 too. Would that also follow a similar ruling of no major IC on an axis minor power territory? Russia also has a tough time against the Germans, and Romania to Moscow is only 3 spaces (same as Siam to Calcutta). Germany gets to build 5 IPC tanks, and even art can move faster in this game (unstoppable?). With Romanian units in the mix, the Germans can get 11-12 units built there each turn plus more units from Bulgaria/Hungary (if they save/build right).
Great news about the changes to come.
This past weekend a question came up regarding the Japanese IC on Siam. Can it be upgraded to a major?
We actually tried this and it became a game breaker. The current revision to the Siam rules are: Siam can be activated anytime. 1 free infantry per turn. Minor IC ONLY may be built on or after turn 3.
We found a major pumping out 10 units per turn was impossible to hold off down there.
It was also debated (again) regarding the necessity of owning Gibraltar in order to pass through the strait.
Yes, we debated this too. With the Italian navy so strong, we found it better to say yes to requiring Gibraltar and having the Turkish straights closed.
We are also wondering if flak towers will be added to the new marker rule set. Good idea!
Hope you all had a good time playing last weekend (we certainly did!).
One thing I forgot to mention on Gibraltar. Undetected enemy subs may pass at anytime.
I just want to make sure I am reading the rules right. I have the 2nd gen map and a copy of the 5.0 rules. Page 32/33 regarding subs. I understand the destroyer/sub detection. What throws me a little is page 33 the first line second paragraph which states “Undetected subs can only be fired upon by enemy submarines”. In reading into this if a sub were to attack/defend against a battleship/cruiser the battleship/cruiser is removed from the board like an unescorted transport since the battleship/cruiser can not fire back/hit the sub.
The way the 5.0 rules are written, defending BBs and CAs would be destroyed as you say. Attacking BBs and CAs would have to retreat. We are looking into revising this rule. Figure on either: all surface ships can return fire after first strike. Or you may have to buy lots of DDs! Give us a few days on this one. What’s your opinion on how it should work?
Very good question themojaverattler, we had similar reservations on this too (I should have posted something weeks ago)
Honestly, we tweaked the naval rules in our two games. We did not use most of the sub/dd rules in our two games. We didn’t really understand the rules in our first game, and decided to forgo them in the second one. There was so much going on so we thought it best to keep things more familiar at sea. We did detection on a 1:1 basis, but after that did all sea battles as you would in G40. WE also modified damaged battleships to 1/2 value defending at 4 (same as a destroyer to give you a better choice when choosing casualties). We did like being able to retrieve planes w/damaged carriers (treated like cargo until repaired). We also liked and used carriers and transports only fire at air units, and the naval base AA gun is cool.
Although we didn’t use the sub rules, I understand the intent in attacks that once a destroyer detects a sub, only cruisers & air can hit it. From what I gather the role of the DD is only detection, and doesn’t get to fire in attacks at a detected sub (which we found strange).
The main reason we didn’t use the sub rules as written was because in defense how ships become defenseless w/o destroyer as discussed in themojaverattler’s post above. It just didn’t seem right to allow 1 sub to kill off battleships and/or cruisers w/o firing a shot. Nor because they have 1 more sub than you have dd (although more subs can be detected in later rounds of battle, but at the cost of more valuable ships). I know subs are sneaky little bast**** but we thought that gave them too much power (in WW2) only allowing subs to fire at undetected subs when a dd isn’t in the defensive fleet. I know the emphasis is to buy destroyers and all powers start with a lot, but it still seemed over the top (should have mentioned this much earlier, sorry).
I see you’re looking at making a change here.
Here are some things we didn’t care for, or weren’t sure about, please don’t take it the wrong way.
1a) DD doesn’t fire at subs, it only detects them. Not sure if the dd is allowed to detect subs, and fire at enemy surface ships too (which would seem kinda weird to be focusing on subs, and BTW fire at that cruiser, but not at the sub we are looking for). Also not sure if in attacks when subs are detected, are the air & cruisers locked into the subs only, or can their hits be applied to other ships?
1b) The rules for subs don’t allow for the 1:1 match up for attacking dd vs sub (dd doesn’t fire in attacks) I would miss that. Maybe allow the dd to detect, and fire at 1/2 its value. It would allow for these tiny epic battles. It would put an attacking dd and def sub at the same values (2’s). You could bring in air and cruisers if you want to pound them.
