Alsch (Axis) vs Auswanderersland and JamesAleman (Allies) Alpha 2
And -
1 Inf Rho to Swf (mt) -
Sfw twol
Attack (1 Inf, 2 Fig, 1 Tac)
Rolls: 1@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (6)2@3: (5, 2)1@4: (3)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)Irq
Attack (18 Inf, 7 Art, 1 Mech, 3 Arm)
Rolls: 12@1 14@2 3@3; Total Hits: 1212@1: (2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 6, 1)14@2: (1, 2, 1, 5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 3, 5)3@3: (5, 2, 1)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1) -
Irq twlo 1 Inf
Eth cwlo 1 InfNon-coms
2 Fig, 1 Tac Eth to Egy
5 Inf Egy to Trj
1 AA gun Trj to Irq
1 DD SZ 98 to SZ 72
1 SS SZ 98 to SZ 80
1 Arm Fea to Egy
1 Arm Con to Egy
1 Inf Con to Sud
1 SS SZ 70 to SZ 82
1 Fig Sita to Egy
1 BB, 2 CA to SZ 98 to SZ 99
5 TT SZ 99 - 97 - 99, take
8 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA gun Nita to Syr
1 SS SZ 87 to SZ 92Place
3 Inf Egy
1 DD SZ 95
7 Inf, 3 Art NitaCollect
31 + 17 NO = 48 IPCs
G 8
64 IPCs
1 Fig (20)
14 Inf (42)
3 Art (12)save 0
3 Inf, 2 Fig, 2 Tac Nukr to Sukr
1 SS SZ 110 to SZ 114
1 Fig, 1 Tac SZ 112 to SZ 114
1 Fig, 2 Tac SZ Wgr to SZ 114 -
Attack (3 Inf, 2 Fig, 2 Tac)
Rolls: 3@1 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 23@1: (5, 1, 4)2@3: (6, 4)2@4: (1, 5)Defense (3 Inf)
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (3, 2, 3)SZ 114
Attack (1 SS, 2 Fig, 3 Tac)
Rolls: 1@2 3@3 2@4; Total Hits: 41@2: (5)3@3: (3, 5, 2)2@4: (4, 4)Defense (1 BB)
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (1) -
SZ 114 cwlo 1 SS
Sukr R2
Attack (2 Inf, 2 Fig, 2 Tac)
Rolls: 2@1 2@3 2@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (1, 1)2@3: (4, 2)2@4: (5, 6)Defense (1 Inf)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4) -
Sukr twlo 1 Inf
2 Fig, 2 Tac Sukr to Gre
2 Fig, 1 Tac Wgr to Irq
2 Fig, 3 Tac SZ 114 to Wgr
1 SS SZ 125 to SZ 110
1 SS SZ 82 to SZ 87
18 Inf, 8 Art Epl to Nukr
2 Inf, 1 Art Bal to Epl
13 Inf Pol to Epl
9 Inf, 1 Art Ger to Pol
1 Arm Wgr to Pol
1 Inf, 1 Art Nov to Bal
1 Inf Nov to Bel
1 Inf Bel to EplPlace
2 Inf, 1 Art Nov
8 Inf, 2 Art Ger
4 Inf, 1 Fig WgrCollect
49 + 15 = 64 IPCs
Andy, don’t forget to put a USSR inf on the Anzac trn in zone 6.
France Turn 7
No production
No combat
Noncombat move:
To Saf: 1 inf from transport(British) Z71
No placement
No collection
Please note that combat map contains Germany Turn 8.
Russia to follow.
Russia Turn 8
Production 28 IPC: 8 inf 1 art
24 + 4 = 28 Save 0Combat move:
To Sukr: 3 inf, 2 tac, 3 fig
3 inf, 2 tac, 2 fig
Rolls: 3@1 3@3 2@4; Total Hits: 43@1: (1, 4, 4)3@3: (5, 1, 1)2@4: (1, 5)2 inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 2) -
combat map
Turn 8 Russia
To Bry: 3 fig, 2 tac Sukr; 8 inf 1art; 1 mec Sam
To Amu: 10 inf Korea
To Novo: 1 AA Russia Sam
To Anzac Transport Z6: 1 inf KoreaPlacement
To Russia: 8 inf, 1 art
Collect 28 IPC
Map IPC + turn updated
Russia Turn 8 map
Andy did not slide the aagun to Amu as I suggested, new map:
65 IPCs
19 Inf (57)
save 8
1 SS SZ 6 to SZ 20
7 Fig, 7 Tac Kwa to SZ 20
2 Fig, 1 Tac SZ 36 to SZ 201 Inf Jeh to Man
1 Strat Kwa to Man2 Strat Kwa to Ind (bomb IC)
1 SS SZ 36 to SZ 44 (TT destroyed)
1 SS, 2 TT SZ 36 to SZ 42 (TT destroyed), take
3 Inf, 1 Art Kwa to Jav
1 Fig, 2 Tac SZ 36 to Jav