• I made this mostly to play with my family as they like and know RISK but axis and allies is a very daunting game. This game is axis and allies with a risk style start. Each nation essentially starts in peace and the game will begin with nations grabbing for as much territory as they can get. War is inevitable. Alliances will be made, faces will be smashed….i got nothing else. Enjoy.

    RISK and Axis and Allies
    Hybrid of A&A Global 1940 and RISK
    All rules are global alpha 3.9.

    ONE EXCEPTION: AA GUNS-not 3 rolls per AA gun, roll as many dice as there are enemy planes. AA cost 6 IPC, may still be taken as casualties and there is no limit to how many AA guns may be in one territory (Still only one dice per plane)

    Players: 2, 4, 6, 8
    Board: Axis and Allies Global 1940 (Pacific and Europe 1940 maps combined)
    Before start, players must select their nationalities.
    Each player rolls 2 6d or 1 12d, Highest roll chooses first, lowest chooses last. You may choose to choose last (Dont overcomplicate this) Ties are resolved or rerolled (only tied players reroll). First to choose last chooses last, second to choose last second to last, etc…
    -Turn order is reverse of choosing nations. (Whoever chose first goes last, whoever chose last goes first, etc…)-This is where choosing to go last comes in to play ;)

    Victory Conditions: One player or team controls atleast 17 VCs and all his/hers/their capitals at the end of a round of play.
    Suggested games: FFA, 4 teams of 2, 2 teams of 4
    2 teams of 4: Suggestion- Pacific (India, China, Japan and ANZAC) vs Atlantic (USA, UK/France, Germany, USSR)
    4 teams of 2: Suggestion- team up players with close capitals (Example: Uk/France and Germany)

    IMPORTANT! Change the value of the following territories:
    .Eastern US, change to 7 IPC
    .Central US, change to 4 IPC
    .Western US, change to 3 IPC

    USA represented by blue (French) Washington
    China represented by green (USA) Hongkong
    Inda represented by brown (Italy) Calcutta
    UK/France represented by tan (UK) London
    ANZAC (grey) Sydney
    Germany (black) Berlin
    USSR (red) Moscow
    Japan (orange) Tokyo

    National settup:
    Each nation starts with 17 IPCs
    Each nation places 5 INF, 2 mech, 2 ART, 1 ARM, 1 fighter, 1 destroyer, 1 transport, 1 AA gun, 1 navalbase, 1 airbase, and 1 major IC, placed on any of their nation’s starting territories with the following rules:
    1- Starting ships must be placed in same seazone as naval base.
    2- The Major IC, and naval/air bases must be placed in your nations capital. (UK/France can place its IC on either Paris or London)
    –-Exceptions: ANZAC starts with 3 minor ICs and 3 AA. (ANZAC does not start with a major IC)
    —ANZAC places one minor IC in each New South Whales, Borneo and Celebes
    —ANZAC can place its naval and airbase on any one of these 3; New South Whales, Borneo or Celebes (Does not have to place them on same territory)
    —USSR places its naval base in Archangel

    –------Starting Territorys for each nation (Every nations starting territorys worth 17 IPCs total)-------------------------------
    USA:  E. US, C. US, W. US, Alaska, Aluetion Islands, Hawaii, Midway (Dont forget to change Continental US IPC values)
    UK/France: UK, Scottland, Eire, France, S. France, Normandy/Bordieux
    Germany: Germany, W. Germany, Greater S. Germany, Slovakia/Hungary
    USSR: Archangel, Smolensk, Bryansk, Rostov, Volgograd, Tambov, Russia, Vologda, Nenetsia, Urals, Novosibirsk, Samara
    India: W. India, India, Ceylon, Burma, Shanstate, Siam, French-Indo-China, Malaya, Sumatra
    China: Kwangtung, Kiangsi, Kiangsu, Shangtung, Anhwe, Hunan, Kwangsi, Yunnan, Kweichow, Hopie, Shensi, Szechwan
    Japan: Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Amur, Okinawa, Iwojima
    ANZAC: Victoria, New S. Whales, Queensland, N. Territory, S. Australia, W. Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, New Britian,  New Gunea, Dutch New Gunea, Celebes, Borneo, Gilbert, Fiji, Samoa

    Open to comments/suggestions

  • There are no national objectives or territory blocks for bonus income.
    Japan, or any nation, does not have any kamikaze attacks.
    Convoy raids follow alpha rules.