Suggestion: Have any dd that detects a sub attack at 1/2 its value (2 or less) and only fire at subs? Destroyers not used for detection (by default) attack as normal.
- No defense for a fleet vs undetected subs, other then defensive subs?
2b) Not using the 12 sided dice to modify ships defending vs undetected subs? If sub is undetected def ships could have different values maybe (-2 or even 1/2 their normal def?).
2c) Cruisers have a role in attacking subs, but are defenseless if attacked. In the very least allow cruisers to def against undetected sub at 1/2 value? Wouldn’t the sub be giving up position to attack being on or near the surface.
- As a trade off to ships being able to def against undetected subs (maybe at a lower value), allow undetected subs to target if they hit 1/2 their value (or lower) 1 in def, 2 in attacks (even with wolf pack). This last one is probably over the top as they do get a kill shot.
In 5.0 rules, destroyers get to detect and fire on subs. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. We are very close to finishing this up. Thanks for your input!
In 5.0 rules, destroyers get to detect and fire on subs. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. We are very close to finishing this up. Thanks for your input!
Well that clears things up a bit, now just to figure out if defending ships can fire at undetected subs at some level.
Thank you for getting back to me. I was just not sure about this rule. Now you say it is pretty much is how it reads. On one hand I think subs seem to be a little over powered in the sense 1 lone sub could very attack a carrier which is being protected by say 1 or 2 battleships and 1 or 2 cruisers. Since there is no destroyers in the battle all ships would be removed without even getting a shot back since none of these ships can hit an undetected sub. On the other hand in a large sea battle this would keep a player from using undetected subs to soak up hits from ships which can not hit an undetected sub.
Just an observation.
The destroyer has become a very influential surface war ship in this game. I like that you need many of these “inf of the sea”, and that you start with a bunch. Once the battles get going though, you’re forced to make decisions and take causalities that you wouldn’t take in other AA games. I like the fact that the rules by design favor a diversified fleet, and more valuable ships are sometimes taken as causalities.
Example: In attacks, or def do you take a hit on your BB in the first round of battle, or start giving up your destroyers. The BB is expensive and would need to find its way back to port to repair (which is no longer free), and if damaged defends weaker then a dd in the next round of battle (or in a counter attack). You may need a couple dd’s if the enemy can counter attack w/subs, or double hit you with another power.
Fleet defense is a problem though as pointed out w/o destroyers in the mix. This could be from previous battles (pointed out above) that leave you vulnerable. Subs coming up on a fleet might attempt a hit & run, but after the first couple torpedo’s are fired their positions would be given up so their not going to hang around. I think that destroyers are represented as the sub hunter unit, and rightfully so, but cruisers played some role here and should probably be able to defend against subs in some way. An easy fix would be to allow cruisers to fire in defense of undetected subs at some scale. I wouldn’t like all units to be able to defend against undetected subs (especially at their normal def rolls), because it would take out the hit & runs that subs were so good at.
Maybe allow cruisers (and possibly battleships, see below) to fire at undetected subs at 1/2 value (detected subs are taken before undetected, but roll separately so if a cruiser rolled a 3 or less undetected sub(s) are eligible as a causality once the detected subs are gone). Maybe also allow undetected subs to fire their kill shot, and also submerge only if no enemy destroyers are present (would only get one kill shot each if they submerge in a hit & run). This follows the current rules of subs only being able to submerge if no enemy destroyer is present in the sea zone. Keeping in mind that any sub detected would remain detected throughout the entire battle by rule regardless of if the destroyers on the other side are killed off (they can’t increase the number of undetected subs, but you can detect more subs if the destroyer start to out number the subs as the battle rages on). If the last destroyer is killed off any undetected subs remaining would then be allowed to fire and also submerge. If the undetected sub(s) don’t submerge right after they fire, allow cruisers (maybe battleships?) to return fire at 1/2 def value. Also keep in mind that undetected subs also have the option to retreat from the sz (w/enemy dd present), so wouldn’t take fire if they choose to retreat from the cruiser (or battleship if also allowed to return fire).
