@general-6-stars I have a physical map that I have made. It’s mostly rules i am trying to develop. Thanks for showing me your map.
Next Sets from Historical Board Gaming
I just find it funny how US gets 2 sets, germany gets (basically) 2 sets, russia gets 1, japan gets 1, france gets 1, Italy has one (FMG), and Neutrals get 1, but no word on the British. Next thing you know China will get one and still no British plans. :-D just talking about the big white elephant in the room.
Hey Coach I was checking out your site and saw you can’t order individual pieces for the neutrals yet. I personally am not going to use all of these pieces in your set and love the ability to buy only the pieces I want as I already ordered from the Axis minors and USA sets. Any time table if there is one to order these individually? The Russian set looks tremendous can’t wait. On my wish list I have Britain, Britain colonial (India), new Italian set would be nice. thanks for all you do Coach these pieces rule.
if you search around the forums a bit i think coach has plans for all of the things you are asking for(UK,italky,Japan 2 ect ect …), so help support HBG so they can continue to bring us great products.
Hey Coach I was checking out your site and saw you can’t order individual pieces for the neutrals yet. I personally am not going to use all of these pieces in your set and love the ability to buy only the pieces I want as I already ordered from the Axis minors and USA sets. Any time table if there is one to order these individually? The Russian set looks tremendous can’t wait. On my wish list I have Britain, Britain colonial (India), new Italian set would be nice. thanks for all you do Coach these pieces rule.
It is always 3-4 weeks after I get the new pieces in.
I need time for my U.S. quality control to go through the pieces. -
Im really looking forward for the Russian set. The early war German set has an estimate it release date of June 1st, is this still valid date cause I dont see any pics of them.
No, I’m afraid that date is no longer valid. It was set like 6 months ago but Coach’s plans have changed since then. He had trouble with the factory getting the Italian Brown Axis Minors in the right color and the Neutral sets took a little longer than expected. Then he decieded to go with the Russian set before the 2nd German set so that pushed the 2nd German set back a little farther.
The Russian set should be on time. Then he has to get all the sculpts finished for the 2nd German set and approve final versions. I’m very anxious for the 2nd German set too but we will get them before too much longer. Just have to be patient.
I have searched the boards and can’t seem to find anyone talking about what should be in a british set. If you have a link to one it would be great
I have seen some talk about possible units for Britain, but not a lot. The UK is still a ways off for both HBG and FMG.
Russians in 4 weeks, German set after that, Japanese after that……
Russians in 4 weeks, German set after that, Japanese after that……
Coach, are you referreing to the FMG German units or are you designing your own set?
Russians in 4 weeks, German set after that, Japanese after that……
Coach, are you referreing to the FMG German units or are you designing your own set?
I think he’s talking about his own German Set #2 - being produced right after the Ruskies. FMG’s ought to be out soon coincidentally (Jeremy gave a May 19th planned release date…but we’ll see I suppose).
Russians in 4 weeks, German set after that, Japanese after that……
Coach, are you referreing to the FMG German units or are you designing your own set?
You need to hop on HBG’s site under “Battle Pieces” and “In Production”. There you will see the Russian Early War set which he already has sculpts for. Also, there is the Germany 2 set. No sculpts for this one yet because it’s still in the works but you should check out the list of pieces that will be in this set. Really cool stuff. Some included are Tiger tanks, Panzer IV, Panzer II, Elephant tank destroyer and the Me262. I’m really looking forward to it. -
Okay, thanks for the tip. :-) Checked out the site, very nice.
4 weeks??? On the website it says June 30th, so its most likely mid June now? Thats even better coach. Keep up the good work. Any timeline for the German set? Im looking forward for those Bf 110s
The German 2 set is not 100% finalized. Coach just decided to include a type XXI U-Boat for those that want to do some serious convoy disruptions! There may be more surprises before this set is done…
wow thats awesome. I also want to point out that he is doing a Tiger tank but since FMG is doing it too, it will be better to make something different.
What happen to the Panzer IV in German set 2? is it a dead issue now? Panzer IV was a seriously produced medium tank of the German Army and SS Divs. It was used in conjunction with a Battalion of Panthers mainly after Kursk and onwards. Panzer III was regulated to a secondary light tank roll and many coverted to Stug IIIs.
Yeah, I saw that the Panzer IV and Panzer II were no longer on the list. I also saw the newly added Type XXI U-boat, which would be a really cool alternative to the current U-Boats we have and will have with the FMG German set. There is also an item simply marked with “??”.
First, I agree with georgemak1 and WARRIOR888, don’t scrap the Panzer IV. You should put that back in the list and remove the Tiger. I know you aren’t worried about a few repeat pieces, but we will be getting the Tiger from FMG. What we won’t be getting is a Panzer IV. Please reconsider.
Also, you should put the Panzer II back in. That’s a really good light tank for Germany to have. Yeah, I know we have the Panzer 38(t) from the Axis Minors sets, but Panzer II was more widely used I think.
Just curious, but why 6 halftracks? Everything else in this set is 2 each. I would have thought that you would make more of the Fallschirmjager units than anything else. It’s your set and you will make it how you want, but personally I would prefer 6 Fallschirmjager and 2 halftracks, or perhaps 4 of each. Let’s not forget that Tall Paul is chomping at the bit for more airborne units.
A typical game will not need 6 German Airborne units but since I have many requests for mechs and tacs as well as a heavy tank, I must do these. HBG needs its own sets and tries to vary its pieces as much as possible, I also must make the iconic pieces needed for our games and cannot rely on other companies to make them for us . I always try to give the best selection and remember, you can always buy more Airborne if you need it.
Coach -
Coach I totally appreciate what you are doing but I also think the Mark 4 is a must. It is the one tank Germany had that soldiered through the whole war. Love the addition of the sub by the way. I will be buying these as well. Continued success. thanks