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Piss Off El Cheapo !!!
Oh cool that I just read this now :D I was planning on buying the map today or tommorow, well better wait some more :))
When is the release date? Can you outline some of the major changes?
Larger Europe, UK, Japan
No changes to borders, zones, etc
Better written Rules.
No Belgium? :(
Are the rules/setup on Boardgamegeek the most recent version?
Are the rules/setup on Boardgamegeek the most recent version?
Yes, expect some minor revisions in a week or two.
when will this new map be avail? 2 weeks? or sooner/later?
Can’t wait! Sounds Awesome!
How can you perfect something that is already Sooooo goooood!?
Thanks for all your efforts.
Need to make this topic a sticky. :-D
MOD: I suggest this be moved to new 1939 GLOBAL Forum
Is the game playable with a map 72"x33" so it can insert into my global table, or must it be bigger than that?
I know that you are revising the map, so I’d like to ask: Can you put ROME closer to it’s real location? (withouth changing the game mechanics)
Rome should be in the middle of Italy, you’ve put it where Venice is located.
Is the game playable with a map 72"x33" so it can insert into my global table, or must it be bigger than that?
The smaller size will be 34" X 72" so you may need to trim a little off the top and bottom for proper fit into your table. I have the small version of the original and I thought it was fine. But the revised is blowing up the smaller areas so that the small size map is less crowded. I would say the small revised will be easily playable. The bigger size will be epically cool for those that have the room for it.
Is the game playable with a map 72"x33" so it can insert into my global table, or must it be bigger than that?
The smaller size will be 34" X 72" so you may need to trim a little off the top and bottom for proper fit into your table. I have the small version of the original and I thought it was fine. But the revised is blowing up the smaller areas so that the small size map is less crowded. I would say the small revised will be easily playable. The bigger size will be epically cool for those that have the room for it.
Thanks, who is designing the revised map?
Tigerman of course! He’s just enlarging Europe and Japan. Everything else will be the same. Check it out on Facebook. Coach has been posting pics of the progress.
Edit: Also, if you do a Facebook search for “Global War 1939”, it has its own page that I built for it. The map is displayed there as the main pic.
Are the rules/setup on Boardgamegeek the most recent version?
Yes, expect some minor revisions in a week or two.
Are the rules only available on BGG, or are they here somewhere as well?
Use BGG since any updates will go there too. The new map will not require new rules, but I am in the process of revising the rules to be a “stand alone” set so you don’t need to read the G40 rules. There will likely be a few minor changes over the last set, but nothing major. It will be posted to BGG for download after it has been reviewed and approved by Tigerman and Coach.