Thought you would have USSR by now with the speed with which you gave the previous answers. Sleeping maybe?
12L - '41 - Bold (allies +3) vs. Botider, -tech, +NO
fin liberated w/out loss
2 arm @ 3
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (3, 6)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
sik taken w/out loss
2 bmb nin > nov
4 inf, rtl, arm rus > nov
4 ftr fin > kar
bmb eng > ger
3 inf arc > kar
3 inf, 2 rtl, 2 arm cau > per
2 arm cau > nov
10 inf, 4 ftr, bmb nwe > ger
5 inf, 2 arm nwe > france
arm ita > bul
3 inf, rtl cze > bul
2 inf, rtl, aa ind > bur
5 arm bur > inddeployment
2 inf > bur
2 inf, aa > ind
3 inf, ftr > rus
3 inf, 3 ftr > gercollect
$70 + $1 saved = $71surrender offer… are we really gonna play this out? or start a game 2?
Havent seen a map but i say play out. We can start game 2 as well rematch?
R16 - nothing
go ahead with J
you’re up B.
yeah, i know. got a new 'puter… trying to get things set up.
No prob. Im preoccupied with the DNC.
i think i’d rather watch paint dry… :wink:
japan 16
4 ftr… spend $40, save $9combat
nin ( )
inf chinoncombat
2 ftr yak > stc
3 ftr cau > sz16
bmb cau > stc
ss sz16 > sz33deployment
4 ftr > japcollect
$18 + $9 saved = $27 -
4 ftr > japan… sorry, forgot about this board’s pc bent.
Oh come on, those dems got it all figured out - Obamasgoing to fix everything in his second term. No mortal being could have fixed all the problems he inherited right? :roll: :roll: :roll:
Bill gave a great speech but it just doesnt make a lot of sense. arithmetic Bill! Exactly.
Lol… let’s not get started on Bill. We’ll never finish this game!
Lol… let’s not get started on Bill. We’ll never finish this game!
Im currently trying to keep from gagging during the biden and obama speeches. :roll:
i actually chose a big east football game instead. that says it all, doesn’t it?
Hey man!! Sorry, i DID NOT NOTICE that you actually had made a move with Japan!!
UK16 - with 53 buys inf, des, 3 acc
rho () - arm (cng) blitz eaf
mad () - inf (saf) via z29
egy () - inf (lib)NC
alg - 3 inf, 2 art, aa (gbr), 2 bom (eca), 4 ftr (z7)
z12 - 3 trn, 3 acc, 3 ftr (z7) 3 ftr on 2 acc
gbr - aa (nwy)
z37 - 2 sub (z50)place des, 3 acc (z7)
place inf (gbr)collect 49, has 49
italy 16
7 inf, 2 rtl… spend $29combat
egy (inf)
inf, rtl cau via trn sz16 > sz15
2 inf, rtl, arm ita via 2 trn sz15 > sz14 > sz15
bb, ca sz15 bombardfuk ( )
arm fic blitzes, then on to yun -
inf @ 1, 2 inf/2 rtl @ 2, arm/ca @ 3, bb @ 4
Rolls: 1@1 4@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 31@1: (1)4@2: (3, 5, 2, 3)2@3: (6, 2)1@4: (6)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
egy taken w/out loss
3 inf, rtl, arm kaz > chi
ftr, bmb cau > ita
dd sz16 > sz15
7 arm epl > caudeployment
3 inf, rtl > cau
4 inf, rtl > itacollect
$28 -
USA16 - with 59 buys 6 sub, des, ftr, save 5
china spawns 2 inf
ngu () - inf (for)
fuk () - inf (kwa)
z12 - 3 ftr (lib)
z7 - 10 ftr (lib)
z34 - 4 ftr (lib), 3 sub, 11 des, 7 acc, 2 ftr, 5 bat (z37), 3 ftr (z61)
z29 - sub (z35)
z50 - ftr, 2 acc (z61)
z51 - 3 trn (z56), 3 inf (wus)
car - aa (haw), 2 inf (wus)
wca - 2 inf, aa (wus)
eca - 4 inf (eus)china
hup - inf (kia)
place des, ftr (z50)
place 6 sub (z10)place 2 inf (sui)
collect 58, has 63
germany 17
21 inf, 2 rtl … spend $71combat
nwy ( )
2 inf finbry ( )
inf stcnoncombat
7 inf, rtl, 4 arm kar > fin
4 ftr kar > chi
4 inf, rtl, 3 arm, 2 bmb nov > chi
ftr rus > chi
2 inf, 7 arm egy > per
2 arm sik > chi
3 inf, rtl, 2 arm bul > ukr
3 inf rus > kazdeployment
2 inf > kar
5 inf, rtl > rus
2 inf, rtl > ind
2 inf > bur
10 inf > gercollect