• I’m having trouble posting pictures along with text.  When I link to the picture I’m told that Posts with links can’t be posted, but I’ve seen other posts with images attached.  Specifically they are screen shots of a game called BattleForces, and I’ve uploaded them to photobucket, but again I keep getting a warning saying no links allowed.  What do I need to do?

  • You need a higher post count. This threshold is meant to defeat spam. Contact Admin and they can insert the link and pic in the thread you create.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    How many posts does he need?

    I say spam the crap out of this thread, until you have 20 or so posts, and try to post an Image.

    Then this thread can be deleted, and you’ll have image posting powers forever! Without asking for any favours…

  • That cannot be told since usually people will post countless “fluff” posts in order to trip the threshold. I already told him to contact admin to get his links and pics. He will make a thread with the info and admin can insert the pic and link.

  • Thank you

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    That cannot be told since usually people will post countless “fluff” posts in order to trip the threshold. I already told him to contact admin to get his links and pics. He will make a thread with the info and admin can insert the pic and link.

    No offense, but that’s useless meddling.

    Are you going to reccommend we start issuing permits for posting, and post quota’s next? Ridiculous…

    If you’re adamant that -administration- and -power- must be wielded against a new member,

    Why not just manually move the user to the picture postable “user group”, and this problem is avoided permanently?

    Now everytime he wants to post a picture, until he reaches the -TOP SECRET- threshold he has to contact some foriegn body. Can’t he even be PM’d the limit?

    Obviously he’s not porn spam, What’s wrong with giving him the ability to post pictures and moving on with it?  Or do we really have to regulate and control every aspect of the first 25 posts of a new users A&A life?

    Encouraging crowninshield to play one of the games online here to bump up his post count would even be a better solution. But I guess making this site welcoming to new users isn’t the objective of some moderators is it?

  • OMG just stop.

    You cant toggle on options like this for some members they are set globally.

    Just leave it alone, Djensen will take care of it.

  • Customizer


  • The message I wanted to post with links to pictures on photobucket.com has been PMed and is waiting on approval/time to post it for me.  I do want to put up multiple posts with multitudinous pictures, so perhaps I will read through all of the forums and put my 2 cents in everywhere I have an opinion.  Maybe that would bump me up over the threshold…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    The message I wanted to post with links to pictures on photobucket.com has been PMed and is waiting on approval/time to post it for me.  I do want to put up multiple posts with multitudinous pictures, so perhaps I will read through all of the forums and put my 2 cents in everywhere I have an opinion.  Maybe that would bump me up over the threshold…

    Yep, doing it yourself, by contributing or playing a game is the best way.

    A word of advice - avoid administration here AT ALL COSTS.

    Have you heard of tripleA?

    Great pic Sgt Wilan!

  • Moderator

    Explain away Crowninshield!


  • These are screenshot of 2 games that I am/was in on www.battleforces.com

    The first one was a team game on the ‘Hex Armada’ map.  I was blue and my teammates were orange and grey.  I ended up locked in an arms race on the island in the upper left hand corner of the map.  This game has since been completed with my team pulling through for the win.  In this, and most but not all, team game players on the same team may have units in the same land or sea zones without blocking or fighting each other.

    The second screenshot is from a game on the ‘Standard World’ map.  This is not a team game but I (by coincidence blue again) have agreed to a non aggression pact (NAP) with yellow so I’m not worried about attack from the south.  Grey is just about to finish crushing my navy but, as you can see, I’ve got plenty of infantry to absorb any amphibious landing he attempts.  Several turns after this screenshot grey landed in both Iberia (Spain) and Thailand.  I destroyed both landing forces after another several turns.

    At this point though I’ve been granted permission to post links so I’ve already started a thread in the Other Games forum, but thank you Guerrilla Guy for the help.

  • thanks for posting the pictures. nice review.

  • that second pic looks alot like a game i did very well in,if i remember correctly i took over from grik while he was holiday and won the game for him in 5 turns……im sure thats how it happened  :?

  • To explain for everyone else, bodeneesom (post prior to this one) took over for the original grey player (Grik), who was heading out on vacation.  Things didn’t go so well for bode(neesom) who missed a turn at a very important point in the game thereby losing most of his navy, and defended the wrong capital (to be fair Grik had captured 2 other capitals so I can see the confusion for a substitute player having 3 territories with flags (the fact that 2 of the flags had red X’s through them I’ll leave alone  :-P).  Long story short:  I won :)

  • Bump

    For those who don’t know about the post threshold before new users can post pictures (i.e. links).

  • Ahh, I just want to share a photo or three of the board I built and run it by the community for some pointers.  I think this is a really great site and certainly don’t want to rock the water.  I just want to say that its great what they have done and as soon as my broke a*! gets paid I plan on donating.

    Golf Tango Golf baby!

  • Bump

    For those who don’t know about the post threshold before new users can post pictures (i.e. links).

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I put the limits in place because of porn spam. I don’t have time to delete offensive posts on a daily/hourly basis after putting in the limit, the image spam/porn when away completely.

  • Nothing like some good ol’ spam porn to ruin your morning  :wink:

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