HBG's Global War 1939 FAQ

  • The wait is killing me.

  • I got a question, im about ot buy 1939, so i have to ask: do i need any extra colored sets of units? I have global 2nd and 1941, plus a set of baby-blue HBG minor axis (everything except tactical and battleships); do i need any more colors?

    Also, the bigger map sounds sweet, but i cant find any photo of it, any1 got a link?

  • '20 '19 '18 '16 '15 '11 '10

    Hi Chico,

    Right off the hop go to Boardgamegeek and get the latest rules and set-up for Global 1939 (if you have not already). You will need to set up an account there to download the files. They will tell you what you will need for pieces. From what you are saying, you may need/want more (e.g. Axis Minors, more neutrals, Communist Chinese, Holland, coastal subs, battleships, etc. and so on).

    For a view of the first Global 1939 map produced there is a cool video on:


    And below is a pic of the newest map:

    http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/assets/images/Maps/Global 1939R/Global_new_revised_3.0.jpg

    I’ve played Global '39 more than a dozen times and I love it more each game. Have fun!

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Yep, listen to Koba. He knows what he’s talking about. I suggest getting the rules and going through the stuff you already own to see what you would still need. You can choose how you want your set to look. Different color pieces, markers, however you want to build it. It’s up to you. HBG provides all the tools. I would look at the stuff on our site and decide what you like best. Then make a list of what colors/markers to use for what, and compare that against the setup charts in the rules. Remember to buy enough overage for in-game purchases. This is the fun part of getting this game to me. Customized to your preference!

  • Tigerman77…  I cant take this wait anymore. :cry:

  • I have been anticipating the version 6 rules for a long time. It is May 22 now. I think it would be helpful if someone would just communicate a time frame of when it will be done. Play-testing can take a long time - if you do it right - and if you have other responsibilities. That being said, I think some communication from Tigerman would help. If he needs more time, that’s okay.

  • I agree back in late Feb they said about 4 weeks, it’s been 3 months.
    I planned to play with the new rules this past weekend, with my group we planned it out two months in advance and we couldn’t play (with the new rules) was a major let down to my game group.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Alright guys, let me give you the update…

    The rules were done more or less a month or so ago to our liking. Tigerman took it upon himself to playtest them as much as possible to eliminate any bugs or other issues he could find. However, as most of you already know, the HBG crew has been very busy with Amerika, Japanese sets, and the like to get in the playtest time we really wanted on this. All the HBG guys still have normal day jobs too!  :-D

    So here’s the deal. I talked to Tigerman today and he’s pretty confident in the 6.0, but was hesitant only because he holds a very high standard to this game. He, and the rest of us, know you all have invested a lot of time and money into Global War, and HBG aims to show you the respect and satisfaction you all deserve.

    With that, I convinced him we should post the 6.0 and we all agree. I will get it tonight and post to BGG immediately. It takes them a few days to approve and post, but I would expect it there by Saturday. After you get them, try them out and give us your usual feedback. You know by now, we TRULY DO LISTEN. You guys are the greatest out there and without you, Global War would not be what it is today. But remember, perfection is near impossible to achieve. We have truly done our best, but expect some criticism. We welcome all constructive criticism!

    With that, enjoy 6.0, the best one yet!

  • Sounds Great!!!

  • '14

    Sorry about the wait guys!  The rules are done and will be posted soon. If you find any ‘bugs’ in the rules please post the rule in question and a possible fix. There is also some setup changes that should help balance the game out more. Again sorry for the delay.

  • '14

    Ok guys, variable has the 6.0 rules and they should be up on BGG soon. Ill post a downloadable file on this post to get you guys by this weekend.

  • OK looked over the new rules.

    • I like the color changes to show the rule changes (thumbs up)

    • Finland-was this a rule change or just clarification? Because that is how we always played it

    My only real complaint is still the rules for the DEI, but I like the rules I came up with for how to handle them and will continue to use my own in this case.

    • Interesting rule for neutral countries that lose there capital territory, the other territories can’t do anything but defend?  Am I reading that right?
      I assume this is only for neutral nations with more then one territory.  But I guess I am confused that if the capital is captured all remaining units join the opposing side, they why these new units that just joined your side not be able to try to retake their own capital? Also not sure I like the rules for neutral navies.

