I play spring 42 a fair bit as the axis, that is what game I play. Bombers can always be used as long as your opponent co-operates and leaves lots of targets around to be smoked my your mass of bombers. I however do my best not to co-operate with the strategy of my opponent. I will stack some territories so carefully that you would gut your self amphibious assaulting them. While other territories are left wide open to dead zone and have very few infantry sitting there to be amphibious assaulted supported by battleship/cruiser shots double supported by fleet defense fighters and triple supported with bombers. When I see 3 infantry in a dead zone I attack with 2 usually and maybe 3 and lots of air power so I leave little behind for the bombers to attrit.
So, the allies have tried SBR ing me to death as Germany and went heavy investment in bombers. At times I faced both Germany and Southern Europe with close to max damage on the ICs but was in a fine defensive posture otherwise. So rather than take the damage from Ger from 19 damage to 3 so I could build 7 infantry I build NOTHING that round and don’t leave lots of targets around for the 8-9 allied bombers tasked with SBR’ing the snot out of Germany. So therefore they sit idle until the next round when I spend 19 to repair Germany and purchase 10 tanks.
I agree, ground attacks that bombers will make a difference on are a better use of the bomber than an SBR. So, you want to take a deadzone territory from Germany, you have a battleship shot, a cruiser shot, the 4 fighters sitting on the carriers and you are landing 3 Infantry to kill 2. Do you think those bombers are going to get the battle over that much quicker so it saves you money in the form of fewer casualties?
Sure, if you forgo an attack of 3 infantry on 2 to capture a territory worth 2 because you would rather not use the 3 infantry at all and the bomber only to net you an average of 3.5 on an undefended IC you have made a rather poor choice. Is this typical of the opponents you play that a single 1 bomber attack on the wrong target won you the game based on the difference of a few IPC?