**If you also allow battleships to return fire you run into a problem if BB is damaged (fires at 3 in def) unless you make a change to damaged bb’s fire at 4 (instead of 3), and 1/2 of that would be 2 (when returning fire at undetected subs that didn’t submerge). PS yes I would like to see the BB def at 4 if damaged (have the def of a DD) but that’s a different debate LOL.I’m probably over thinking this, and making it much more difficult then need be, I know they will address this issue and get it right.
New Global War 1939 Rules Version 5.1 and Setup Version 5.0 will be up on BGG in a few days here:
we play with 5.1. rules.
Where can a coastel Sub or battleship move???
No “open water” is clear, but can e.g. the brazilian coastel battleship (activated by british navy) move to Africa or has it to stay at the brazilian coast.Very Important is the rule for the spanish navy, when taken over by Germany.
A neutral destroyer or transport can move everywhere when occupaid by an either the axis or allies?!?!
And where can an escaped costel battleship move e.g. the norway navy??? After escape the navy is normally at a british coast, because you cannot join the soviet navy, because soviet navy ist still neutral an not allied. Can you escape into a battle? If Germany attacks the british navy in North Sea and occupies Oslo at the same time?
And a special question is what happens to the Dutch navy?? Can you use the dutch transport to attack an Island with ANZAC Infantry??
The last Question about navy, can the finnish destroyer + figter attack the soviet destroyer without declaration of war against soviet union and the soviet destroyer + airplanes the finnish destroyer without being at war with germany. And what happens when german navy is in the same seazone as the finnish?
Thanks for clarification!
In the rulebook you can read, that the first troop you have to build in South Africa and the first 3 troops in India have to be “Infantry”.
Does it mean only “Foot” Infantry (includes Commando)or can you also build Mechanized Infantry???
Can you build a fortification in India (FEC) with money (IPC´s) from Commonwealth or has India to spent the money.
The Question includes air- and navelbases.One Question about activation of Minor Axis.
Can you activate Finland at the first impulse of Blitzkrieg (1.Turn) and move the finish troops in the second Impulse of Blitzkrieg or can you only move the finish troops in the second Turn of Game???
The Question includes hungarian and romanian troops!!!
Includes the +2 Defense by fortifications in the first round of combat also mechanized Infantry or only “foot” infantry???
One more Question
Can National China attack an japanese held Burma??
In the rulebook you can read, that Chinese troops can attack any japanese held territory.
But also you cannot “move” troops into any original FEC territrory except Hong Kong.What is true???
Is there a special Canal rule like turkish straights or Suez Canal for Denmark Straight???
Star of Africa,
There is no canal rule for the Denmark Straight. I understand that new rules are being discussed, but for now, all nations can move through them.
National China may only attack original Japanese-held territories and the French colonies. They may not enter any original FEC territory except for HK, so Burma cannot be entered.
Coastal battleships and subs must remain adjacent to a territory containing their original roundels. So, the Brazilian battleship cannot enter African waters.
A neutral destroyer or transport can move anywhere when controlled by the axis or allies.
And where can an escaped costel battleship move e.g. the norway navy??? The rules are unclear on this. For our house rules, we state that an escaped coastal battleship moves to the nearest allied port and then becomes fixed in place, as per the Vichy rules.
If the Dutch fleet becomes controlled by the allies, the dutch transport could move ANZAC troops (it could move any allies’ troops).
The last Question about navy, can the finnish destroyer + figter attack the soviet destroyer without declaration of war against soviet union and the soviet destroyer + airplanes the finnish destroyer without being at war with germany. If the Russians attack Finland, then the Finnish destroyer and fighter can attack the Russian destroyer. As long as Russia and Germany are not at war, German ships would be ignored.
The first troop you have to build in South Africa and the first 3 troops in India have to be Infantry. Mechanized infantry do not count. I believe Commandos are not considered infantry.
Can you build a fortification in India (FEC) with money (IPC´s) from Commonwealth or has India to spent the money.
The Question includes air- and navelbases. I would say, no, FEC must spend the money to buy fortications, air bases, and naval bases on FEC territories. UK can only build units.You can activate Finland at the first impulse of Blitzkrieg (1.Turn) and move the Finnish troops in the second Impulse of Blitzkrieg. This applies to Hungary and Romania as well.
The +2 Defense by fortifications in the first round of combat applies only to “foot” infantry.