  • Customizer

    I really like the idea of changing the Continental US territories values. This makes the game much more fair. We recently played sort of a RISK style game with the Global map, but did it a little different from your idea. Each nation just picked 1 territory with a VC to be their capital and had to branch out from there to get more territories.
    One player rolled for first pick and chose Eastern USA/Washington as his capital so he immediately had 20 IPCs to start with, compared to the rest having 5 or 6, and in a couple of cases 3 IPCs (Rome and Moscow). As you can imagine, that player became pretty overwhelming pretty quickly, despite having to kill another player that chose San Fransico/Western USA as their capital. He then quickly gobbled up all of North and South America while the other players squabbled with each other in Europe and China.

  • @knp7765:

    I really like the idea of changing the Continental US territories values. This makes the game much more fair. We recently played sort of a RISK style game with the Global map, but did it a little different from your idea. Each nation just picked 1 territory with a VC to be their capital and had to branch out from there to get more territories.
    One player rolled for first pick and chose Eastern USA/Washington as his capital so he immediately had 20 IPCs to start with, compared to the rest having 5 or 6, and in a couple of cases 3 IPCs (Rome and Moscow). As you can imagine, that player became pretty overwhelming pretty quickly, despite having to kill another player that chose San Fransico/Western USA as their capital. He then quickly gobbled up all of North and South America while the other players squabbled with each other in Europe and China.

    The reason it is set up like it is is because of balance issues you just pointed out,

    After one turn here are the incomes of the 8 nations:
    ANZAC - 21
    India - 21
    China - 23
    Japan - 24
    UK/France - 26
    USA - 30
    USSR - 35
    Germany - 36

    And after one round i have made the following changes:

    USSR will only start with ONE AA gun
    UK/France will have the option of placing their major IC on either France or UK (Paris or London)
    ANZAC can place their air and naval base on either of the 3; New South Whales, Borneo or Celebes (Does not have to place them on the same territory)

  • @knp7765:

    I really like the idea of changing the Continental US territories values. This makes the game much more fair. We recently played sort of a RISK style game with the Global map, but did it a little different from your idea. Each nation just picked 1 territory with a VC to be their capital and had to branch out from there to get more territories.
    One player rolled for first pick and chose Eastern USA/Washington as his capital so he immediately had 20 IPCs to start with, compared to the rest having 5 or 6, and in a couple of cases 3 IPCs (Rome and Moscow). As you can imagine, that player became pretty overwhelming pretty quickly, despite having to kill another player that chose San Fransico/Western USA as their capital. He then quickly gobbled up all of North and South America while the other players squabbled with each other in Europe and China.

    sounds like the one I made, did you see my version of G40 risk?

  • @empireman:


    I really like the idea of changing the Continental US territories values. This makes the game much more fair. We recently played sort of a RISK style game with the Global map, but did it a little different from your idea. Each nation just picked 1 territory with a VC to be their capital and had to branch out from there to get more territories.
    One player rolled for first pick and chose Eastern USA/Washington as his capital so he immediately had 20 IPCs to start with, compared to the rest having 5 or 6, and in a couple of cases 3 IPCs (Rome and Moscow). As you can imagine, that player became pretty overwhelming pretty quickly, despite having to kill another player that chose San Fransico/Western USA as their capital. He then quickly gobbled up all of North and South America while the other players squabbled with each other in Europe and China.

    sounds like the one I made, did you see my version of G40 risk?

