Didn’t have much time when I posted my spot reservation earlier.
A bit of extended info:
I have a group of fellows that have played A&A off and on since high school. Only recently have we figured out this online play stuff.
It’s a possibility that all or several of us will jump into teams. We are all new to any '40 editions, much more so G40.
For my team, I know I’m bringing in an additional fellow that is completely new to A&A. My team will likely also have either another A&A newbie or a fellow from my typical A&A group.
I cannot speak for any other teams that others from my play group may create, but I will say there is a small chance that more A&A newbies will be brought in as well across possibly several teams.
I certainly would like to keep with the intent of this tournament gathering as much as possible, so I must ask:
-It would not be poor sportsmanship to get the A&A newbies into a practice game or two (likely a more basic A&A edition or one of the '40s) to get them familiar with the game system prior to the tourney start, no?