france and yugo went really well for you
12L - '41 - Botider (allies +9) vs. Ol' Blood&Guts (axis), -tech, +NO
sz53 cwlo dd ftr
2ftr sz57 => sz51
ftr sz53 => sz51
2cv sz57 => sz51
cv sz61 => sz37
ftr sz35 => sz37
2ftr Yun => FIC
ftr Kwa => FICMobilize
IC in FICCollect: 41 + 2 saved = 43
ic in fic… hmmm,… HMMMM,… HMMMMMMMMMM.
i dun like that…england 1
bb, cv, dd… spend $42, save $2combat
norway ( )
inf england via trn sz2 > sz3sz6 (ca)
ftr, bmb englandsz5 (trn)
ftr englanddice…
ftr @ 3, bmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (3)1@4: (2)
ca @ 3
Rolls: 1@3; Total Hits: 11@3: (1)
ca killed, sub remains… ftr lost
inf, rtl australia board trn sz41 > sz43
inf trans-jordan > persia
3 inf, rtl, aa india > persia
inf burma > india
2 inf south africa > rhodesia
dd, trn sz 9 > sz2 … arm eastern canada > england
inf western canada > western us
ftr sz5 > sz3
bmb sz6 > englanddeployment
bb, cv, dd > sz3collect
$35 + $2 saved = $37moving along at a nice little clip here… i better slow down and pay attention. as if that will matter… but it sounds good and i can use it as an excuse… :wink:
moving along at a nice little clip here… i better slow down and pay attention. as if that will matter… but it sounds good and i can use it as an excuse… :wink:
actually, the faster the clip, the more I mess up too 8-)
Trj twol
ftr Trj => Egy
arm Blk => Epl
2inf Blk => Bul
arm Ita => Bul
cru sz14 => sz15Mobilize
2inf art in FraCollect: 21
whew! those guys didn’t mess around… didn’t want the cannelloni gettin’ cold!
us/china 1*
cv, dd, ca, ss… spend $40
*2 infcombat
none*kiangsu ( )
inf fukiennoncombat
cv, dd, ftr sz44 > sz56
ftr hawaii > sz56
ftr w us > sz56
ftr e us > sz56
bmb e us > w us
inf c us > w us
inf alaska > w canada
dd, trn sz10 > sz9
inf, rtl e us > e canada
cv, ss > sz56
dd, ca > sz10
*2 inf > chinghaicollect
$38 + $10 (NO) = $48 -
whew! those guys didn’t mess around… didn’t want the cannelloni gettin’ cold!
so unlike the Italians too! :lol:
Ger2-Buy: bmr, 5 inf, 4 arm…save 0
1. bmr Lib => sz9 dd
2. 2inf ftr Fin => Nwy inf
3. 2inf Fin/art Bst => Kar inf
4. arm Egy => Sud => Cng
5. arm Egy => Sud => Eaf
6. art Egy => Madsz9 1st hit
Rolls: 10@4; Total Hits: 610@4: (1, 2, 4, 2, 6, 5, 5, 1, 4, 5)
Rolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 210@2: (3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 1, 6, 6, 1, 3)
Kar twol
bmr sz9 => Lib
inf Alg => Lib
ftr Alg => Ger
ftr Lib => Ger
ftr Nwy => Ger
inf art 4arm Ukr => Epl
3inf Pol => Bst
5arm Ger => Bst
sub sz6 => sz12Mobilize
bmr 5inf 4arm in GerCollect: 58
boy, i can tell i haven’t played this in a while… bumbling and stumbling. sincerest apologies to the families of those GIs and naval forces disastrously killed off novia scotia. just not paying attention…
russia 2
7 inf, rtl, arm… spend $30, save $1combat
ukraine ( )
inf e ukrainemanchuria ( )
inf buryatiakarelia (2 inf, rtl)
3 inf, rtl archangeldice…
2 inf @ 1, inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 2@1 2@2; Total Hits: 22@1: (5, 1)2@2: (5, 1)
2 inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (2, 5, 5)
we’ll stop… no need to get those guys killed just yet. soon enough, i fear…
retreat 2 inf, rtl > archangel
ss sz2 > sz12
3 inf russia > belorussia
inf russia > e ukraine
2 inf caucasus > e ukraine
inf novosibirsk > chinghai
inf evenki > novosibirsk
4 inf yakut > evenki
2 inf buryatia > stanovoj
3 inf caucasus > russiadeployment
3 inf > caucasus
4 inf, rtl, arm > russiacollect
$31 + $1 saved = $32 -
gotta watch that german bomber like a hawk
boy, i can tell i haven’t played this in a while… bumbling and stumbling. sincerest apologies to the families of those GIs and naval forces disastrously killed off novia scotia. just not paying attention…
Hitler has been assassinated and Rommel has been elevated to high commander of the German forces :evil:
Jap2-Buy: cv, ftr, dd, 2 inf, arm…save 0
1. 2inf Sum/ftr FIC/ftr sz37 => Ind inf
2. 2inf Yun => Bur
3. 2inf Hup => Sik
4. 3inf Sui => Nin
5. 2inf Kwa => Fuk
6. inf art Jap via trn sz61/2ftr FIC => Kia inf
7. inf Jap & arm Phi via trn sz50/3ftr sz51 => Man inf
8. 2inf Bor/inf art Phi/cru bb sz50 => Aus 2inf unload from sz39Aus
A-3inf art cru bb
Rolls: 2@1 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (2, 3)2@2: (6, 5)1@3: (4)1@4: (1)
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 1)
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