Oh, I get it now!
So the AI just confused. Makes sense.
Has anyone made a WWI Variant? I’ve tried searching but have yet to find one.
I have on the G40 board. Do you want the rules and Setup?
I would! Sounds interesting.
Empireman, i think everyone would love your WWI setup. Including myself ;)
Ok, I would do it, but I dont have time right now. :-( I will do it tommorow. :lol: :-D
WW1 Variant WW1 Variant WW1 Variant WW1 Variant
I love the moving words!!! :-D
Has your setup been play tested? Or do you need help with this?
The problem with WW I variants…
Not much air power… barely any tanks… no reason to SANELY attack, no combined arms. Not much Naval activity.
Russia too difficult to represent…
SLOW game.
Ok here is my WW1 Variant:
Central Powers:
Germany (german pieces) 16 IPCs (starts with 25)
Austria-Hungary (japanese pieces) 12 IPCs (starts with 17)
Ottaman- (italian pieces) 8 IPCs (starts with 15)
UK (uk pieces) 37 IPCs (starts with 15)
France (french pieces) 17 IPCs
Russia (russian Pieces) 38 IPCs (starts with 16)
USA (american pieces) 48 IPCs (has 10 IPCs, but when goes to war it collects its income)
Allies Minor (chinese pieces) 27 IPCs (starts with 10 IPCs for 5 Turns)
Italy (anzac pieces) 9 IPCs
Turn order: Capaital
Russia… Novogrod
Allies Minor… Shangai
NOTE: France is now Divided into 2 Territories:
Paris: worth same as France, Bordering South France, and Normady
Western France: worth nothing, Bordering Western Germany, Benulux, South France, and Switzerland.
Just get a slip of paper and divide France.
Germany, Austria-Hungary VS. UK, France, Allies Minor
USA goes to war on Turn 7
Italy goes to war on turn 4
Ottoman goes to war on turn 2
Russia goes to war on turn 2
New Neutrals:
Norway: 2 Infantry
Korea: 1 Infantry
Pro-Allies, Australian Territories, New South Wales: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Ethopia: 1 Infantry
Unit changes:
Artillery Cost 5, Attack 3
Mech., Attack 2
Bomber-Plane (tac) Attack 4, Defense 2
Dreadnought (battleship) Cost 23
Bomber is not a Unit.
Tank can be built on turn 9, Cost 8, Attack 4, Defend 4, move 2
Novogrod: 3 Infantry, Major IC, 2 AA gun, Navy Base
East Poland: 3 Infantry, 2 Artillery
Belreus: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech
Bessabaria: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Western Ukraine: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech
Ukraine: 2 Infantry
Caucusus: 2 Infantry
Volgograd: 3 Infantry, Minor IC
Bryansk: 1 Infantry
Smolesk: 1 Infantry
Russia: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, Air base, 2 AA gun
Finnland: 2 Infantry
Vyborg: 1 Infantry
Amur: 4 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery, 1 AA gun
115: 1 Dreadnought, 1 Destroyer, 2 Transports
5: 2 Destroyers, 1 Transports
USA setup:
East USA: 1 Infantry, 1 Mech, Major IC, 3 AA guns, Airbase, Navy base
West USA: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Major IC, 2 AA guns, Navy base, Air base
Hawaii: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Air base, Navy Base
Midway: Air base
Guam: Air base
Line Island: Air base
101: 1 Destroyer, 2 Transports
25: 1 Dreadnought, 2 Destroyers, 2 Transports
Italy Setup:
North Italy: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech., 1 Artillery, Minor IC, 2 AA guns, Navy Base
South Italy: 3 Infantry, 2 Mech., Major IC, 2 AA guns, Airbase, 1 Fighter
Libya: 2 Infantry
Italian Somalia: 1 Infantry
95: 1 Dreadnought, 1 Destroyer, 1 Sub, 1 Transports
Allies Minor:
Benulux: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
Kwaingsi: 3 Infantry
1 Infantry in Yunnan, Hunnan, Hopie, Jehol, and Manchuria
France: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech., 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Major IC, 2 AA gun, Airbase
South France: 2 Infantry, Navy Base
Normady: 1 Infantry
Western France: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
1 Infantry in FE Africa, FC Africa, FW Africa, Tunsia, Algeria, French Indochina
105: Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 Sub, 2 Transports
93: 1 Destroyer
Austria-Hungary setup:
Slovakia Hungary: 4 Infantry, 2 Mech., 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 2 AA guns, Major IC, Airbase
Greater Southern Germany: 2 Infantry
Yugoslavia: 3 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery, Minor IC
Romania: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Navy Base
Bulgaria: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech
100: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transports
97: 1 Cruiser, 1 Sub, 2 Transports
Germany Setup:
Western Germany: 4 Infantry, 2 Mech, 2 Artillery, 1 Fighter, AA gun, Minor IC, Navy Base
Germany: 3 Infantry, Major IC, 4 AA guns, Air base
Poland: 4 Infantry, 3 Mech, 3 Artillery, 2 Fighters, AA gun
Baltic States: 1 Infantry
Tanganska: 1 Infantry
New Guinea: 1 Infantry
Angola: 1 Infantry
112: 1 Dreadnought, 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 Sub, 3 Transports
114: 2 Destroyers
107: 2 Subs
117: 1 Sub
103: 1 Sub
108: 1 Sub
Ottoman setup:
Turkey: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Major IC, 2 AA guns, Air base, Navy Base
Syria: 1 Infantry
Trans-Jordan: 3 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Artillery, 1 AA gun
Iraq: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech, 1 Fighter
Sauda Arabia: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
100: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
UK setup:
UK: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Bomber-Plane, Major IC, 4 AA guns, Air base, Navy base
Portugul: 1 Infantry
Brazil: 2 Infantry
India: 2 Infantry, 1 Mech
Burma: 1 Infantry
Boreo: 1 Infantry
Belguim Congo: 1 Infantry
Kenya: 1 Infantry
South Africa: 2 Infantry, Minor IC, Navy base
Egypt: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Minor IC
Albania: 1 Infantry
Greece: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mech
110: 1 Dreadnought, 2 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 1 Sub, 1 Transport
111: 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer, 1 sub, 1 Transport
Has your setup been play tested? Or do you need help with this?