    Yes i did, though i dont think its very balanced

    Which is why i made this one ;)

  • @Uncrustable:



    I really like the idea of changing the Continental US territories values. This makes the game much more fair. We recently played sort of a RISK style game with the Global map, but did it a little different from your idea. Each nation just picked 1 territory with a VC to be their capital and had to branch out from there to get more territories.
    One player rolled for first pick and chose Eastern USA/Washington as his capital so he immediately had 20 IPCs to start with, compared to the rest having 5 or 6, and in a couple of cases 3 IPCs (Rome and Moscow). As you can imagine, that player became pretty overwhelming pretty quickly, despite having to kill another player that chose San Fransico/Western USA as their capital. He then quickly gobbled up all of North and South America while the other players squabbled with each other in Europe and China.

    sounds like the one I made, did you see my version of G40 risk?

    Yes i did, though i dont think its very balanced

    Which is why i made this one ;)

    yah needs a few tweeks, like East us value to 10. anything else?

  • .Eastern US, change to 7 IPC
    .Central US, change to 4 IPC
    .Western US, change to 3 IPC

    Approximately 1/3 value

  • @Uncrustable:

    .Eastern US, change to 7 IPC
    .Central US, change to 4 IPC
    .Western US, change to 3 IPC

    Approximately 1/3 value

    C. Us and W. US should be worth more, they should all be 10, and maybe E. US 11 or 12.

  • For realism maybe, for balance i think those numbers work well

    Maybe 8, 5, 4 would work, otherwise one player will be OP (one player claimed E US and noone claimed anyother territory in the americas), or 2 players will effectively be taken out before game even starts (Someone took E US and someone else took W US)

    Anyhow my game here is not as true RISK style as is yours so it is apples and oranges

    I dont beleive that continental US should be worth 31+ IPCs when UK is 6, Japan is 8, and Germany is 14

    Japan 8, E US 7, UK 6, Germany and W Germany each 5 those are the top territories and all pretty close

    As it stands USSR actually will gain the most IPCs on its first couple of turns, but it also will have the hardest time defending them since there are so many.
    UK/France is a little stuck but doesnt have to divide its forces between multiple fronts for atleast 2-3 turns
    Germany will be competing with USSR for top income but will have a tough time fighting a 2 front war vs 2 heavy hitters (USSR and UK/France)
    ANZAC with an airbase and naval base on Celebes can dominate the Pacific islands but will quickly face some tough choices on where to take its fight to the mainland.
    India has the best shot at Africa if its willing to make a few sacrifices in asia.
    China really has it tough, though if India goes Africa and ANZAC focuses on taking all the money islands then China and Japan will fight 1 on 1 for several turns

    This is a pure FFA analysis. Im looking forward to some 2v2v2v2 and 4v4 games
    The 2v2v2v2 is most appealing.

  • @Uncrustable:

    For realism maybe, for balance i think those numbers work well

    Maybe 8, 5, 4 would work, otherwise one player will be OP (one player claimed E US and noone claimed anyother territory in the americas), or 2 players will effectively be taken out before game even starts (Someone took E US and someone else took W US)

    Ok here:

    West US: 7
    Central US: 5
    East US: 10

  • For the purpose of my setup here, US cant total more than 17 IPCs (Starting IPC value of everynation)

    And i wanted Hawaii and Alaska to be part of USAs starting territories,
    Therefore 7, 4, 3 works perfect

    In your style game, Empireman, 10, 6, 5 would probably work well. (50%)

  • @Uncrustable:

    For the purpose of my setup here, US cant total more than 17 IPCs (Starting IPC value of everynation)

    And i wanted Hawaii and Alaska to be part of USAs starting territories,
    Therefore 7, 4, 3 works perfect

    In your style game, Empireman, 10, 6, 5 would probably work well. (50%)

    yeah that would be even for your game and mine would be even in mine.

  • so i’m assuming alpha +3.9 NAs have no place in this game right?

    just thought i’d clarify

  • @guy:

    so i’m assuming alpha +3.9 NAs have no place in this game right?

    just thought i’d clarify

    No they dont ;)

    Collect money for the territory’s you own and nothing more

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