Nice, maybe i can try this HR! Thanks
If some of you were waiting for an official word, here it is from Larry himself… last changes were from February 11th. What you see on this link is what we will get in the 2nd edition due out this fall some early analysis based on some games that just started online here on this page so far. Still in the middle of playtesting though. Link (my early analysis near the bottom of the page): -
Quote from Larry - “Alpha +3 is indeed finished - it has been for some time now.
The next time you will see it is when the the Pacific and Europe 1940 2nd Edition games come out. When will that be, you ask - I suspect within 6 months.”;)
hell ya! i’m not going to miss Europe this time, and since I already have pacific I’ll finally have global!
Mmmm… the good news are that we’ll get a final and physical version. That’s the way the things should be. Still, we could yet suffer more changes… if WOTC want to do it, they’ll do regardless Larry wants or not
But the better is that, in 6 months, we can discard all this alpha headache. Then we’ll have 1st edition and 2nd edition, and that will be all (let’s pray). I hope the price we’ll be much lesser this time (they used free testers after all :-P ) or at least that will come with enough TBs for Japan. A free PDF with the corrections for 1st edition owners is the minimal they should do
besides the rules, and shading of convoys/kamikaze on the map, enough tactical bombers and mech inf, what else would they change?
will we get actual pieces for IC’s, bases and aa guns?
besides the rules, and shading of convoys/kamikaze on the map, enough tactical bombers and mech inf, what else would they change?
will we get actual pieces for IC’s, bases and aa guns?
probably, to save costs, they will ship the same board and units as the current old Europe 1940 shipped with. and most likely the same rulebook and misspellings too…… hahaha
same rulebook
That would be a BIG problem.
Yeah I got a feeling WOTC will screw this up somehow. I hope they make the minor changes (z6 and convoy shading) and add the IC/AA pieces but I doubt it. Hopefully they don’t mess up the A3 document Larry sent them- we will all see this fall I guess.
I don’t see them adding extra plastic.
I mean, why would they? We’re probably still going to get Italian Panther Tanks too. Maybe if someone posts a document, to Larry, that’s well thought out, and covers ALL OF THE DEFICIENCES we’re discussing, over at Harris Game Design, he might circulate the list around - to PREVENT short comings.
Q, you up for it?
Have a minimal MUST FIX list,
and then a DESIRED column, for things like proper nation specific AA guns etc.
Been there, done that. Â Along with a couple others a couple of months ago when we knew the project was nearing the end. Â If I remember correctly, there was a “no” on more plastic and real money, but a “maybe” (I think) on the map fixes. Â I’m thinking the only thing that will be different is the instructions, setup charts and maybe- just maybe the map shading. Â That’s it.
Would they maybe sell an expansion pack?
And Make Money?
Would they maybe sell an expansion pack?
I would love for this to happen, but since its WOTC, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Glad the changes are finished though! :-D
They must fix the seazone issue in Manchuria/Korea/Amur (forget the number off the top of my head)
The cardboard chits for bases/ICs/AA are prob here to stay.
Though it would be nice to have nation specific AA since they can no longer be captured, stack and can be taken as casualties.
The question is still begging though Is it really finished???
Somethings are never over. 0:38 to 1:28 ;)
No paper money is a shame, leave it to the mathamaticians at WOTC to take the fun out of spending. I can see a whole generation of A&A players smuging their numbers with a pencil and eraser…. THIS AIN’T D&D WOTC…SHAME.
have to use monopoly money :-(
….green houses for minor ICs and the red hotels for major ICs. I don’t have enough chips so I use pennies and nickels. For airbases I use old cigarette butts and for naval bases I use little rolled up gobs of toilet paper. I tried using marbles for AA guns but they keep rolling off the table so now I use raisins. Its a good game though :cry:
….green houses for minor ICs and the red hotels for major ICs. I don’t have enough chips so I use pennies and nickels. For airbases I use old cigarette butts and for naval bases I use little rolled up gobs of toilet paper. I tried using marbles for AA guns but they keep rolling off the table so now I use raisins. Its a good game though :cry:
I heard that little pieces of pocket lint work well as Italian artillery.
I would sure hope that they would put money in the game, nothin like buying a game and you have to furnish your own pieces,the molds are out there its just a matter of adding a few scense (cents) to the game.
I have lots of games with the cardboard cut outs and we dont play them……why because we like to see the piecesPlease make it a top notch game with top notch pieces
not included in set, paper clip,pencil eraser, Monopoly money wad of chewing gum…etc.