No, I have not, but I think it is balanced. If any of you guys could test this out, please. And tell me anything that needs to be changed.
Il have to try this out sometime.
I really don’t like splitting France up :( Even though it may make the game more balanced and/or more historical.
Can tanks blitz ? Id say historically no ?
I really dont get the battleship change, were battleships not king of the sea in WWI ? Id say if anything make them cheaper. At 23 why would anyone ever build battleships when you can build cruisers (12) and destroyers (8.)
Im guessing aircraft carriers have no place in this game ?
Sorry to poke holes lol.
Overall i really like it :D
Thanks very much for this. I’m excited to try it out.
No, I have not, but I think it is balanced
What? Are you Larry Harris all of a sudden?
Where is Tanganska? I can’t find it on the board.
Il have to try this out sometime.
I really don’t like splitting France up :( Even though it may make the game more balanced and/or more historical.
Can tanks blitz ? Id say historically no ?
I really dont get the battleship change, were battleships not king of the sea in WWI ? Id say if anything make them cheaper. At 23 why would anyone ever build battleships when you can build cruisers (12) and destroyers (8.)
Im guessing aircraft carriers have no place in this game ?
Sorry to poke holes lol.
Overall i really like it :D
Ok change the price to 20, and Dreadnoughts were kind of the same as bbs
Aircraft carriers are not a piece, they were not really in WW1
Splitting france makes it historical, and im trying to make historical.
Where is Tanganska? I can’t find it on the board.
I think i mispelled it, but its in southern africa
Thanks very much for this. I’m excited to try it out.
You welcome! Make sure to tell how it goes!
im going to go with tanks cannot blitz ;)
Not necessarily :evil:
British losses were so high however that plans to equip five Tank Battalions (Light) with 36 Whippets each had to be abandoned. In the end only the 3rd Tank Brigade had Whippets, 48 in each of its two battalions (3rd and 6th TB). Alongside Mark IV and V tanks, they took part in the Amiens offensive (8 August 1918) which was described by the German supreme commander General Ludendorff, as “the Black Day of the German Army”. The Whippets broke through into the German rear areas causing the loss of the artillery in an entire front sector, a devastating blow from which the Germans were unable to recover. During this battle, one Whippet – Musical Box – advanced so far it was cut off behind German lines. For nine hours it roamed at will, destroying an artillery battery, an Observation balloon, the camp of an infantry battalion and a transport column of the German 225. Division, inflicting heavy casualties. At one point one of Musical Box’s fuel tanks was ruptured and fuel leaked into the cabin knee deep. The crew had to wear gas masks to survive the fumes. Eventually, a German shell disabled it and as the crew abandoned the tank one was shot and killed and the other two were taken prisoner.
Maybe tanks can blitz after turn 10 then? I remember a set of rules that Imperius Leader wrote for WWI that included a roll to see if your tanks broke down before combat. I think that was more likely than a blitz in WWI…
They can move 2, but they cannot blitz, until turn 10
I played through a couple rounds on my own, but I made a few changes. I got rid of the Pacific board altogether in order to lessen the Allied powers total income and eleminate their opportunity to gain even more unchallenged income from the Pacific board. I think that was a good decision.
I didn’t use the Western France space. That seemed to make France too easy a push-over for the Germans. One thing I did like, however, is that Germany seems to start with two options that both seem reasonably possible- take Paris or take London.
The UK and Russian navies got blown fairly easily, but I think that was dice more than an imbalance.
While I didn’t play long enough, it seemed to be that the Central Powers have the advantage in the beginning having opportunity to take France, Italy, and African territories, but eventually the US, UK, and Russian economies will dominate if the Central Powers don’t work fast enough…you know, like most Axis and Allies games.
It is a fun variant. Thanks, Empireman.