    I haven’t get to setup the board with the new setup so I can’t comment on that yet.

  • Thanks for the new rules Variable and Tigerman!  You put a lot of work into this so that we can enjoy ourselves immensely!

    A few comments for now.  I found the axis difficult to play before.  Now with FEC in a stronger position, and with Japan and Italy starting with reduced strength, the axis will see fewer victories.  The British Isles UK fleet can no longer be taken out by Germany in the first round.  The German submarine fleet is now marooned in the Altantic, and to survive at all, must attack the London fleet or be annihilated on the UK’s first round.  The new set-up effectively forces Germany to take Norway, Holland, and Denmark in round one instead of focussing on the UK fleet.  Italy has a reduced fleet, and the new FEC fleet off of India can reinforce the existing UK fleet by Cairo effectively neutralizing Italy in the Mediteranean.

    The UK starting production is still wrong.  It reads 35 IPCs, including South Africa.  It should read 33.  This error has unfortunately carried over from 5.1 to 6.0.

    It appears that if a ship can fire upon another ship, it can hit detected submarines now.  This renders submarines much less effective than before.

    Two questions:

    Can the UK build capital ships in Sidney and Calcutta (even though ANZAC and FEC cannot)?
    If Germany takes Holland, do the pro or strict neutral rules regarding ships apply to the ships in the DEI (page 30)?  I am assuming yes.

  • @Moose11:

    A few comments for now.  I found the axis difficult to play before.  Now with FEC in a stronger position, and with Japan and Italy starting with reduced strength, the axis will see fewer victories.  The British Isles UK fleet can no longer be taken out by Germany in the first round.  The German submarine fleet is now marooned in the Altantic, and to survive at all, must attack the London fleet or be annihilated on the UK’s first round.  The new set-up effectively forces Germany to take Norway, Holland, and Denmark in round one instead of focussing on the UK fleet.  Italy has a reduced fleet, and the new FEC fleet off of India can reinforce the existing UK fleet by Cairo effectively neutralizing Italy in the Mediterranean.

    I finally looked at and compared the setups.  I agree it appears the main axis powers have been weakened while the Allies have been strengthened.
    I am also not a fan of AA guns in China or the airbase.  That really makes China a little too powerful now considering Japans best offense against them was to use planes.

    Italy never really had anything going for it expect it’s navy and now that is smaller and that will make it just that much harder for Italy to control the Mediterranean sea for their bonus money.

    I also don’t understand the reasoning behind taking away half of Japan’s veteran forces.  It was not like these units could ever be replaced and these pieces where mostly used to fight China.  So now Japan’s starting army is weaker (not in unit count but overall combat power) yet the main force this starting army will be fighting (China) is stronger both in number of units and with the added AA guns and air base.

    I agree with Moose this setup makes it even harder for the Axis.

  • Hi,

    One Question about fortresses, can you build more than one per country?

    And what about coastel ships? If e.g. the norway battleships can escape and get british, where can they move? Only at the Great Britain coast? Or have they to stay by Norway coast?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Clearly I need to see the latest setup.

  • Looking forward to trying the new 6.0 rules.  One quick question though.  I noticed there are no longer any maximum build restrictions on the special units for each nation like there were in the previous rules.  Just wanted to verify if those restrictions have been lifted and you can build as many as you like or if the restrictions were omitted accidentally.  Thanks in the advance.  Awesome game!  Thanks for all the hard work as my group really enjoys it.

  • '14

    Hey guys,

    All the changes that were made were to address concerns of game balance. For example making the Italian navy a bit smaller and putting the Brits navy outside of a G1 attack. All the changes that were made are not mine solely but from multiple Playtests with other groups. Play a few games first and see what happens. I’m sure there will be a v7.0 in about 6 moths to a year.

  • '14


    Looking forward to trying the new 6.0 rules.  One quick question though.  I noticed there are no longer any maximum build restrictions on the special units for each nation like there were in the previous rules.  Just wanted to verify if those restrictions have been lifted and you can build as many as you like or if the restrictions were omitted accidentally.  Thanks in the advance.  Awesome game!  Thanks for all the hard work as my group really enjoys it.

    All special units have no production limits now except for how many can be produced per turn.

  • '14

    All other questions will be answered after I get back from vacation next week!

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