Yeah, it took me a while to figure out as well. Before I had TripleA I was super frustrated not being able to read those files.
Favorite country to use.
Allies: United Kingdom hands down
Axis: Germany, with Italy as a close second -
Allies: UK.
Axis: Japan.Overall… I think UK, although they sometimes have a really bad game.
Axis: Japan
Allies: I do not enjoy playing the Allies too much, I don’t like the freedom of not being able to have a pro-active strategy, so my final answer is Japan. -
USSR, Second would be Germany but only if I have planes round 2
germany and as the allies i like the uk
Germany is the prime faction in axis and allies. It is more important than Japan (as in, it is better to have a better player as Germany rather than Japan), and sets the tone for every game.
Allies: Like munchie, i dislike the allies. To much waiting around for the US, who sometimes can’t even deliver. But if I had to choose, France, so I could die quickly and play as the axis again!
Germany is the most important, Japan the most fun. If I can’t play all the allies at once, then playing one of them alone isn’t that fun.
Sorry guys, I changed my mind.
For Axis: Japan
For Allies:Russia or UK -
All of the axis
Any of the Imperialist western nations, who have benefitted from white privledge.
After-all, those despicable Nazi Germans and their MULTI-CULTURAL alliance with Japan were totally evil.
It makes me feel good everytime I stop the axis, and thier godless race-mixing goals. Helping China, and Aiding Japan, against the traditional powers of old. Horrible.
How DARE they allow visible ethnic minorities into their militaries, without being conscripted into segregated units, or colonial divisions like America, Britain, or France had the good sense to do.
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