@simon33 I’ll try to do so. I’m relatively new to the the league and I don’t want tro mess anything up. Therefore I tent to ask about interception, scramble, ool…
'12L souL (Axis) v. LuckyLindy (Allies +9)
America turn 7
48 IPC
2 destroyers
2 ac
save 4 IPCCombat Moves
Z34 (transport) v fighter (RUS)
PER (infantry) v 5 fighters (RUS)
Z51 (destroyer) v destroyer (Z56), 4 fighters (Z53), 4 fighters (WUS)PER
A - 5 fighters
Rolls: 5@3; Total Hits: 45@3: (2, 3, 6, 3, 3)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
PER cleared with 4 fighters
A - destroyer, 8 fighters
Rolls: 1@2 8@3; Total Hits: 61@2: (4)8@3: (2, 5, 3, 3, 1, 6, 1, 1)
D - destroyer
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
Z51 taken with destroyer, 8 fighters
Noncombat Moves
fighter from Z34 to EGY
infantry, artillery from SUD to EGY
2 fighters from Z12 to CAU
4 fighters from PER to CAU
4 fighters from Z51 to Z53
4 fighters from Z51 to Z56
ac from Z12 to Z22Mobilize
2 ac, 2 destroyers in Z56
38 + 10 NO + 4 saved = 52
4 inf art 4 arm ftrcombat:
bmb ger -> rus *sbr
inf 2 ftr epl -> bel
inf pol, ftr epl -> bstrus
aRolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)
dmgRolling 1d6:
aRolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)1@3: (5)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
bmb down, bst twol
aRolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 21@1: (2)2@3: (3, 3)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
bel cleared, not taken
ftr bst, 2 ftr bel, 5 inf pol, 2 arm ger -> epl
8 inf ger -> bst
11 inf fra -> germobilize:
4 inf art 4 arm ftr gercollect:
27+10=37, has 37 -
Soviet turn 8
19 IPC
6 infantry
save 1 IPCCombat Moves
UKR (empty) v infantry (CAU)
EUK (infantry) v infantry, fighter (RUS)
BST (infantry) v infantry (KAR), bomber (RUS)
NOV (empty) v infantry (RUS)
TRJ (3 infantry, artillery) v 8 tanks (CAU)dice
A - infantry, fighter
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (6)1@3: (6)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
EUK round 2
A - infantry, fighter
Rolls: 1@1 1@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (3)1@3: (6)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
EUK holds
A - infantry, bomber
Rolls: 1@1 1@4; Total Hits: 01@1: (5)1@4: (6)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
BST round 2
A - infantry, bomber
Rolls: 1@1 1@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (3)1@4: (3)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
BST taken with infantry, bomber
A - 8 tanks
Rolls: 8@3; Total Hits: 28@3: (3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6)
D - 3 infantry, artillery
Rolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 04@2: (3, 4, 5, 3)
TRJ round 2
A - 8 tanks
Rolls: 8@3; Total Hits: 68@3: (4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 2)
D - infantry, artillery
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 4)
TRJ taken with 8 tanks
Noncombat Moves
infantry from RUS to URA
infantry from RUS to BEL
fighter from EUK to CAU
bomber from BST to RUS
10 infantry from RUS to CAU
infantry from CAU to PERMobilize
2 infantry in CAU
4 infantry in RUSIncome
23 + 1 saved = 24
ic bmb 6 inf cv 2 ftrcombat:
dd 6 ftr 50, 2 ftr 36 -> 51
2 inf bmb eve -> nov
2 inf ind, bmb fic -> per
bmb fic -> cau *sbrcau
aRolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 01@1: (4)
dmgRolling 1d6:
aRolls: 2@1 1@4; Total Hits: 02@1: (5, 6)1@4: (5)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
aRolls: 2@1 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (1, 3)1@4: (6)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
aRolls: 2@1 1@4; Total Hits: 22@1: (6, 1)1@4: (4)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
per twol, 5 dmg cau *7 total
aRolls: 1@2 8@3; Total Hits: 61@2: (1)8@3: (1, 4, 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 2)
dRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)
51 cwol
2 inf bur, bmb cau, arm fic -> ind
trn 37 -> 38 load 2 inf -> 35 unload
2 inf art fic -> bur
2 trn 36 -> 62 load 2 inf art arm jpn unload man
bmb nov, bmb per, bmb jpn -> fic
bb 30, cv 2 ftr 38 -> 35
sub dd 38, 4 ftr 51 -> 50
cv dd 50, dd cv 36, 4 ftr 51 -> 62mobilize:
ic ind, cv 2 ftr 62, 4 in jpn, 2 inf bmb sumcollect:
52+15=67, has 67 -
Britain turn 8
31 IPC
5 infantry
3 tanks
save 1 IPCCombat Moves
PER (2 infantry) v infantry (KAZ), 2 fighters, bomber (CAU)
A - infantry, 2 fighters, bomber
Rolls: 1@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (5)2@3: (2, 5)1@4: (6)
D - 2 infantry
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (4, 6)
PER round 2
A - infantry, 2 fighters, bomber
Rolls: 1@1 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (4)2@3: (5, 2)1@4: (3)
D - infantry
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)